Re: 去年5月份开的American Express Gold, 拿到75K+40K的大侠(转载)
Re: 去年5月份开的American Express Gold, 拿到75K+40K的大侠(转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 Money 讨论区 】
发信人: dbmj (大变马甲), 信区: Money
标 题: Re: 去年5月份开的American Express Gold, 拿到75K+40K的大侠们,
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 29 20:41:18 2012, 美东)
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a loyal and valued customer with your Gold card. I am writting to argue
for the waiver of the annual fee charged on this card. I think this is a
robbery. $175 a year does not make any sense. Yes, I want money. I want all
my money. You think a guy with a Chinese name applying for your card would
pay for the annual fee? That's stereotype. No way, man, no way. Dude, you
know what, I will never pay a penny for it. This is a free country!
Everything should be free for me. I want my money back, as much as possible.
I know some guy with this card has received more rewards points than mine,
and got an additional free year. I want them too. Why they can get these but
not me? Please give me another 50k points with my annual fee charged,
otherwise, I will close my account! You will lose me forever, unless AMEX
has another round of big deals.
Regards and thanks,
Old Middle
Old middle 哈哈哈
American Express Customer Serives
Dear Manager:
I'm one of your most faithful customer. But today I want to write to you to
argue the $175 membership fee added to my account.
As you know, as a Chinese we only use free credit card. As a rule, I had
planned to cancel my card from the beginning of the 2nd year after I got the
first year reward points. However, I got the news today on a Chinese BBS
that someone successfully waived the 2nd year membership fee after his 7th
arguments with you. This burns my life and I want to get this waiver too.
You should be fair and equal to every customer, so please also help waive my
What's more, the $175 annual fee is too expensive, this is not a good deal.
We are deal hunter experts knowing the market very well.We refresh Dealsea
and Fatwallet pages every 2 minutes each day, so don't
hope to cheat me.
You should ask for my permission to charge the fee. $175 is almost my two
months food expense shopping from 99 Ranch. There's no door for me to pay
this, this is like a robbery.
So, please correct your mistake accordingly and refund the membership fee to
my account. Otherwise I'll think of closing this account and leave a
negative comment online. And I'll never use this name on your
future services any more. This could be a very bad impact on your business.
You'll lose a lot of Chinese customers.
I called your customer service many times since in the last two months but
has not been solved. If you have the caller record, please note:
1) Do not call back that number since everytime I used my company's phone to
call you.
2) If you need to call me , please call my cell phone after 9:00pm since it'
s free time. I'm living in CA.
thank you