Introduction and "Bao Dao"# Environmental - 环境科学与工程
1 楼
Location: Houston, Texas
Degree: BS in Civil Engineering, MS in Transportation Engineering, Studying
my 2nd MS degree in Environmental Science by taking part-time classes.
Current Work: Lead GIS Analyst in a consulting company. I have been working
in this company for almost four years. We mainly do GIS service for the
pipeline companies. Our work focus on the environmental integrity management
for the pipeline companies. It's not too much fun to be a GIS analyst
forever. I feel there is no futur
Degree: BS in Civil Engineering, MS in Transportation Engineering, Studying
my 2nd MS degree in Environmental Science by taking part-time classes.
Current Work: Lead GIS Analyst in a consulting company. I have been working
in this company for almost four years. We mainly do GIS service for the
pipeline companies. Our work focus on the environmental integrity management
for the pipeline companies. It's not too much fun to be a GIS analyst
forever. I feel there is no futur