谁摘了真维斯楼牌?# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
请问一下,有没有人知道contractor选用哪种合同比较好呢?我的选择是W2 70/hour
vs Corp-to-Corp 72/hour。哪位有经验的大虾指点一下。
真维斯集团。 ”
Corp-to-Corp means you're self-employed, so you need to pay FICA in full, which is 13.3% (may go up to 15.3% next year). For W-2, you only need to pay half of the FICA, which is 5.65% (may go up to 7.65% next year). But since your hourly rate is high, not all of your salary is subject to social security tax, the difference is smaller than 7.65% (13.3% - 5.65%). In addition, as self-employed worker, you may be able to deduct more in your tax return. However, you may not have some benefits of a W-2 contractor, such as medical insurance, 401k, etc. So it is hard to tell which one is better. Personally I would choose W-2, but this is your call.

【在 p***l 的大作中提到】
: 请问一下,有没有人知道contractor选用哪种合同比较好呢?我的选择是W2 70/hour
: vs Corp-to-Corp 72/hour。哪位有经验的大虾指点一下。

Thank you SETI. Your information is really helpful. I know that setting up
the Corp-to-Corp contract is a bit more complexed than simply accepting a W-
2 contract from the head hunter. I myself don't think it is worth the mess
for about $4000 a year. Not to mention that most of the $4000 would be taken
away from my pockect as tax or other deduction.

which is 13.3% (may go up to 15.3% next year). For W-2, you only need to pay
half of the FICA, which is 5.65% (may go up to 7.65% next year). But since
your hourly rate is high, not all of your salary is subject to social
security tax, the difference is smaller than 7.65% (13.3% - 5.65%). In
addition, as self-employed worker, you may be able to deduct more in your
tax return. However, you may not have some benefits of a W: -2 contractor,
such as medical insurance, 401k, etc. So it is hard to tell which one is
better. Personally I would choose W-2, but this is your call.

【在 S**I 的大作中提到】
: Corp-to-Corp means you're self-employed, so you need to pay FICA in full, which is 13.3% (may go up to 15.3% next year). For W-2, you only need to pay half of the FICA, which is 5.65% (may go up to 7.65% next year). But since your hourly rate is high, not all of your salary is subject to social security tax, the difference is smaller than 7.65% (13.3% - 5.65%). In addition, as self-employed worker, you may be able to deduct more in your tax return. However, you may not have some benefits of a W-2 contractor, such as medical insurance, 401k, etc. So it is hard to tell which one is better. Personally I would choose W-2, but this is your call.
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