An interesting comment regarding Wicket.
An interesting comment regarding Wicket.# Java - 爪哇娇娃
This is in a comparison of JSF vs. Wicket.
I manage a project that started off innocently enough a year and half ago
using SpringMVC and JSTL markup for the presentation tier. Acegi managed
authentication/authorization. We soon added Displaytag for handling table
layouts, Struts-Menu for a menubar, and SiteMesh for page decorating.
Eventually we felt the need for more control over page navigation so we
added SpringWebflow and fou
After finish our secure webmail project based on Spring MVC, with AJAX and
Spring Webflow here and there. I am feeling exactly the same. Don't get
me wrong, Spring MVC and Webflow is really good. I am proud we have 2
successful releases in 4 months, but I felt we are pushing some limit
here and there. And I'll take plain old java code any day of the week.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: This is in a comparison of JSF vs. Wicket.
: I manage a project that started off innocently enough a year and half ago
: using SpringMVC and JSTL markup for the presentation tier. Acegi managed
: authentication/authorization. We soon added Displaytag for handling table
: layouts, Struts-Menu for a menubar, and SiteMesh for page decorating.
: Eventually we felt the need for more control over page navigation so we
: added SpringWebflow and fou

I had this chill up my spine reading that story - they went through almost
the same route and ended up with almost exactly the same architecture as the
project I recently started working on. And we are facing the same
situation: flows scatter across various framework jurisdictions, which makes
troubleshooting much harder.
My gut feeling is that Wicket makes it right.
JSTL, struts, or most other frameworks have iteration, conditional
in JSP or JSP kind of makeup, which is certainly logic.
I don't mind xml configuration in spring, but when it goes into
Spring Webflow, it's logic and states in XML.
YUI and other AJAX libs, are packing too much logic in client side, and
in many cases difficult to maintain states across requests.
I'd like to see the bare minimum on client side, and shift all others
to the server side,

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: I had this chill up my spine reading that story - they went through almost
: the same route and ended up with almost exactly the same architecture as the
: project I recently started working on. And we are facing the same
: situation: flows scatter across various framework jurisdictions, which makes
: troubleshooting much harder.
