Yup, dig out all the history about that lake. We got a famous "Caner Lake" here at Ashland, MA. Officially, "the Massachusetts State Department of Public Health released a study that found that people who grew up in Ashland between the late 1960s and early 1980s and swam in the waters near Nyanza had a 200-300% higher incidence of cancer than those who were not exposed to the chemicals." Among folks here, we just call it "Cancer Lake". Unfortunately, many lakes here were used as dump sites historically. Although such practices have been banned for years, the high concentration of heavy metals and organochlorides don't go down so fast.
【在 s*8 的大作中提到】 : 取决于是什么湖,如果是西湖,应该很好卖,
9 楼
我倒希望我在mitbbs上就变成机器人了没烦恼 我从来不挖坑,挖洞吐槽是真的。。。。
【在 E*A 的大作中提到】 : 我记得你是专门挖坑的机器人
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感觉应该有些不同,11年中的PERM,2个月多点批的。感觉当时排队的人数不多,才会 有此速度。
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12 楼
能杀蚂蚁的药都很毒,不适合室内使用。 你可以是试试 Ortho Bug B Gon® Insect Killer For Lawns & Gardens Concentrate. 我夏天用过,喷到蚂蚁上 和植物上, 用几次,蚂蚁就被杀死了。但是 标签上写着,不可以用于室内。 这个药残留时间比较久,毒性比较大。当然了,比以 前的剧毒农药,已经是毒性小了很多了。