Help -- program planning# Education - 教育学
1 楼
有人学这方面的么? 这个作业好难啊:
You have hired as the first Extension Director and Director of
Continuing Education for satellite office of a local community
college. The community college serves as a six county region and
because of the large service area, because these two counties
are the farthest from the main campus, and because of the unique
needs of these two counties, it has been decided to open a satellite
campus in that area. As the Director, you have community college
experience but you are new to
You have hired as the first Extension Director and Director of
Continuing Education for satellite office of a local community
college. The community college serves as a six county region and
because of the large service area, because these two counties
are the farthest from the main campus, and because of the unique
needs of these two counties, it has been decided to open a satellite
campus in that area. As the Director, you have community college
experience but you are new to