Can someone say say advantage of IDEA?
Can someone say say advantage of IDEA?# Java - 爪哇娇娃
I always heard good things about it but never had chance to try.
Any feature handy in IDEA and missing in eclipse?
You can download the full version with 30-day license.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: I always heard good things about it but never had chance to try.
: Any feature handy in IDEA and missing in eclipse?

I've been using IDEA since version 3. Personally it is my favorite. I think
it may be the best for server side development. Most IDEs should share
similar features. It is just a matter of how good the implementation is.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: I always heard good things about it but never had chance to try.
: Any feature handy in IDEA and missing in eclipse?

I think that mostly are small things that add up the convenience.
IDEA, for example, has a much better set of key-map than Eclipse,
and you can configure it to fit your need as well. In Eclipse, to
do the rename, you need to press Alt-shift-R, a difficult key combination.
To fix a problem (not all problems, just a very small set of problems) in
Eclipse, you need to press ctrl-1. To import a class, in Eclipse, need
to press ctrl-shift-M. In IDEA, shift-F6 is for rename and alt-enter
is good en

【在 g******e 的大作中提到】
: I've been using IDEA since version 3. Personally it is my favorite. I think
: it may be the best for server side development. Most IDEs should share
: similar features. It is just a matter of how good the implementation is.

For the key shortcut, you can customize in Eclipse too.
I personally don't feel alt-shift-R is inconvenient.


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I think that mostly are small things that add up the convenience.
: IDEA, for example, has a much better set of key-map than Eclipse,
: and you can configure it to fit your need as well. In Eclipse, to
: do the rename, you need to press Alt-shift-R, a difficult key combination.
: To fix a problem (not all problems, just a very small set of problems) in
: Eclipse, you need to press ctrl-1. To import a class, in Eclipse, need
: to press ctrl-shift-M. In IDEA, shift-F6 is for rename and alt-enter
: is good en

There is a plugin called stupidJ in Eclipse to enable IDEA key mappings:)


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I think that mostly are small things that add up the convenience.
: IDEA, for example, has a much better set of key-map than Eclipse,
: and you can configure it to fit your need as well. In Eclipse, to
: do the rename, you need to press Alt-shift-R, a difficult key combination.
: To fix a problem (not all problems, just a very small set of problems) in
: Eclipse, you need to press ctrl-1. To import a class, in Eclipse, need
: to press ctrl-shift-M. In IDEA, shift-F6 is for rename and alt-enter
: is good en

This is more about whichever you got yourself used to than about which is
actually more convenient. For instance, I might argue that alt-shitf-R can
be done with one hand, while shif-F6 usually takes two hands (if you have
big hands, _good for you_, but I don't need to know //grin)


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I think that mostly are small things that add up the convenience.
: IDEA, for example, has a much better set of key-map than Eclipse,
: and you can configure it to fit your need as well. In Eclipse, to
: do the rename, you need to press Alt-shift-R, a difficult key combination.
: To fix a problem (not all problems, just a very small set of problems) in
: Eclipse, you need to press ctrl-1. To import a class, in Eclipse, need
: to press ctrl-shift-M. In IDEA, shift-F6 is for rename and alt-enter
: is good en
