【在 A******y 的大作中提到】 : I don't know about this. My school is not a top school. If you don't have : R01 by the 3rd year, you research/scholar will be consider unsatisfactory.
8 楼
这个,两种体系都懂的发考题可能能更好的回答这个问题,不过我可以跟你说一下R01 的budget, 你比较一下你熟悉的NSF, R01 一般 1 million dollars direct cost (直 接给PI) + 0.4-1 million indirect cost (给单位)。一般是五年。一般学校如此重 视R01的一大原因是其相对其它房顶要高出许多的indirect cost,能给单位帯来大量的 收入。所以没有R01,在多数地方你死定了。相反,你如果有2,3个R01,就算你一篇文 章没有,说不定都不少地方都能 promote. 当然,现实中这种情况不太可能发生,没有 好文章不太可能拿两个R01.
With exception of Nobel prize winners, most people move before funding runs out. The person I know took him 18 years from associate professor to professor with tenure with one R01 and one NIH merit award. One year after that he moved to a UC school with guarantee funding.
【在 A******y 的大作中提到】 : With exception of Nobel prize winners, most people move before funding runs : out. The person I know took him 18 years from associate professor to : professor with tenure with one R01 and one NIH merit award. One year after : that he moved to a UC school with guarantee funding.