cannot imagine what the world would be without music....
close your eyes, and think about this: he lies on bed, relaxing;
she asks, what song would you like to hear? he says, oh well, up
to you. so she starts to play her favorite songs, and, singing
along.... .... what song is that? yeah, john denver's country road!
he suddenly remembers all the familiar lyrics, and staring at the
ceiling, and into her eyes, he can't help singing with his heart:
"i hear her voice in the morning hours she calls m

spring has now unwrapped its flowers day is fast reviving
life in all its glorious powers towards the light is striving
all the world is beauty filled, gold, the green enhancing
flowers make glee among the hills and set the meadow dancing

【在 s****n 的大作中提到】
: cannot imagine what the world would be without music....
: close your eyes, and think about this: he lies on bed, relaxing;
: she asks, what song would you like to hear? he says, oh well, up
: to you. so she starts to play her favorite songs, and, singing
: along.... .... what song is that? yeah, john denver's country road!
: he suddenly remembers all the familiar lyrics, and staring at the
: ceiling, and into her eyes, he can't help singing with his heart:
: "i hear her voice in the morning hours she calls m

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