To improve listening skills, you can watch some videos over and over.
Especially the family schemes, because the words they use there are very
To improve talking skills, you need to find some partners and just sit down
and talk. Just like those American boys and girls, they just talk about
their little feelings of something most of the time, might be childish, but
that is a way of improving.
Besides that, read Yahoo\CNN\Washingtonpost news every day. Try to write
some English articles no

【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】

Maybe set up the confidence is also important.
Last time I talked with a guy in an English class. He was born and grew up
in Toronto. His mom is Scottish and Dad is Irish. I told him I don't have
the confidence in Spoken English. It is easily to figure out English is my
second language when I begin to speak cuz of the accent. He said that should
be fine. He said people would think of him as an Italian if he doesn't
shave his beard. Practice is important.
Your advice is good. I decide to keep a

【在 M*********m 的大作中提到】
: To improve listening skills, you can watch some videos over and over.
: Especially the family schemes, because the words they use there are very
: useful.
: To improve talking skills, you need to find some partners and just sit down
: and talk. Just like those American boys and girls, they just talk about
: their little feelings of something most of the time, might be childish, but
: that is a way of improving.
: Besides that, read Yahoo\CNN\Washingtonpost news every day. Try to write
: some English articles no

Yeah, you said it. When I first came into the states, there was a American
professor teaching the language class. Once she told me that my
pronounciation was very good, but I didn't talk much. I told her that
sometimes I just didn't know what to say. She told me something I would
never forget. She said, "When we try to express ourselves, we all make
mistakes, even the native speakers. If you listen carefully, you will notice
that they correct themselves all the time. And that is part of the spea

【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】
: Maybe set up the confidence is also important.
: Last time I talked with a guy in an English class. He was born and grew up
: in Toronto. His mom is Scottish and Dad is Irish. I told him I don't have
: the confidence in Spoken English. It is easily to figure out English is my
: second language when I begin to speak cuz of the accent. He said that should
: be fine. He said people would think of him as an Italian if he doesn't
: shave his beard. Practice is important.
: Your advice is good. I decide to keep a

They make mistakes in spoken English, but somehow I cannot figure out.
Probably it is already informal English,and we do not impose strict grammar
rules on that. In my English literature class, my professor listed some
mistakes from our essays, to my surprise, whites make the same grammar
mistakes and spelling mistakes as we do.
I think what greatly benefits me from my English courses is to write with
your heart.


【在 M*********m 的大作中提到】
: Yeah, you said it. When I first came into the states, there was a American
: professor teaching the language class. Once she told me that my
: pronounciation was very good, but I didn't talk much. I told her that
: sometimes I just didn't know what to say. She told me something I would
: never forget. She said, "When we try to express ourselves, we all make
: mistakes, even the native speakers. If you listen carefully, you will notice
: that they correct themselves all the time. And that is part of the spea

If it is just for communication, we might not care about mistakes, In most
cases, it is understandable with trivial mistakes. But for writers/editors,
it is not possible to make such mistakes.


【在 M*********m 的大作中提到】
: Yeah, you said it. When I first came into the states, there was a American
: professor teaching the language class. Once she told me that my
: pronounciation was very good, but I didn't talk much. I told her that
: sometimes I just didn't know what to say. She told me something I would
: never forget. She said, "When we try to express ourselves, we all make
: mistakes, even the native speakers. If you listen carefully, you will notice
: that they correct themselves all the time. And that is part of the spea

you can also write some occasional poems like microsystem.

【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】

Is journal the same thing as diary?


【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】
: Maybe set up the confidence is also important.
: Last time I talked with a guy in an English class. He was born and grew up
: in Toronto. His mom is Scottish and Dad is Irish. I told him I don't have
: the confidence in Spoken English. It is easily to figure out English is my
: second language when I begin to speak cuz of the accent. He said that should
: be fine. He said people would think of him as an Italian if he doesn't
: shave his beard. Practice is important.
: Your advice is good. I decide to keep a

Yes. I think journal is a more "in" word than diary. :)

【在 s**d 的大作中提到】
: Is journal the same thing as diary?
: should

For you, my friend, I wreathe these flowers
Amid the summer rain, amid a gloomy day
Like a mermaid rescued from the ancient towers
Now she is yours singing in the windy quay
Hehe, appreciated.

【在 s**d 的大作中提到】
: you can also write some occasional poems like microsystem.
You said it. In Chinese, when some words are pronounced wrong by many, they
are accepted. It is the same here.
Actually in different states, a word is pronounced differently. Such as
Determine, some say 'min', some say 'main'. According to different states, I
have been corrected twice.


【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】
: They make mistakes in spoken English, but somehow I cannot figure out.
: Probably it is already informal English,and we do not impose strict grammar
: rules on that. In my English literature class, my professor listed some
: mistakes from our essays, to my surprise, whites make the same grammar
: mistakes and spelling mistakes as we do.
: I think what greatly benefits me from my English courses is to write with
: your heart.
: notice
: speaking

Get a date talking in English??
That should be a good idea.

【在 i******o 的大作中提到】
: Get a date talking in English??
What do you think?
I think it is the same.

【在 s**d 的大作中提到】
: Is journal the same thing as diary?
: should

I have never studied poems before. I guess there are lots of techniques in
writing a poem. Yours is quite good. By the way, who is your favorite poet?
Mine is Robert Frost.

【在 M*********m 的大作中提到】
: For you, my friend, I wreathe these flowers
: Amid the summer rain, amid a gloomy day
: Like a mermaid rescued from the ancient towers
: Now she is yours singing in the windy quay
: Hehe, appreciated.

My favorite poet is Bai Li.
Chuan qian ming yue guang,
Di tou si gu xiang.


【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】
: I have never studied poems before. I guess there are lots of techniques in
: writing a poem. Yours is quite good. By the way, who is your favorite poet?
: Mine is Robert Frost.

hey, where have you been man?

【在 s**d 的大作中提到】
: My favorite poet is Bai Li.
: Chuan qian ming yue guang,
: Di tou si gu xiang.
: ?

You can't.
English is a mature language as is....
You can probably help by invent slangs and stuff...
I don't think there's much improvement needed here...

【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】

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