pls help me to answer some questions
pls help me to answer some questions# EnglishChat - 鸟语花香
Hi, Pls help me explan these TOEFL listning questions.
Thanks a lot.
1. M: I have no will power when it comes to eating dessert.
Q: What's the meaning of " no will power "?
2. W: Although Herry passed all his courses, he dropped out of
college in june.
Q: What's the meaning of " drop out of "?
3. M: Opposite the clinic is the administration building?
Q: What's the meaning of opposite? why is it equal to acoss from?
4. M: Bob's looking run-down lately.
Q: What's the mea

no appetite
he quit college
I guess it's spoken language.
lose charming
I guess it's 'trap'
he was injured? after a rest period.

【在 s****n 的大作中提到】
: Hi, Pls help me explan these TOEFL listning questions.
: Thanks a lot.
: 1. M: I have no will power when it comes to eating dessert.
: Q: What's the meaning of " no will power "?
: 2. W: Although Herry passed all his courses, he dropped out of
: college in june.
: Q: What's the meaning of " drop out of "?
: 3. M: Opposite the clinic is the administration building?
: Q: What's the meaning of opposite? why is it equal to acoss from?
: 4. M: Bob's looking run-down lately.


xixi, yeah, he is obsessed with dessert :-)
Yeah, you've got it :-) bob is exhausted or in poor health later.

【在 s****n 的大作中提到】
: Hi, Pls help me explan these TOEFL listning questions.
: Thanks a lot.
: 1. M: I have no will power when it comes to eating dessert.
: Q: What's the meaning of " no will power "?
: 2. W: Although Herry passed all his courses, he dropped out of
: college in june.
: Q: What's the meaning of " drop out of "?
: 3. M: Opposite the clinic is the administration building?
: Q: What's the meaning of opposite? why is it equal to acoss from?
: 4. M: Bob's looking run-down lately.
