转载:红十字和铁道部的区别# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
最近刚接了一个电面,感觉还不错。 对方也没说给不给我on-site, 就先给了我一堆
表格让我签字, 其中有一个是关于背景调查的表格--“AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE
OF INFORMATION”, 里面有这么一句, 让我很不舒服:"I hereby hold xxx
harmless and agree to indemnify them from and against all third party claims
, losses, lawsuits, settlements, demands, causes, judgments, expenses and
costs including reasonable attorney fees arising under or in connection with
this agreement to the extent that such costs and liabilities are
proximately caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of xxx." 意
思好像是: 他们可以为所欲为,造成的损失都要我来承担。
表格让我签字, 其中有一个是关于背景调查的表格--“AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE
OF INFORMATION”, 里面有这么一句, 让我很不舒服:"I hereby hold xxx
harmless and agree to indemnify them from and against all third party claims
, losses, lawsuits, settlements, demands, causes, judgments, expenses and
costs including reasonable attorney fees arising under or in connection with
this agreement to the extent that such costs and liabilities are
proximately caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of xxx." 意
思好像是: 他们可以为所欲为,造成的损失都要我来承担。