Just got out of prison after attacking a man on New years eve;
excuse me for getting nervous while an Arab was counting down from ten.

How do you remove one thousand flies in one motion?
Slap a Kenyan in the face.

A white guy goes into a bar and sees a black bartender.
He says, "yo, nigger, get me a beer!"
The bartender says, "that's very rude. How would you like it if I talked to
you like that?"
The white guy says, "let's switch places and see!"
So they switch places.
The bartender says, " yo, cracka, get me a beer!"
The white guy says, "sorry, we don't serve niggers here!"
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How many black people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
The lights are out, how can you count them?

I'll admit that the Chinese kids in math class are pretty smart. But doing
it with their eyes closed... that's a bit cocky.

How do you know when an Asian broke into your house?
Your homework is done, your computer is upgraded, and two hours later the
idiot is still in your driveway trying to back out.

What's faster than a black guy stealing your T.V.?
His brother with the VCR!

Whats faster than a speeding bullet?
A jew with a coupon!

What would Martin Luther King be if he was white?

Once upon time, there were three friends playing on a beach. One kid's
parents were good business people. The second kid lives in a good family
where he is taught to respect his elders. The third kid was a poor redneck
with an abusive father.
Anyways, they were playing on the beach when a ...Read More

How do you blindfold an Asian?
With dental floss!

What's the difference between a black and a white fairy tale?
White begins, "once upon a time,"
black begins, "y'all motherf*ckers ain't gonna believe dis shit!"

There's this black kid that goes to school and realizes teachers treat him
differently than the white kids. So, he goes home, paints himself white and
shows his dad. His dad beats the crud outta him. He shows his mother, "Hey
Ma, Look! I'm white!" He gets beat by his mom too. Lastly, he shows his ...
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Why did the white guy go to the black guy's yard sale?
To get his stuff back.

What's the difference between a white naked woman and a black naked woman?
The white girl is seen in Playboy and the black chick is seen on National

Why are black people so good at basketball?
Because they can run, shoot and steal!!!!!

What's the difference between a boyscout and a Jew?
The boyscout comes back from camp.

Why are black people getting stronger?
Because TV are getting bigger

What did the Asian parents name their retarded baby.
Sum ting wong

Why are black peoples eyes red after sex?
Pepper spray
This is shit! please remove this.
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