tenure review department committee report的问题# Faculty - 发考题
1 楼
今年评tenure, 刚收到department committee的report draft。teaching和research
是excellent/strong,service是satisfactory。 service的部分说我对学生的service
extremely active, 但关键是在service的部分提了两次recommendation for
additional services to the department, the school and the university。第一次
说: "The committee thinks Dr. XXX's service is active, but recommend
additional services to the department and the school going forward". 第二次
是说"The committee thinks Dr. xxx's service is satisfactory. Moving forward,
the committee does suggest Dr. xxx take on more services. "我们是
比较小的私立学校,挺看重service的,不知道会不会有问题? 很担心。
我下周会和department committee meet,对这个report有问题的话可以提出来。我肯
定会提,但感觉committee改report的可能性不大。 在跟department committee meet
之前有没有必要跟Dean谈这件事 提出我的concern?
是excellent/strong,service是satisfactory。 service的部分说我对学生的service
extremely active, 但关键是在service的部分提了两次recommendation for
additional services to the department, the school and the university。第一次
说: "The committee thinks Dr. XXX's service is active, but recommend
additional services to the department and the school going forward". 第二次
是说"The committee thinks Dr. xxx's service is satisfactory. Moving forward,
the committee does suggest Dr. xxx take on more services. "我们是
比较小的私立学校,挺看重service的,不知道会不会有问题? 很担心。
我下周会和department committee meet,对这个report有问题的话可以提出来。我肯
定会提,但感觉committee改report的可能性不大。 在跟department committee meet
之前有没有必要跟Dean谈这件事 提出我的concern?