我和奶茶的亲密接触 (转载)
我和奶茶的亲密接触 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
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薄码PL 如下。基本上综合了2010-2012版上流行的模版,在CONTRIBUTION 上
December 10, 2012
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
RE: I-140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker of Extraordinary Ability
Petitioner: angryfist , Ph.D.
Beneficiary: angryfist, Ph.D.
Classification Sought: 203(b)(1)(A)
Dear USCIS Immigration Officer:
The following is respectfully submitted in support of my petition as a
qualified immigrant under INA 203(b)(1)(A), the First Preference as Alien of
Extraordinary Ability (EB1a). I hold a Ph.D. degree in xxx from the
prestigious xxx University, one of the TOP 10 national universities in the
USA according to the U.S. News & World. I am currently a full-time employee
at xxx , working in the field of xxxx.
In the past years, I have made significant original contributions and
sustained international acclaims in the field of xxxx. The following is a
summary of my accomplishments and the totality of which will establish that
I satisfy three of the statutory requirements for the alien of extraordinary
I. I am an alien of extraordinary ability on the basis of the following
(A) Exceptional Authorship: I have authored important scholarly articles
in top international journals and conference presentations. My authorship
record is superior to my peers;
(B) Original Contributions of Major Significance: I have made significant
original scientific contributions that have profoundly affected works of
other scientist in the field of environmental engineering around the world;
(C) Judging the Works of Other Scientists: I have been constantly invited
by international journals to judge important works of other scientists in
my field. My judging work is exceptional.
II. I have worked and will continue to work in the area of environmental
engineering in the United States.
III. My continuously stay in the United States will substantially
benefit the USA in the field of environmental engineering which has been
testified by the statements of witnesses from top American and international
Indicative of my accomplishments and reputation, the petition package also
encloses nine recommendation letters of support from distinguished American
and international experts who share the belief of other experts that I am of
extraordinary ability in my field.
[Exhibit A-1] to [Exhibit A-9] collect the recommendation letters from the 9
experts. All but Dr. xxxx are independent experts.
Please find following attached documents in support of my application:
(1). I-140 application form and check;
(2). Petition Letter;
(3). Index to Exhibits
(3). Exhibits A to E for Supporting Evidence.
Should you need additional information or materials, please contact me at
your earliest convenience. Your help on this application is greatly
I. I am an Alien of Extraordinary Ability who meets Three of the
Regulatory Criteria
(A) Exceptional Authorship of Scholarly Articles in the Field of
Environmental Engineering
I have exceptional records with 10 authored articles published in multiple
prestigious peer-reviewed journals in the field of environmental engineering
. I have 3 presentations in international and national conferences of their
highest academic level. The general information of my publications is:
Original Research Journal Articles: 10 [Exhibit B-1]
International and National Conference Presentations: 3 [Exhibit B-2]
My authorship of scholarly articles is exceptional in three ways: 1) My
articles are published in leading prestigious journals; 2) My articles have
had significant impacts in the field of environmental engineering; and 3) My
articles have sustained exceptional international recognitions and acclaims
, and superior to my peers.
1. My articles are published in leading prestigious journals
I have published articles in four internationally circulating journals, i.e.
Water Research, Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), Chemosphere, and
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (JAFC) [Exhibit B-1]. All of
these journals are leading prestigious journals that rank in the very small
percentile according to two widely accepted scientific indices: the SCImago
Journal & Country Rank (SJR score) and the Eigenfactor Score
1.1 My publicizing journals hold high ranks in their respective subject
categories according to the SJR Score
The SJR score, which is based on the Scopus database, measures scientific
influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of
citations and the importance of the journals where such citations come from
[Exhibit B-3]. In the SJR ranking, every journal belongs to one or more
subject categories. The rankings of a journal in these categories indicate
the journal’s significance in the fields.
According to the SJR Score, all four journals are prestigious journals that
hold very top positions among peers in all respective subject categories (
Table 1 and [Exhibit B-4]).
Table 1: Rankings of my publicizing journals in subject categories by SJR
Journal Title Subject Category Rank in category Total journals in
the category Ranking percentile Pages in [Exhibit B-4]
Water Research Ecological Modeling 1 10 N/A *
Pollution 3 47 Top 6.4%
Waste Management and Disposal 1 28 N/A *
Water Science and Technology 2 112 Top 1.8%
EHP Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis 1 68 N/A *
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 2 337 Top
Chemosphere Environmental Chemistry 7 95 Top 7.4%
Toxicology 4 94 Top 4.3%
JAFC Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) 37 274
Top 13.5%
Chemistry (miscellaneous) 27 213 Top 12.7%
Food Science 23 234 Top 9.8%
* the ranking percentile is ‘N/A’ in case one journal ranks the NO 1 in
the category.
[Exhibit B-4] collects a copy of the ranking information of the four
journals in their respective subject categories directly from the SCImago
Journal & Country Rank.
Particularly, the Water Research is the very best journal in two subject
categories, i.e. Ecological Modeling and Waste Management and Disposal. It
also ranks the NO.2 and Top 1.8% in the category of Water Science and
Technology. Furthermore, it is the NO.3 and top 6.4% journal in the category
of Pollution.
I have published Three (3) articles in Water Research, which perfectly
illustrates that my scholarly articles are of significant importance. Dr.
Xxxx highly praises this outstanding record that: “Only a small percentage
of researchers may achieve such record.” [Exhibit A-2].
In addition to Water Research, the EHP is the very best among 68 journals in
the category of Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis. It also ranks the NO.2
and Top 0.6% among 337 journals in the category of Public Health,
Environmental and Occupational Health. The Chemosphere and JAFC are also
high ranking journals in their respective categories.
1.2 My publicizing journals hold high ranks among all leading journals
according to Eigenfactor Score
The other metric, the Eigenfactor Score that is based on the ISI Web of
Science database, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific
journal. It adjusts for citations differences across disciplines and allows
better comparison across research areas [Exhibit B-5].
According to the Eigenfactor Score, these four journals on which I have
published scholarly articles also hold high ranks among a total of 8336
leading scientific journals (Table 2 and [Exhibit B-6]). In fact, all four
journals rank between Top 1.6% and 3.2% percentile among a total of 8336
leading scientific journals. They are superior to most peer journals.
The fact that my articles are published in top journals which are circulated
internationally and enjoy large readership around the world clearly
demonstrates my excellent authorship.
Table 2 Rankings of my publicizing journals by Eigenfactor Score
Journal Title Eigenfactor Score
* Eigenfactor ranking
* Eigenfactor percentile ranking ** 5-Year Impact Factor *
JAFC 0.10642 130 Top 1.6% 3.239
Chemosphere 0.07951 191 Top 2.3% 3.613
EHP 0.06313 251 Top 3.0% 7.366
Water Research 0.06017 263 Top 3.2% 5.315
* The Eigenfactor score, ranking, and 5-year impact factor of each journal
are based on the 2011 Scientific Journal Citation Report [Exhibit B-6].
** The percentile ranking is calculated based on the Eigenfactor score
ranking for all the 8336 journals, calculated by statistics software in
[Exhibit B-6] collects the rankings of each journal directly from the ISI
Web of Science.
2 My articles have had a significant impact in the field of
environmental engineering
2.1 My articles have been heavily cited by other scientists.
According the Google Scholar, my publications have received 192 citations in
total, with an h-index of 7 as shown below:
Total citations: 192 (As of November 30, 2012)
Average citations per article: 19.2
h-index: 7
[Exhibit B-7] lists citation numbers to each of my articles, and collects a
print copy of the lists of citations. All copies are directly printed from
Google Scholar.
2.2 My articles are frequently cited by the most prestigious journals
around the world.
High ranking journals generally make deeper impact than other journals in
the field. The fact that many articles published in a school of high ranking
journals cite my articles clearly shows that my publications are of great
importance and high value to top-notch researchers around the world.
The Eigenfactor score and 5-year impact factors for eight selected top
scientific journals in which my articles have been cited are summarized in
Table 3 and [Exhibit B-8].
Table 3 Eight selected top journals that cite my publications
Journal Title Eigenfactor score * Eigenfactor rank * Eigenfactor
percentile ranking ** 5-Year Impact Factor * Cited article in [Exhibit
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 0.51421 11 Top 0.1% 13.195 Page 4
Environ. Sci. Technol. 0.18929 49 Top 0.6% 5.764 Page 3
J. Hazardous Materials 0.11771 112 Top 1.3% 4.553 Page 6
JAFC 0.10642 130 Top 1.6% 3.239 Page 6
Electrochimica Acta 0.09365 154 Top 1.9% 4.039 Page 5
Chemosphere 0.07951 191 Top 2.3% 3.613 Page 7
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 0.07091 220 Top 2.6% 3.
263 Page 15
Anal Bioanal Chem 0.06319 250 Top 3.0% 3.733 Page 15
* The Eigenfactor score, ranking, and 5-year impact factor of each journal
are based on the 2011 Scientific Journal Citation Report [Exhibit B-8].
** The percentile ranking is calculated based on the Eigenfactor score
ranking for all the 8336 journals, calculated by statistics software in
[Exhibit B-8] collects a copy of rankings of the eight journals directly
from the ISI Web of Science.
[Exhibit B-9] lists and collects a copy of one citing article from each of
these eight journals. The first page and the reference page of each article
are provided.
3 My articles have sustained exceptional international acclaims and are
superior to my peers
3.1 My publications have broad impacts to and have sustained
international acclaims from international scientists
My publications have received enormous international recognitions. According
to the Google Scholar, scientists who have cited my work are from 31
countries in Five Continents, i.e. North America, South America, Asia,
Europe, and Africa (Figure 1 and [Exhibit B-10]).
These 31 countries are:
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Korea, Lebanon,
Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.
Figure 1 The geographic locations of publications that have cited my work
(Note: One flag for each country no matter how many citations come from
that country)
[Exhibit B-10] lists one representative citing article from each of these 31
countries. The first page and reference page of these citing articles are
also collected.
Furthermore, my articles have received citations and recognitions every year
for more than 10 years (Figure 2 and [Exhibit B-7]). The citation number is
expected to continue increasing substantially and steadily in the future.
These facts clearly indicate that I have sustained significant recognition
and acclaims from fellow scientists in my field.
Figure 2 Yearly distributions of my citation by Google Scholar [Exhibit B-7]
3.2 My citation rate records are superior to my peers.
One key scientific indicator to measure the quality of an article is the
average citation rate, which is calculated based on an accumulation of
citations from the year of publication to the current year. It is an
authoritative and objective source to critically evaluate the research
articles in the same field.
According to the ISI Essential Science Indicators (2012) ([Exhibit B-11]),
all my articles published between 2002 and 2012 have much higher average
citation rates than peers published in the same year in the same field of
Engineering (Figure 3). In addition, the average citations to all my
publications of 19.2 are much higher than the average citations rate for All
-Years publications of 4.96 in the field of Engineering.
Figure 3 The citation rates of my paper far exceed the average citation
rates of articles in the same field published in the same year ([Exhibit B-7
] and [Exhibit B-11])
Furthermore, two of my articles published in 2008 are among the most cited
articles in the field of Engineering. They have been cited 30 and 27 times,
respectively, far exceeding the Top 10% citation rates of 11 and very close
to the Top 1% citation rates of 31 in the field (Table 4 and [Exhibit B-12])
. These citation rates are 6.5 and 5.9 times higher than the average
citations of 4.58 for all engineering articles published in 2008. These
facts demonstrate that my citation records are superior to that of my peers.
Table 4 Comparison of the average citation rates of articles published in
the field of Engineering
Year of Publication = 2008 Citations
1% Percentile citations [Exhibit B-12] 31
My article 1 [Exhibit B-1, Page 5] and [Exhibit B-7, Page 5-7] 30
My article 2 [Exhibit B-1, Page 6] and [Exhibit B-7, Page 8-10] 27
10% Percentile citation [Exhibit B-12] 11
Average citations in the field of Engineering [Exhibit B-11] 4.58
Dr. XXXX from Turkey highly praised this record in her independent
recommendation letter that: “Dr. angryfist’s (one) article has been cited
27 times so far by journals and books. This is an outstanding record in the
field of environmental engineering, and it clearly attests the significant
contribution Dr. angryfist has made to the field.”
In summary, I have an exceptional authorship with an extraordinary record of
publishing scholarly articles. I have published multiple research articles
in four journals that all rank in the very top in their respective subject
categories as well as amongst the total leading scientific journals. My
articles are frequently cited by a school of the most prestigious journals.
Furthermore, my articles have an extraordinary citing record of 192 total
citations and 19.2 citations per publication that is superior to my peers.
These citations come from researchers of 31 countries located in Five
Continents. My publications have much higher citation rates than peers
published in the same year in the same field. All these facts clearly show
that my authorship record is exceptional and I have sustained exceptional
international acclaims.
(B) Original Contributions of Major Significance in the Field of
Environmental Engineering
I have made significant original contributions in the field of environmental
engineering and sustained acclaims from international scientists in four
ways: 1) I have made extraordinary progresses in my field, and my
discoveries have been used as a basis and foundation to design, test and
support important research works of scientists around the world; 2) My
publications have been broadly cited and heavily discussed by scientists in
the field around the world,; 3) I have presented my original discoveries at
top international and national conferences; and 4) I have been constantly
invited to review a large number of articles for 10 journals in my field.
1. I have made extraordinary progresses in my field, and my discoveries
have been used as a basis to design, test and support important research
works of scientists around the world.
Environmental Engineering is a discipline dedicating to reduce pollution of
air, water, and soil, and to ensure the healthy development of the world.
Water and wastewater treatment is a major field of environmental engineering
that aims to eliminate contaminants from water and wastewater such that to
maintain quality and normal function of water bodies. This field has been
facing ever increasing pressure due to modern industrial and municipal
activities that release more and more toxic chemicals as pollutants into
water bodies. Many of them are recalcitrant that cannot be effectively
eliminated by traditional technologies.
I have been working in the field of water and wastewater treatment for more
than 10 years. Specifically, I have primarily focused on the advanced
oxidation processes (AOPs) technologies. The AOPs is a group of technologies
that includes photolysis by ultraviolet (UV) light, hydrogen peroxide
assisted photolysis (UV/H2O2), ozonation, and etc. These technologies
primarily utilize oxidizing species such as hydroxyl radical, which is
generated during the AOPs processes, to eliminate recalcitrant pollutants
from water.
The AOPs shows unique advantages for water and wastewater treatment. However
, there are many questions yet to be answered such as the mechanism, optimum
parameter, and effects of natural water species on treatment efficiency,
etc. I have conducted pioneering research works in the area and have made
remarkable progresses with groundbreaking discoveries and pivotal
achievements. My significant contribution to this area is evidenced by the
fact that my discoveries have been frequently used as a basis and foundation
to design research protocols, to conduct research, to test results, and to
support research discoveries by other scientists in the field around the
world. It has also been testified by prestigious American and international
experts who have been directly benefited from my works.
Specifically, I have:
1.1. Been the first to discover the fundamental rule about the effect of
hydrogen peroxide concentration on water treatment efficiency in applying
the UV/H2O2 technology to eliminate xxx, a widely used insecticide and a
major water pollutant. I successfully discovered the pivotal optimal molar
ratio of hydrogen peroxide dose to pollutant to achieve the optimum
treatment efficiency. I have identified multiple degradation byproducts, and
this led eventually to a historic discovery of three degradation pathways
of the process. [Exhibit C-1]
o The work led to a publication in Water Research in 2008 [Exhibit B-1,
page 5]. Since publication, the article has been cited 30 times, a record
close to the Top 1% most cited articles published in 2008 (Table 4).
o The article was immediately highlighted by NewsRx, [Exhibit C-1, Page 1
], which is the NO 2 among Top Health News and Media Publications [Exhibit C
-1, Page 2-5].
o The article was cited by Canadian researchers in a review of literature
that devoted one paragraph to heavily discuss my discoveries [Exhibit C-1,
Page 6-8]. These researchers further used my discoveries to justify their
choice of UV doses in a study of degradation of two pesticides using the UV/
H2O2 technology [Exhibit C-1, Page 9-11].
o Researchers from Egypt and Saudi Arabia cited this work twice in their
study of removing xxx, a pesticide, from date fruits [Exhibit C-1, Page 12-
14]. The article not only used the byproducts identified in my study to
justify their findings of byproducts but also applied my discoveries of the
effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration to explain their work results.
o Researchers from Brazil applied my discoveries as the basis to design
their experiments and followed my direction to select H2O2 concentration and
UV dose in their study of applying the UV/ H2O2 technology to degrade xxx,
an antibacterial used in veterinary drug. They also used my discoveries as a
scientific evidence to verify their observations. The article explicitly
stated that: “ angryfist (22) observed degradation…… Thus, applying
similar ultraviolet radiation dose the degradation obtained in this research
was comparable to those obtained by other authors” [Exhibit C-1, Page 15-
o Researchers from China applied my discoveries twice to justify and
explain their findings in a study of the degradation of yyy, a toxic
substance produced by bacteria. In the article, the authors stated that: “
Previous studies reported ….. by UV/H2O2 treatment [21]”, and that: “this
might be explained by the fact increasing the concentration of H2O2 could
produce …and then facilitate yyy degradation [21]’. Here, the [21] refers
to my publication in the reference list [Exhibit C-1, Page 19-22].
o Dr. Xxxx from China discussed in great details on the degradation
pathways I have discovered and used them as the basis to support her effort
to identify byproducts in a study of applying ultrasonic irradiation to
degrade parathion [Exhibit C-1, Page 23-25].
Dr. Xxxx attests the significance of my article in her independent
recommendation letter that: “My research lab at yyy University also
benefited from this article” and that: “Dr. angryfist’s discoveries of
byproducts provided tremendous support to our research works of identifying
parathion byproducts during the ultrasonic irradiation process” [Exhibit A-
o Dr. XXXX from Turkey applied my discoveries in a recent study to
explain and justify her observations of low reaction rate of direct
photolysis of xxx and zzzz. The publication wrote that: “Direct photolysis
of OPPs…. was reported to be very slow with low quantum yields [31]”. Here
, the [31] refers to my article in the reference list [Exhibit C-1, Page 26-
Dr. XXXX attests in her independent recommendation letter that: “(Dr.
angryfist’s findings) were used to justify our observations of low direct
photolysis rates of two pesticides in our studies” and that: “This finding
greatly improves our understanding of the fundamental mechanism of
photolysis” [Exhibit A-5].
o Dr. Xxxx from USA cited my discoveries in two of his studies of
degrading LR, a bacterial toxin, using UV-C/H2O2 technology, and of
degrading zzzz using hydroxyl radicals and sulfate radicals [Exhibit C-1,
Page 29-33]. He highly praises my work that: “His discoveries break new
ground in our understanding of the mechanism of the process and provide
practical guidelines to achieve optimum efficiency to eliminate pollutants
during water treatment” and that “This work is of major importance and has
had an enormous influence on researchers in this field as evidenced by the
fact that it has been cited by other researchers 30 times since publication
” [Exhibit A-3].
1.2. Conducted pioneering study to apply ozonation and hydrogen peroxide
assisted ozonation for the degradation of nine pollutants listed in the US
EPA’s Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (CCL). The study discovered
the critical role of pH in controlling the reaction rate and for the first
time reported pivotal reaction rate constants of these pollutants by
ozonation and by the reaction with hydroxyl radicals. These discoveries not
only improved our understandings of fundamental AOP kinetics, but also
provided crucial guidelines for water and wastewater treatment. [Exhibit C-2]
o The work was partially presented on the Water Quality Technology
Conference (WQTC) in 2005 in Canada [Exhibit B-2]. The complete work was
published in Water Research in 2008 [Exhibit B-1, Page 6]. Since publication
, the article has been cited 27 times, a close record to the Top 1% most
cited articles published in 2008 in the field of Engineering (Table 4).
o The article was immediately cited by researchers from Cyprus, Greece,
Spain, and Italy in a book: “xxxxx” which is an “authoritative and
comprehensive reference source covering a wide scope of Xenobiotics in the
aquatic environment” [Exhibit C-2, Page 1-2]. The book dedicated one
paragraph to heavily discuss my discoveries [Exhibit C-2, Page 3-5].
o The article was again cited by Germany and Swiss researchers in another
newly published book: “zzzzzz”, which “discusses mechanistic details of
ozone reactions as they are known to date and applies them to the large body
of studies on micropollutant degradation” [Exhibit C-2, Page 6-7]. The
book extensively collected my discoveries of the fundamental kinetic data.
In fact, my article was mentioned five times in various tables in this book
[Exhibit C-2, page 8-12].
o Researchers from China heavily used my discoveries of reaction rate
constants as the foundation to calculate and compare their study results of
ozonation of ccccc, a family of toxic and bio-resistant compounds [Exhibit C
-2, Page 13-16]. The Table 2 in the publication actually cited my article
five times in order to establish their conclusions. The article further
applied my discoveries as a criterion to justify their conclusions that: “
Hence, the measured rate constants of a given compound with ozone or
hydroxyl radicals are a combination of the rate constants of the individual
reaction channels occurring in 21”. Here, the ‘21’ refers to my article
in the reference list.
o Researchers from Mexico cited and used my discoveries as the basic
mechanism to support their study of applying electro-Fenton reaction to
degrade zzzzz herbicide. The article stated that: “(My article) reported
that urea herbicides have high OH radical reactivity, therefore they can be
efficiently removed by processes that mainly involve OH radical reactions”
[Exhibit C-2, Page 17-19].
o Dr. Xxxx from China directly adopted and implemented my methods to
study the kinetics of ozonation of two groups of antimicrobials. The article
explicitly stated that: “The solute consumption method and competition
kinetic method [26-27] were used to study…”. Here, the [26] refers to my
publication in the reference list [Exhibit C-2, Page 20-23]. The article
further applied my results of reaction rate constant to justify their
Dr. Xxxx attests how my discoveries have affected her works in her
independent recommendation letter that: “My research lab, after reviewing a
wide range of literatures, adopted Dr. Angryfist’s methods to investigate
the kinetics of ozonation of an antibiotic in water treatment” [Exhibit A-6
o Dr. XXXX from Turkey selected parameters for her study of the ozonation
of xxxx and yyyy based on my discoveries of the effect of pH on ozonation
rate [Exhibit C-2, Page 24-26]. She also applied these discoveries to
justify and explain her observation of different behaviors of ozone under
different pH conditions in another study of ozonation of xxxx which is a
pesticide [Exhibit C-2, Page 27-29].
Dr XXXX highly praises my discoveries in her independent recommendation
letter that: “These findings attested what we observed in the ozonation of
diazinon and help us explain the higher reaction rates both at lower and
high pH conditions compared to that at a neutral condition”. She further
compliments on the fact that my article has been cited 27 times so far that:
“This is an outstanding record in the field of environmental engineering,
and it clearly attests the significant contribution Dr. Angryfist has made
to this field.” [Exhibit A-5]
1.3. Made ground-breaking discoveries in detailing the critical roles of
bicarbonate and carbonate in determining the efficiency of AOP water and
wastewater treatment and the environmental fate of organic contaminants. I
invented a mathematical model for the first time in the field to quantify
the effect of bicarbonate and carbonate. This work solved a long-standing,
unanswered problem: to what extend do the bicarbonate and carbonate affect
treatment efficiency? [Exhibit C-3]
o This work was partially presented on the 2007 World Congress on Ozone
and Ultraviolet Technologies [Exhibit B-2]. The complete work was published
in Water Research in 2010 [Exhibit B-1, Page 3]. The article has been cited
nine (9) times so far, which is 4.36 times higher than the average citation
rates of 2.06 of articles published in 2010 in the same field of Engineering
[Table 3 and Exhibit B-11].
o The article was immediately highlighted by VerticalNews [Exhibit C-3,
Page 1], which is a part of the NewsRx, the NO 2 among Top Health News and
Media Publications [Exhibit C-1, Page 2-5].
o The article was cited by Switzerland and Germany researchers as a
representative study in a classic reference book: “xxxx”, which is “a
state-of-the-art reference work” and the “benchmark reference in chemistry
” [Exhibit C-3, Page 2]. The book devoted one paragraph and heavily
discussed my discoveries of the effect of carbonate and bicarbonate [Exhibit
C-3, Page 3-5].
o The article was again cited by Indian and Belgium researchers in
another book: “yyyy”, which “describes the stat-of-the-art advances
regarding all facets of pesticides, including the pollution of water, soils,
atmosphere, food and living organisms.” [Exhibit C-3, Page 6-7]. The book
mentioned my article four times and extensively discussed the significance
of my discoveries of the effect of carbonate and bicarbonate in the AOP
process [Exhibit C-3, Page 8-10].
o The article was immediately cited by Canadian researchers in a review
article that devoted one paragraph to discuss my discoveries [[Exhibit C-3,
Page 11-13].
o The article was cited by Netherlands researchers in another review of
literature article published in Water Research [Exhibit C-3, Page 14-17].
The review article extensively discussed my discoveries of the effect of
carbonate and bicarbonate, and that of hydrogen peroxide concentration. It
also collected my discoveries of reaction rate constants as a fundamental
theoretical basis. In fact, this review cited my article five times.
o Researchers from Iran implemented my methods to study the scavenging
effect of bicarbonate and sulphate in the UV/H2O2 process for the degrading
of xxxx and yyyy, two important pesticides [Exhibit C-3, Page 18-20]. Their
publication dedicated one paragraph to report my discoveries and used them
as the foundation to build their research objectives.
o Dr. Xxxx from Serbia used my discoveries to justify and support her
findings of various reaction rates of the degradation of thiacloprid, an
insecticide [Exhibit C-3, Page 21-23].
Dr. Xxxx highly praises my discoveries in her independent recommendation
letter that: “These pioneering works have made great contributions to the
scientific community, and continue to help other researchers design and
clarify their respective researches in this field”. She further notes that:
“the publications have been cited in one of my recent papers because they
provided the valuable information to support my research findings” [Exhibit
o Dr. Xxxx from USA cited my particle in his study of photodegradation of
zzzz, which is an herbicide, to confirm and verify his observations of the
formation and effect of hydroxyl radical [Exhibit C-3, Page 24-26].
Dr. Xxxx highly praises the significance of my discoveries in his
independent recommendation letter that: “Dr. Angryfist’s pioneering
research work successfully quantified…and provided a model that can be used
to predict and guide the AOPs operation.” He further attests that: “this
work helps us explain the formation of radicals in a recent study.” [
Exhibit A-1].
o Dr. Xxxx from USA also highly valuates this work that: “These works
demonstrated in spectacular fashion in understanding the effect of bi/
carbonate in water treatment processes”, and that: “All these facts
clearly show that Dr. Angryfist’s findings are truly momentous and
invaluable in this field. I believe this research work is a true testimony
of Dr. Angryfist’s extraordinary ability and his predominant role in this
field” [Exhibit A-3].
o This article was used as a ‘Supplement Bibliography’ reading
materials in the curriculum of “Environmental Chemistry’ for college
students at the University xxxx in Brazil [Exhibit C-3, Page 27-30]. Only
classic research articles in the field could be used as a textbook for
college students to study.
Dr. Xxxx from USA highly compliments this achievement that: “This example
clearly indicates that Dr. Angryfist’s research findings are among those
most important discoveries and they will surely make profound and long
lasting impacts to this field.” [Exhibit A-2]
1.4. Designed a novel experiment protocol to apply hydrogen peroxide
assisted photolysis to degrade xxxx, a widely applied herbicide and a major
pollutant. The study provided the first direct evidence of scavenging effect
of natural water constituents and achieved the fundamental kinetic
information. The study also comprehensively identified several major
degradation byproducts that help our understanding of the degradation
mechanisms. [Exhibit C-4]
o This work was partially presented on the 3rd International Congress on
Ultraviolet Technologies (2005, Whistler, Canada) [Exhibit B-2]. It led to a
publication in the prestigious JAFC in 2007 [Exhibit B-1, Page 7], which
has been cited 17 times so far [Exhibit B-7]. The citation rate is 5.2 times
higher than the Impact Factor of JAFC of 3.239 (Table 2).
o Researchers from Israel made a detailed introduction of my kinetics
information to justify their selection of experimental parameters in their
study of UV treatment for the removal of a mixture of antibiotics from
wastewater [Exhibit C-4, Page 1-3].
o The same group of Israel researchers further adopted my discoveries of
relationship between hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide concentrations
as the foundation to calculate and justify their observation of effect of
hydroxyl radical concentrations on reaction rates in another study of
photodegradation of antibiotic zzzz [Exhibit C-4, Page 4-6]. In fact, the
article cited my article three times and spent a long paragraph to apply my
discoveries to support their findings.
o Researchers from France, inspired by my identification of xxxx
degradation byproducts, continued and followed my pioneering study and
utilized my article as the cornerstone for their study of elucidating
photodegradation byproducts of the same pesticide: xxxx [Exhibit C-4, Page 7
-11]. They not only cited my article in order to establish their research
objectives, but also repeatedly used my discoveries as the benchmark to
verify their identification of byproducts. In fact, their publication cited
my article five times. This study further identified several new byproducts
on the basis of my discoveries, and the authors proudly stated that: “This
study complements the results found by angryfist et al. in a study mainly
devoted to the optimization of photolysis processes”.
o Researchers from India used my discoveries to explain and justify their
findings in a study of photodegradation and mineralization of Cccc, an azo
dye and a pollutant [Exhibit C-4, Page 12-14]. The article not only compared
my results to theirs, but also cited my findings that: “two opposing
factors [18]: the fraction of photons nonlinerly increases with increase in
the concentration of H2O2...”, and that: “It is for this reason that we
have considered 70mM as the optimum concentration…” to explain and support
their observations of no improvement of degradation rate at high hydrogen
peroxide concentrations. Here, [18] refers to my article in the reference
o The same group of Indian researchers continued to use my discoveries as
fundamental basis to design their experiments and to select reaction
parameters in another study [Exhibit C-4, Page 15-18]. Their publication
explicitly stated: “Similar result has been reported earlier of metolachlor
[22] using UV/H2O2. In order to avoid using higher concentration of H2O2 …
.., we have considered 70mM as the optimum concentration and this
concentration has been used in subsequent experiment”. Here, [22] refers
to my article in the reference list. The article further cited my
discoveries of the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration to explain
their observations.
o Researchers from Brazil and Germany applied my discoveries that: “the
OH radicals are non-selective and can react with any organic or inorganic
substance in water matrix” as the theoretical basis to support their study
of treatment of slaughterhouse effluent [Exhibit C-4, Page 19-21], and
another study of using a combination of water treatment technologies to
produce high quality reuse water [Exhibit C-4, Page 22-24].
o Dr. Xxxx from Serbia and adopted my discoveries as a theoretical basis
to test and support her research work of degradation of zzzz, an insecticide
, using the UV and UV/H2O2 technologies [Exhibit C-4, Page 25-27].
Dr. Xxxx highly praises the implications of my discoveries in her
independent recommendation letter that: “This finding is of great
application significance because it provides guideline for water treatment
process as well as site remediation on polluted environments.” [Exhibit A-4]
2. The significance of my original contributions is evidenced by the fact
that my discoveries have been cited broadly and heavily discussed by
scientists in the field.
As discussed in the Section I-A, my research has resulted in 10 publications
in prestigious journals. Most of them are among the most cited journals in
their categories (Table 1 and 2).
These publications have been cited 192 times [Exhibit B-7] by scientists
from 31 counties which are distributed in Five Continents, i.e. North
America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Such unusually large
number of citing coming from a widely geographically spread countries
clearly indicates my contribution is truly internationally recognized and
highly acclaimed.
Furthermore, these publications are frequently cited by influential top
journals around the world. These high impact journals include Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed., Environ. Sci. Technol., J. Hazardous materials, and JAFC etc. (
Table 3)
The average citation rate of my publications far exceeds my peers’ in the
field of environmental engineering (Figure 3). Some of them are very close
to the Top 1% citation rate in the field (Table 4).
My innovative discoveries have been reported by top science news media and
used as a piece of classic reading material for college studies in the
University xxxx in Brazil [Exhibit C-3].
3. I have presented my original discoveries at top international and
national conferences.
I have given invited presentations about my discoveries at three conferences
, BC, Canada), the 2005 Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) (Québec
City, Québec, Canada), and the 2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet
Technologies (Los Angeles, CA, USA).
o The 3rd International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies (2005) was
the biannual international conference hosted by the IUVA (International
Ultraviolet Association). This conference “brings together many experts
from all over the world to exchange and discuss the latest information on
research and development in the field of UV technologies”. I delivered a 30
-minutes presentation in the title of ‘xxxx’. [Exhibit B-2].
o The WQTC is an annual meeting regarding the latest water treatment
technologies and is sponsored and held by AWWA (American Water Work
Association). The presentation was titled “zzzzz”. [Exhibit B-2]
o The 2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies combined
the 4th International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies and the 18th
World Ozone Congress. This conference “brings together many experts from
all over the world to exchange and discuss the latest information on
research and practical applications in the field of ozone and UV
technologies”. I made a 20-minute presentation titled ‘zzzzzz’ [Exhibit
4. I have been constantly invited to review a large number of articles
for 10 journals in my field
My significant contribution in my field has been internationally recognized,
which is evidenced by being called upon by editors to provide extensive
peer reviews for 30 manuscripts from 10 international journals. My review
work provides expert comments and suggestions that directly affect and
benefit more than 100 researchers from no less than 14 countries in the
world. In the next section I will display details of the scope and
significance of my review work.
Dr. Xxxx, the Editor-in-Chief of xxx, provides independent attests on my
significant contribution and elite status in my field: “We require the
knowledge of internationally recognized experts in the field of
environmental engineering. Only scientists who have established an
international reputation of excellence in this field are considered by this
journal as potential reviewer to judge the work of others. Dr. angryfist is
one of our regular reviewers, solely due to his significant scientific
accomplishments in his area”.
In summary, I have made original contributions of significance and
extraordinary progresses in the field of environmental engineering such that
my research discoveries have been widely implemented by fellow scientists
as a basis to design, justify and support important research works which
involve treatment of a variety of recalcitrant pollutants such as pesticides
, pharmaceutics, and bacterial toxins. Thus, my work has shown great
importance and has rendered profound impacts from the stand point of
environmental protection and public health.
Dr. xxxx highly praised my contributions that: “Dr. Angryfist has carried
out extensive leading research studies in the critical field of water
treatment and environmental engineering which has a profound impact to
public health”, and that: “Dr. Angryfist’s research is extraordinary and
of high scientific and application values. He has been widely recognized in
the U.S. and around the world as a leading researcher in the field.” [
Exhibit A-3]
Dr. Xxxx confirms that: “The findings in his research works greatly
contribute to the scientific field and are of extreme importance to the
future of treating wastewater using the AOPs as well as understanding the
environmental fate of organic contaminants.” [Exhibit A-1].
Dr. Xxxx concludes that: “His exceptional work and significant achievements
in the field have been widely recognized and highly acclaimed in the
international scientific community” [Exhibit A-4].
Dr. Xxxx attests that: “Dr. Angryfist has clearly demonstrated that he is
among the elite researchers who is capable of providing enormous
contributions to the field. I believe he is certainly among the small
percentage of innovative researchers at the top of the field of water and
wastewater treatment”. [Exhibit A-2]
(C) Judging the Work of Other Scientists
Thanks to my established preeminent status in the field of environmental
engineering, I have been constantly invited by international circulating
journals to judge the works of other scientists. As of December 2012, I had
reviewed 30 manuscripts for 10 journals [Exhibit D-1, D-2].
[Exhibit D-1] lists the titles, journal names, and author’s nations of
these 30 manuscripts.
[Exhibit D-2] collects the invitation email, acknowledgement email, and the
first page of each of these 30 manuscripts.
My reviewing work has significant implications in Five ways: 1) Exceptional
large number of review works for a wide range of journals; 2) Most of the
reviewed manuscripts are from the most prestigious journals in the field; 3)
Reviewed manuscripts are from researcher labs around the world; 4) I
satisfy the strictest requirements of academic achievements as well as
ethical standards; and 5) My review works are highly praised by editors and
1. Exceptional large number of review works for a wide range of journals
As of December 2012 I have reviewed 30 manuscripts for 10 international
journals in my field. The large number of manuscripts I have reviewed not
only shows that I have achieved significant global recognition in my field
but also attests that my scientific judgment and evaluations are highly
appreciated by international researchers and editors of major research
journals. Particularly, I have reviewed 13 manuscripts for JAFC, one
prestigious journal that ranks the Top 1.6% among leading scientific
journals (Table 1 and Table 2), [Exhibit D-1]. Such large numbers of
requests from different leading scientific journals have no doubt
demonstrated my significant international recognition in my field and that
my review work is exceptional.
Dr. Xxxx, Editor-in-Chief of JAFC, attests in his independent recommendation
letter that: “Dr. Angryfist is among the most valuable reviewers for JAFC,
in terms of the quantity and quality of his reviewing efforts.” [Exhibit A
2. Most of the reviewed articles are from the most prestigious journals
in the field.
Of the 30 manuscripts I have reviewed, most are from the most prestigious
journals in the field, such as JAFC, Water Research, Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry Research (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.), Environ. Sci. Technol
., and Journal of Hazardous Materials (JHaM). According to the Eigenfactor
Score, these journals hold very high rankings among a total of 8336 leading
scientific journals (Table 5 and [Exhibit D-3]).
Table 5 Most manuscripts come from top ranking journals
Journal Title Eigenfactor score * Eigenfactor rank
* Eigenfactor percentile ranking ** 5-Year Impact Factor *
Environ. Sci. Technol. 0.18929 49 Top 0.6% 5.764
JHaM 0.11771 112 Top 1.3% 4.553
JAFC 0.10642 130 Top 1.6% 3.239
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 0.07032 222 Top 2.7% 2.530
Water Research 0.06017 263 Top 3.2% 5.315
* The Eigenfactor score, ranking, and 5-year impact factor of each journal
are based on the 2011 Scientific Journal Citation Report [Exhibit D-3].
** The percentile ranking is calculated based on the Eigenfactor score
ranking for all the 8336 journals, calculated by statistics software in
[Exhibit D-3] collects a copy of journal rankings directly from the ISI Web
of Science.
High ranking journals receive extensive acclaims from global researchers
because they maintain high quality by strict reviewing criteria. Being able
to review a large number of manuscripts for these top journals exemplified
my significant contribution and preeminent status in the field.
3. Reviewed manuscripts are from research labs around the world
Authors of these 30 manuscripts are from no less than 14 countries in Four
Continents: i.e. North America, South America, Asia, and Europe [Exhibit D-1
]. These 14 countries are:
• Brazil • Canada • China
• Denmark • France • Germany
• Hong Kong • Iran • Italy
• Korea • Portugal • Spain
• United Kingdom • USA
The wide geographic spreading of these manuscripts clearly attests my
international recognition. It also confirms that my expertise directly
benefits and influences more than 100 scientists in the field of
environmental engineering around the world.
4. I satisfy the strictest requirements of academic achievements as well
as ethical standards
These journals hold very strict standard in selecting expert reviewers, and
the reason I was selected as a reviewer is solely due to my expertise of
excellence and international reputation in my field.
To further prove my qualification in this criterion and to demonstrate my
significant contribution in the field, several editors of leading journals
have offered their independent opinions:
o Dr. Xxxx, the Editor-in-Chief of xxxx, attests that: “The high
standard of quality that xxxx has achieved is credited to the high quality
of reviewers and their reviews. Dr. Angryfist’s scientific contribution in
his field is recognized by scientists in the field around the world as shown
by citations of his publications’, and that: ‘reviewing requires state-of
-the-art expertise in the specific scientific area of the manuscript, and an
in-depth knowledge of past work in the field.” [Exhibit A-7]
o Dr. Xxxx, the Editor-in-Chief of xxx, confirms that: “Only scientists
who have established an international reputation of excellence in this field
are considered by this journal as potential reviewer to judge the work of
others. Dr. angryfist is one of our regular reviewers, solely due to his
significant scientific accomplishments in his area.” [Exhibit A-8]
o Dr. Xxxx, the Editor of xxx and xxx, testifies that: “Expert reviewers
who … are selected based on their academic achievement and international
recognition as shown by their publications and citations. It is because of
Dr. Angryfist’s extensive background and outstanding achievement in the
field of environmental engineering that he has been called upon to serve as
a reviewer for both journals”. [Exhibit A-9]
o Dr. Xxxx, an associate editor of xxx, also attests that: “We require
the knowledge of internationally recognized experts in related fields in
order to maintain the highest standard of the journal. Thanks to his unique
skills and expertise, Dr. Angryfist has been invited to review more than ten
manuscripts for xxxx. Only a small percentage of researchers have this kind
of opportunity to provide invaluable comments to the scientific fields.” [
Exhibit A-1]
5. My review works are highly praised by editors and researchers
My dedicated review work provides valuable expert comments and suggestions
that directly influence more than 100 authors. My review work is highly
appreciated by editors.
o Dr. Xxxx highly praises my review work that: “As an acknowledged
expert in his field, Dr. Angryfist is among the most valuable reviewers of
xxxx, in terms of the quantity and quality of his reviewing efforts’, and
that “(I)…will call upon him to review manuscripts again in the future.”
[Exhibit A-7]
o Dr. Xxxx attests that: “His unique skills and knowledge enabled him to
complete a thorough and rigorous review of the submission. We are satisfied
by his reviews, which are insightful, comprehensive, candid, and helpful to
the authors.” [Exhibit A-8]
o Dr. Xxxx also attests that: “Dr. Angryfist provided timely and
insightful reviews for assigned manuscripts….I am very satisfied with Dr.
Angryfist’s excellent review works and put him in the company of the
journals’ most valued reviewers” [Exhibit A-9]
o Dr. Xxxx also confirms that: “We are very satisfied with Dr. Angryfist
’s reviewing works, which are insightful, incisive, and helpful to all
other scientist.” [Exhibit A-1].
In summary, I satisfy the strictest requirements of many international
journals and have conducted extensive review activities that are far beyond
regular voluntary reviews. Only experts with solid technical background and
experience can be invited so constantly to judge others’ work in this
capacity. Moreover, most manuscripts I’ve reviewed are from top prestigious
journals in my field. My expert review comments have direct impact on and
benefit more than 100 authors from no less than 14 countries in Four
continents. In addition, my review work has been highly praised by journal
editors. These facts clearly attest that I have gained international
recognition in my field and my review work is truly exceptional.
II. I have worked and will continue to work and make contributions in the
field of environmental engineering in the United States
Xxxx company, which is a world leading Agri-Chemical company with more than
xxxxx employees, produces a wide range of pesticide products [Exhibit E-1].
During the manufacturing process of pesticides, a large amount of
pesticides are inevitably released into industrial wastewater as pollutants.
It is the ultimate objective and obligation of an environmental engineer to
eliminate these pollutants and prevent them from polluting environment and
threating public health.
I have held a full-time position of Engineer 4 in Xxxx company since 200x [
Exhibit E-2]. In this capacity, I am responsible for research and
development of environmental engineering technologies and processes for
water and wastewater treatment. More specifically, my job is to: “develop,
modify, and optimize waste treatment processes, as well as develop new
technologies for waste reduction, industrial wastewater treatment, and air
treatment at several production sites.” I also: “define technical
specifications for current and future environmental engineering initiatives;
monitor manufacturing regulations and identify necessary changes; and
ensure company compliance with applicable internal Health, Safety and
Environmental policies and government regulations.” [Exhibit E-3].
[Exhibit E-2] collects the original offer letter and a recent employment
verification letter.
[Exhibit E-3] is a copy of my H-1B extension application filed by Xxxx
company in 2012 that has my job description.
III. My continuously stay in the USA in the field of environmental
engineering will substantially benefit the USA
Global population is expected to reach 8 billion of people within two
decades, and that puts great pressure on agricultural production, demanding
to grow more food on less arable land and with growing water scarcity. As a
result the utilization of pesticides is becoming more important than ever.
In his “Investing in America’s Future – Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s
Plan for Science and Innovation”, President Obama vowed to “Maintain and
Enhance American Agricultural Productivity” [Exhibit E-4, Page 11]. To
achieve this mission, application of pesticides is a key factor. Xxxx
company, as one of the world leading producer of pesticides, plays a crucial
role in the mission. At the same time, it is equally important for
environmental engineers to take the responsibility to effectively reduce
pollutions through water and wastewater treatment process and to ensure
smooth operation of manufacturing of pesticides. My role as an environmental
engineer at Xxxx company has and will continue to substantially benefit the
USA in term of environmental protection and help ensure the smooth
operation of Xxxx company in the USA [Exhibit E-3].
The benefits to the USA of my future stay and working in the field of
environmental engineering have also been attested and strongly supported by
prestigious American experts:
Dr. Xxxx from University of xxx discusses the importance of my contribution
to the field as well as my current role, and attests: “With his unique
expertise in water treatment and knowledge of pesticides, Dr. Angryfist’s
work will profoundly benefit the effort to improve the water quality and
public health here in the United States. It is thus my great pleasure to
give Dr. Angryfist the highest and unequivocal recommendation and
endorsement for his permanent residency in the United States”. [Exhibit A-2
Dr. xxx from University of xxxx shares the same belief that: “Dr. Angryfist
has been widely recognized in the U.S and around the world as a leading
researcher in this field. I offer my strongest support to his application
for permanent residency in the United States” [Exhibit A-3].
Dr. Xxxx from xxxx also confirms that: “Dr. Angryfist is among the elite
scientists” and “I therefore give Dr. Angryfist my highest, unequivocal
recommendation to receive the permanent residency of the United States. I
have a strong confidence that Dr. Angryfist will be an important asset to
this country.” [Exhibit A-1]
IV. Conclusion
In summary, I am an alien of extraordinary ability and belong to the small
percentage of top researchers who have made tremendous contributions and
have led the progress in the field of my endeavor. My elite status is proven
through a remarkable record of publications, original contributions of
major significance, and exceptional experience as a judge for the work of
others. I have sustained national and international acclaims that are
superior to my peers in the field.
I have been and will continue to work in the area of environmental
engineering in the United States. My work has and will continue to benefit
the United States to a substantial degree.
I sincerely hope that I have provided you with information and documentation
necessary and sufficient to approve my I-140 petition. Your kind
consideration of my application is deeply appreciated.
I have enclosed related supporting legal documents in the [Exhibit E-5, E-6]
. Should you have any question, please inform me at your earliest
convenience. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
angryfist, Ph. D
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 我和奶茶的亲密接触
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 25 10:15:11 2014, 美东)

【在 m******n 的大作中提到】
: 苦主好像被下家和小护士联合坑了
如果自己用好点的CC买过ipad, 去file protection试试运气也说不定

【在 m*r 的大作中提到】
: 苦主为啥就把2个坏的ipad给了下家?至少要回来呀

【在 m******n 的大作中提到】
: 是啊,应该先要回来
: 如果自己用好点的CC买过ipad, 去file protection试试运气也说不定


【在 z**********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 我和奶茶的亲密接触
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 25 10:15:11 2014, 美东)
: 上京东买了好几千的东西,应该有几十块钱的利润给了刘强东。强东用我这几十块钱,
: 买了套套,买了性感内衣给奶茶穿上,就等于是我和奶茶有肌肤之亲,是我买的套套,
: 在奶茶湿润的洞洞里进进出出几百回....
: 猥琐男自觉脑补一下

苦主如果自己买过......., 一般90天还是30天来着, 看t&c了


【在 D***0 的大作中提到】
: 小护士的货,苦主怎么file

【在 z**********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 我和奶茶的亲密接触
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 25 10:15:11 2014, 美东)
: 上京东买了好几千的东西,应该有几十块钱的利润给了刘强东。强东用我这几十块钱,
: 买了套套,买了性感内衣给奶茶穿上,就等于是我和奶茶有肌肤之亲,是我买的套套,
: 在奶茶湿润的洞洞里进进出出几百回....
: 猥琐男自觉脑补一下


【在 D***0 的大作中提到】
: 小护士的货,苦主怎么file


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

是吗? 这下京东内衣脱销了.

【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: 1.东哥不带套
: 2.性感内衣用完了东哥还会包好,在京东出售


【在 D***0 的大作中提到】
: 小护士的货,苦主怎么file

【在 z**********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 我和奶茶的亲密接触
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 25 10:15:11 2014, 美东)
: 上京东买了好几千的东西,应该有几十块钱的利润给了刘强东。强东用我这几十块钱,
: 买了套套,买了性感内衣给奶茶穿上,就等于是我和奶茶有肌肤之亲,是我买的套套,
: 在奶茶湿润的洞洞里进进出出几百回....
: 猥琐男自觉脑补一下


【在 p***e 的大作中提到】
: D神又来欺负我们小护士。。。

【在 z**********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 我和奶茶的亲密接触
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 25 10:15:11 2014, 美东)
: 上京东买了好几千的东西,应该有几十块钱的利润给了刘强东。强东用我这几十块钱,
: 买了套套,买了性感内衣给奶茶穿上,就等于是我和奶茶有肌肤之亲,是我买的套套,
: 在奶茶湿润的洞洞里进进出出几百回....
: 猥琐男自觉脑补一下


【在 D***0 的大作中提到】
: 小护士的货,苦主怎么file



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。


Normally 下家和小护士don't even know each other, how could they 联合?

【在 m******n 的大作中提到】
: 苦主好像被下家和小护士联合坑了

【在 m******n 的大作中提到】
: 是啊,应该先要回来
: 如果自己用好点的CC买过ipad, 去file protection试试运气也说不定


【在 m******n 的大作中提到】
: 苦主好像被下家和小护士联合坑了

【在 w**********8 的大作中提到】
: cong

【在 m******n 的大作中提到】
: 苦主好像被下家和小护士联合坑了


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

big cong!!
thank you!


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

big con~


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

Big cong!!!


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

恭喜,请问楼主怎么挖掘original 贡献的? 挨个读引用你paper的 paper吗? 然后看


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

站西 pai cong1


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

GXGX and Cong!!


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

Thanks for sharing. Congrats.
big cong


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
(只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。
薄码PL 如下。基本上综合了2010-2012版上流行的模版,在CONTRIBUTION 上
December 10, 2012
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
RE: I-140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker of Extraordinary Ability
Petitioner: angryfist , Ph.D.
Beneficiary: angryfist, Ph.D.
Classification Sought: 203(b)(1)(A)
Dear USCIS Immigration Officer:
The following is respectfully submitted in support of my petition as a
qualified immigrant under INA 203(b)(1)(A), the First Preference as Alien of
Extraordinary Ability (EB1a). I hold a Ph.D. degree in xxx from the
prestigious xxx University, one of the TOP 10 national universities in the
USA according to the U.S. News & World. I am currently a full-time employee
at xxx , working in the field of xxxx.
In the past years, I have made significant original contributions and
sustained international acclaims in the field of xxxx. The following is a
summary of my accomplishments and the totality of which will establish that
I satisfy three of the statutory requirements for the alien of extraordinary
I. I am an alien of extraordinary ability on the basis of the following
(A) Exceptional Authorship: I have authored important scholarly articles
in top international journals and conference presentations. My authorship
record is superior to my peers;
(B) Original Contributions of Major Significance: I have made significant
original scientific contributions that have profoundly affected works of
other scientist in the field of environmental engineering around the world;
(C) Judging the Works of Other Scientists: I have been constantly invited
by international journals to judge important works of other scientists in
my field. My judging work is exceptional.
II. I have worked and will continue to work in the area of environmental
engineering in the United States.
III. My continuously stay in the United States will substantially
benefit the USA in the field of environmental engineering which has been
testified by the statements of witnesses from top American and international
Indicative of my accomplishments and reputation, the petition package also
encloses nine recommendation letters of support from distinguished American
and international experts who share the belief of other experts that I am of
extraordinary ability in my field.
[Exhibit A-1] to [Exhibit A-9] collect the recommendation letters from the 9
experts. All but Dr. xxxx are independent experts.
Please find following attached documents in support of my application:
(1). I-140 application form and check;
(2). Petition Letter;
(3). Index to Exhibits
(3). Exhibits A to E for Supporting Evidence.
Should you need additional information or materials, please contact me at
your earliest convenience. Your help on this application is greatly
I. I am an Alien of Extraordinary Ability who meets Three of the
Regulatory Criteria
(A) Exceptional Authorship of Scholarly Articles in the Field of
Environmental Engineering
I have exceptional records with 10 authored articles published in multiple
prestigious peer-reviewed journals in the field of environmental engineering
. I have 3 presentations in international and national conferences of their
highest academic level. The general information of my publications is:
Original Research Journal Articles: 10 [Exhibit B-1]
International and National Conference Presentations: 3 [Exhibit B-2]
My authorship of scholarly articles is exceptional in three ways: 1) My
articles are published in leading prestigious journals; 2) My articles have
had significant impacts in the field of environmental engineering; and 3) My
articles have sustained exceptional international recognitions and acclaims
, and superior to my peers.
1. My articles are published in leading prestigious journals
I have published articles in four internationally circulating journals, i.e.
Water Research, Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), Chemosphere, and
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (JAFC) [Exhibit B-1]. All of
these journals are leading prestigious journals that rank in the very small
percentile according to two widely accepted scientific indices: the SCImago
Journal & Country Rank (SJR score) and the Eigenfactor Score
1.1 My publicizing journals hold high ranks in their respective subject
categories according to the SJR Score
The SJR score, which is based on the Scopus database, measures scientific
influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of
citations and the importance of the journals where such citations come from
[Exhibit B-3]. In the SJR ranking, every journal belongs to one or more
subject categories. The rankings of a journal in these categories indicate
the journal’s significance in the fields.
According to the SJR Score, all four journals are prestigious journals that
hold very top positions among peers in all respective subject categories (
Table 1 and [Exhibit B-4]).
Table 1: Rankings of my publicizing journals in subject categories by SJR
Journal Title Subject Category Rank in category Total journals in
the category Ranking percentile Pages in [Exhibit B-4]
Water Research Ecological Modeling 1 10 N/A *
Pollution 3 47 Top 6.4%
Waste Management and Disposal 1 28 N/A *
Water Science and Technology 2 112 Top 1.8%
EHP Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis 1 68 N/A *
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 2 337 Top
Chemosphere Environmental Chemistry 7 95 Top 7.4%
Toxicology 4 94 Top 4.3%
JAFC Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) 37 274
Top 13.5%
Chemistry (miscellaneous) 27 213 Top 12.7%
Food Science 23 234 Top 9.8%
* the ranking percentile is ‘N/A’ in case one journal ranks the NO 1 in
the category.
[Exhibit B-4] collects a copy of the ranking information of the four
journals in their respective subject categories directly from the SCImago
Journal & Country Rank.
Particularly, the Water Research is the very best journal in two subject
categories, i.e. Ecological Modeling and Waste Management and Disposal. It
also ranks the NO.2 and Top 1.8% in the category of Water Science and
Technology. Furthermore, it is the NO.3 and top 6.4% journal in the category
of Pollution.
I have published Three (3) articles in Water Research, which perfectly
illustrates that my scholarly articles are of significant importance. Dr.
Xxxx highly praises this outstanding record that: “Only a small percentage
of researchers may achieve such record.” [Exhibit A-2].
In addition to Water Research, the EHP is the very best among 68 journals in
the category of Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis. It also ranks the NO.2
and Top 0.6% among 337 journals in the category of Public Health,
Environmental and Occupational Health. The Chemosphere and JAFC are also
high ranking journals in their respective categories.
1.2 My publicizing journals hold high ranks among all leading journals
according to Eigenfactor Score
The other metric, the Eigenfactor Score that is based on the ISI Web of
Science database, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific
journal. It adjusts for citations differences across disciplines and allows
better comparison across research areas [Exhibit B-5].
According to the Eigenfactor Score, these four journals on which I have
published scholarly articles also hold high ranks among a total of 8336
leading scientific journals (Table 2 and [Exhibit B-6]). In fact, all four
journals rank between Top 1.6% and 3.2% percentile among a total of 8336
leading scientific journals. They are superior to most peer journals.
The fact that my articles are published in top journals which are circulated
internationally and enjoy large readership around the world clearly
demonstrates my excellent authorship.
Table 2 Rankings of my publicizing journals by Eigenfactor Score
Journal Title Eigenfactor Score
* Eigenfactor ranking
* Eigenfactor percentile ranking ** 5-Year Impact Factor *
JAFC 0.10642 130 Top 1.6% 3.239
Chemosphere 0.07951 191 Top 2.3% 3.613
EHP 0.06313 251 Top 3.0% 7.366
Water Research 0.06017 263 Top 3.2% 5.315
* The Eigenfactor score, ranking, and 5-year impact factor of each journal
are based on the 2011 Scientific Journal Citation Report [Exhibit B-6].
** The percentile ranking is calculated based on the Eigenfactor score
ranking for all the 8336 journals, calculated by statistics software in
[Exhibit B-6] collects the rankings of each journal directly from the ISI
Web of Science.
2 My articles have had a significant impact in the field of
environmental engineering
2.1 My articles have been heavily cited by other scientists.
According the Google Scholar, my publications have received 192 citations in
total, with an h-index of 7 as shown below:
Total citations: 192 (As of November 30, 2012)
Average citations per article: 19.2
h-index: 7
[Exhibit B-7] lists citation numbers to each of my articles, and collects a
print copy of the lists of citations. All copies are directly printed from
Google Scholar.
2.2 My articles are frequently cited by the most prestigious journals
around the world.
High ranking journals generally make deeper impact than other journals in
the field. The fact that many articles published in a school of high ranking
journals cite my articles clearly shows that my publications are of great
importance and high value to top-notch researchers around the world.
The Eigenfactor score and 5-year impact factors for eight selected top
scientific journals in which my articles have been cited are summarized in
Table 3 and [Exhibit B-8].
Table 3 Eight selected top journals that cite my publications
Journal Title Eigenfactor score * Eigenfactor rank * Eigenfactor
percentile ranking ** 5-Year Impact Factor * Cited article in [Exhibit
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 0.51421 11 Top 0.1% 13.195 Page 4
Environ. Sci. Technol. 0.18929 49 Top 0.6% 5.764 Page 3
J. Hazardous Materials 0.11771 112 Top 1.3% 4.553 Page 6
JAFC 0.10642 130 Top 1.6% 3.239 Page 6
Electrochimica Acta 0.09365 154 Top 1.9% 4.039 Page 5
Chemosphere 0.07951 191 Top 2.3% 3.613 Page 7
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 0.07091 220 Top 2.6% 3.
263 Page 15
Anal Bioanal Chem 0.06319 250 Top 3.0% 3.733 Page 15
* The Eigenfactor score, ranking, and 5-year impact factor of each journal
are based on the 2011 Scientific Journal Citation Report [Exhibit B-8].
** The percentile ranking is calculated based on the Eigenfactor score
ranking for all the 8336 journals, calculated by statistics software in
[Exhibit B-8] collects a copy of rankings of the eight journals directly
from the ISI Web of Science.
[Exhibit B-9] lists and collects a copy of one citing article from each of
these eight journals. The first page and the reference page of each article
are provided.
3 My articles have sustained exceptional international acclaims and are
superior to my peers
3.1 My publications have broad impacts to and have sustained
international acclaims from international scientists
My publications have received enormous international recognitions. According
to the Google Scholar, scientists who have cited my work are from 31
countries in Five Continents, i.e. North America, South America, Asia,
Europe, and Africa (Figure 1 and [Exhibit B-10]).
These 31 countries are:
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Korea, Lebanon,
Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.
Figure 1 The geographic locations of publications that have cited my work
(Note: One flag for each country no matter how many citations come from
that country)
[Exhibit B-10] lists one representative citing article from each of these 31
countries. The first page and reference page of these citing articles are
also collected.
Furthermore, my articles have received citations and recognitions every year
for more than 10 years (Figure 2 and [Exhibit B-7]). The citation number is
expected to continue increasing substantially and steadily in the future.
These facts clearly indicate that I have sustained significant recognition
and acclaims from fellow scientists in my field.
Figure 2 Yearly distributions of my citation by Google Scholar [Exhibit B-7]
3.2 My citation rate records are superior to my peers.
One key scientific indicator to measure the quality of an article is the
average citation rate, which is calculated based on an accumulation of
citations from the year of publication to the current year. It is an
authoritative and objective source to critically evaluate the research
articles in the same field.
According to the ISI Essential Science Indicators (2012) ([Exhibit B-11]),
all my articles published between 2002 and 2012 have much higher average
citation rates than peers published in the same year in the same field of
Engineering (Figure 3). In addition, the average citations to all my
publications of 19.2 are much higher than the average citations rate for All
-Years publications of 4.96 in the field of Engineering.
Figure 3 The citation rates of my paper far exceed the average citation
rates of articles in the same field published in the same year ([Exhibit B-7
] and [Exhibit B-11])
Furthermore, two of my articles published in 2008 are among the most cited
articles in the field of Engineering. They have been cited 30 and 27 times,
respectively, far exceeding the Top 10% citation rates of 11 and very close
to the Top 1% citation rates of 31 in the field (Table 4 and [Exhibit B-12])
. These citation rates are 6.5 and 5.9 times higher than the average
citations of 4.58 for all engineering articles published in 2008. These
facts demonstrate that my citation records are superior to that of my peers.
Table 4 Comparison of the average citation rates of articles published in
the field of Engineering
Year of Publication = 2008 Citations
1% Percentile citations [Exhibit B-12] 31
My article 1 [Exhibit B-1, Page 5] and [Exhibit B-7, Page 5-7] 30
My article 2 [Exhibit B-1, Page 6] and [Exhibit B-7, Page 8-10] 27
10% Percentile citation [Exhibit B-12] 11
Average citations in the field of Engineering [Exhibit B-11] 4.58
Dr. XXXX from Turkey highly praised this record in her independent
recommendation letter that: “Dr. angryfist’s (one) article has been cited
27 times so far by journals and books. This is an outstanding record in the
field of environmental engineering, and it clearly attests the significant
contribution Dr. angryfist has made to the field.”
In summary, I have an exceptional authorship with an extraordinary record of
publishing scholarly articles. I have published multiple research articles
in four journals that all rank in the very top in their respective subject
categories as well as amongst the total leading scientific journals. My
articles are frequently cited by a school of the most prestigious journals.
Furthermore, my articles have an extraordinary citing record of 192 total
citations and 19.2 citations per publication that is superior to my peers.
These citations come from researchers of 31 countries located in Five
Continents. My publications have much higher citation rates than peers
published in the same year in the same field. All these facts clearly show
that my authorship record is exceptional and I have sustained exceptional
international acclaims.
(B) Original Contributions of Major Significance in the Field of
Environmental Engineering
I have made significant original contributions in the field of environmental
engineering and sustained acclaims from international scientists in four
ways: 1) I have made extraordinary progresses in my field, and my
discoveries have been used as a basis and foundation to design, test and
support important research works of scientists around the world; 2) My
publications have been broadly cited and heavily discussed by scientists in
the field around the world,; 3) I have presented my original discoveries at
top international and national conferences; and 4) I have been constantly
invited to review a large number of articles for 10 journals in my field.
1. I have made extraordinary progresses in my field, and my discoveries
have been used as a basis to design, test and support important research
works of scientists around the world.
Environmental Engineering is a discipline dedicating to reduce pollution of
air, water, and soil, and to ensure the healthy development of the world.
Water and wastewater treatment is a major field of environmental engineering
that aims to eliminate contaminants from water and wastewater such that to
maintain quality and normal function of water bodies. This field has been
facing ever increasing pressure due to modern industrial and municipal
activities that release more and more toxic chemicals as pollutants into
water bodies. Many of them are recalcitrant that cannot be effectively
eliminated by traditional technologies.
I have been working in the field of water and wastewater treatment for more
than 10 years. Specifically, I have primarily focused on the advanced
oxidation processes (AOPs) technologies. The AOPs is a group of technologies
that includes photolysis by ultraviolet (UV) light, hydrogen peroxide
assisted photolysis (UV/H2O2), ozonation, and etc. These technologies
primarily utilize oxidizing species such as hydroxyl radical, which is
generated during the AOPs processes, to eliminate recalcitrant pollutants
from water.
The AOPs shows unique advantages for water and wastewater treatment. However
, there are many questions yet to be answered such as the mechanism, optimum
parameter, and effects of natural water species on treatment efficiency,
etc. I have conducted pioneering research works in the area and have made
remarkable progresses with groundbreaking discoveries and pivotal
achievements. My significant contribution to this area is evidenced by the
fact that my discoveries have been frequently used as a basis and foundation
to design research protocols, to conduct research, to test results, and to
support research discoveries by other scientists in the field around the
world. It has also been testified by prestigious American and international
experts who have been directly benefited from my works.
Specifically, I have:
1.1. Been the first to discover the fundamental rule about the effect of
hydrogen peroxide concentration on water treatment efficiency in applying
the UV/H2O2 technology to eliminate xxx, a widely used insecticide and a
major water pollutant. I successfully discovered the pivotal optimal molar
ratio of hydrogen peroxide dose to pollutant to achieve the optimum
treatment efficiency. I have identified multiple degradation byproducts, and
this led eventually to a historic discovery of three degradation pathways
of the process. [Exhibit C-1]
o The work led to a publication in Water Research in 2008 [Exhibit B-1,
page 5]. Since publication, the article has been cited 30 times, a record
close to the Top 1% most cited articles published in 2008 (Table 4).
o The article was immediately highlighted by NewsRx, [Exhibit C-1, Page 1
], which is the NO 2 among Top Health News and Media Publications [Exhibit C
-1, Page 2-5].
o The article was cited by Canadian researchers in a review of literature
that devoted one paragraph to heavily discuss my discoveries [Exhibit C-1,
Page 6-8]. These researchers further used my discoveries to justify their
choice of UV doses in a study of degradation of two pesticides using the UV/
H2O2 technology [Exhibit C-1, Page 9-11].
o Researchers from Egypt and Saudi Arabia cited this work twice in their
study of removing xxx, a pesticide, from date fruits [Exhibit C-1, Page 12-
14]. The article not only used the byproducts identified in my study to
justify their findings of byproducts but also applied my discoveries of the
effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration to explain their work results.
o Researchers from Brazil applied my discoveries as the basis to design
their experiments and followed my direction to select H2O2 concentration and
UV dose in their study of applying the UV/ H2O2 technology to degrade xxx,
an antibacterial used in veterinary drug. They also used my discoveries as a
scientific evidence to verify their observations. The article explicitly
stated that: “ angryfist (22) observed degradation…… Thus, applying
similar ultraviolet radiation dose the degradation obtained in this research
was comparable to those obtained by other authors” [Exhibit C-1, Page 15-
o Researchers from China applied my discoveries twice to justify and
explain their findings in a study of the degradation of yyy, a toxic
substance produced by bacteria. In the article, the authors stated that: “
Previous studies reported ….. by UV/H2O2 treatment [21]”, and that: “this
might be explained by the fact increasing the concentration of H2O2 could
produce …and then facilitate yyy degradation [21]’. Here, the [21] refers
to my publication in the reference list [Exhibit C-1, Page 19-22].
o Dr. Xxxx from China discussed in great details on the degradation
pathways I have discovered and used them as the basis to support her effort
to identify byproducts in a study of applying ultrasonic irradiation to
degrade parathion [Exhibit C-1, Page 23-25].
Dr. Xxxx attests the significance of my article in her independent
recommendation letter that: “My research lab at yyy University also
benefited from this article” and that: “Dr. angryfist’s discoveries of
byproducts provided tremendous support to our research works of identifying
parathion byproducts during the ultrasonic irradiation process” [Exhibit A-
o Dr. XXXX from Turkey applied my discoveries in a recent study to
explain and justify her observations of low reaction rate of direct
photolysis of xxx and zzzz. The publication wrote that: “Direct photolysis
of OPPs…. was reported to be very slow with low quantum yields [31]”. Here
, the [31] refers to my article in the reference list [Exhibit C-1, Page 26-
Dr. XXXX attests in her independent recommendation letter that: “(Dr.
angryfist’s findings) were used to justify our observations of low direct
photolysis rates of two pesticides in our studies” and that: “This finding
greatly improves our understanding of the fundamental mechanism of
photolysis” [Exhibit A-5].
o Dr. Xxxx from USA cited my discoveries in two of his studies of
degrading LR, a bacterial toxin, using UV-C/H2O2 technology, and of
degrading zzzz using hydroxyl radicals and sulfate radicals [Exhibit C-1,
Page 29-33]. He highly praises my work that: “His discoveries break new
ground in our understanding of the mechanism of the process and provide
practical guidelines to achieve optimum efficiency to eliminate pollutants
during water treatment” and that “This work is of major importance and has
had an enormous influence on researchers in this field as evidenced by the
fact that it has been cited by other researchers 30 times since publication
” [Exhibit A-3].
1.2. Conducted pioneering study to apply ozonation and hydrogen peroxide
assisted ozonation for the degradation of nine pollutants listed in the US
EPA’s Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (CCL). The study discovered
the critical role of pH in controlling the reaction rate and for the first
time reported pivotal reaction rate constants of these pollutants by
ozonation and by the reaction with hydroxyl radicals. These discoveries not
only improved our understandings of fundamental AOP kinetics, but also
provided crucial guidelines for water and wastewater treatment. [Exhibit C-2]
o The work was partially presented on the Water Quality Technology
Conference (WQTC) in 2005 in Canada [Exhibit B-2]. The complete work was
published in Water Research in 2008 [Exhibit B-1, Page 6]. Since publication
, the article has been cited 27 times, a close record to the Top 1% most
cited articles published in 2008 in the field of Engineering (Table 4).
o The article was immediately cited by researchers from Cyprus, Greece,
Spain, and Italy in a book: “xxxxx” which is an “authoritative and
comprehensive reference source covering a wide scope of Xenobiotics in the
aquatic environment” [Exhibit C-2, Page 1-2]. The book dedicated one
paragraph to heavily discuss my discoveries [Exhibit C-2, Page 3-5].
o The article was again cited by Germany and Swiss researchers in another
newly published book: “zzzzzz”, which “discusses mechanistic details of
ozone reactions as they are known to date and applies them to the large body
of studies on micropollutant degradation” [Exhibit C-2, Page 6-7]. The
book extensively collected my discoveries of the fundamental kinetic data.
In fact, my article was mentioned five times in various tables in this book
[Exhibit C-2, page 8-12].
o Researchers from China heavily used my discoveries of reaction rate
constants as the foundation to calculate and compare their study results of
ozonation of ccccc, a family of toxic and bio-resistant compounds [Exhibit C
-2, Page 13-16]. The Table 2 in the publication actually cited my article
five times in order to establish their conclusions. The article further
applied my discoveries as a criterion to justify their conclusions that: “
Hence, the measured rate constants of a given compound with ozone or
hydroxyl radicals are a combination of the rate constants of the individual
reaction channels occurring in 21”. Here, the ‘21’ refers to my article
in the reference list.
o Researchers from Mexico cited and used my discoveries as the basic
mechanism to support their study of applying electro-Fenton reaction to
degrade zzzzz herbicide. The article stated that: “(My article) reported
that urea herbicides have high OH radical reactivity, therefore they can be
efficiently removed by processes that mainly involve OH radical reactions”
[Exhibit C-2, Page 17-19].
o Dr. Xxxx from China directly adopted and implemented my methods to
study the kinetics of ozonation of two groups of antimicrobials. The article
explicitly stated that: “The solute consumption method and competition
kinetic method [26-27] were used to study…”. Here, the [26] refers to my
publication in the reference list [Exhibit C-2, Page 20-23]. The article
further applied my results of reaction rate constant to justify their
Dr. Xxxx attests how my discoveries have affected her works in her
independent recommendation letter that: “My research lab, after reviewing a
wide range of literatures, adopted Dr. Angryfist’s methods to investigate
the kinetics of ozonation of an antibiotic in water treatment” [Exhibit A-6
o Dr. XXXX from Turkey selected parameters for her study of the ozonation
of xxxx and yyyy based on my discoveries of the effect of pH on ozonation
rate [Exhibit C-2, Page 24-26]. She also applied these discoveries to
justify and explain her observation of different behaviors of ozone under
different pH conditions in another study of ozonation of xxxx which is a
pesticide [Exhibit C-2, Page 27-29].
Dr XXXX highly praises my discoveries in her independent recommendation
letter that: “These findings attested what we observed in the ozonation of
diazinon and help us explain the higher reaction rates both at lower and
high pH conditions compared to that at a neutral condition”. She further
compliments on the fact that my article has been cited 27 times so far that:
“This is an outstanding record in the field of environmental engineering,
and it clearly attests the significant contribution Dr. Angryfist has made
to this field.” [Exhibit A-5]
1.3. Made ground-breaking discoveries in detailing the critical roles of
bicarbonate and carbonate in determining the efficiency of AOP water and
wastewater treatment and the environmental fate of organic contaminants. I
invented a mathematical model for the first time in the field to quantify
the effect of bicarbonate and carbonate. This work solved a long-standing,
unanswered problem: to what extend do the bicarbonate and carbonate affect
treatment efficiency? [Exhibit C-3]
o This work was partially presented on the 2007 World Congress on Ozone
and Ultraviolet Technologies [Exhibit B-2]. The complete work was published
in Water Research in 2010 [Exhibit B-1, Page 3]. The article has been cited
nine (9) times so far, which is 4.36 times higher than the average citation
rates of 2.06 of articles published in 2010 in the same field of Engineering
[Table 3 and Exhibit B-11].
o The article was immediately highlighted by VerticalNews [Exhibit C-3,
Page 1], which is a part of the NewsRx, the NO 2 among Top Health News and
Media Publications [Exhibit C-1, Page 2-5].
o The article was cited by Switzerland and Germany researchers as a
representative study in a classic reference book: “xxxx”, which is “a
state-of-the-art reference work” and the “benchmark reference in chemistry
” [Exhibit C-3, Page 2]. The book devoted one paragraph and heavily
discussed my discoveries of the effect of carbonate and bicarbonate [Exhibit
C-3, Page 3-5].
o The article was again cited by Indian and Belgium researchers in
another book: “yyyy”, which “describes the stat-of-the-art advances
regarding all facets of pesticides, including the pollution of water, soils,
atmosphere, food and living organisms.” [Exhibit C-3, Page 6-7]. The book
mentioned my article four times and extensively discussed the significance
of my discoveries of the effect of carbonate and bicarbonate in the AOP
process [Exhibit C-3, Page 8-10].
o The article was immediately cited by Canadian researchers in a review
article that devoted one paragraph to discuss my discoveries [[Exhibit C-3,
Page 11-13].
o The article was cited by Netherlands researchers in another review of
literature article published in Water Research [Exhibit C-3, Page 14-17].
The review article extensively discussed my discoveries of the effect of
carbonate and bicarbonate, and that of hydrogen peroxide concentration. It
also collected my discoveries of reaction rate constants as a fundamental
theoretical basis. In fact, this review cited my article five times.
o Researchers from Iran implemented my methods to study the scavenging
effect of bicarbonate and sulphate in the UV/H2O2 process for the degrading
of xxxx and yyyy, two important pesticides [Exhibit C-3, Page 18-20]. Their
publication dedicated one paragraph to report my discoveries and used them
as the foundation to build their research objectives.
o Dr. Xxxx from Serbia used my discoveries to justify and support her
findings of various reaction rates of the degradation of thiacloprid, an
insecticide [Exhibit C-3, Page 21-23].
Dr. Xxxx highly praises my discoveries in her independent recommendation
letter that: “These pioneering works have made great contributions to the
scientific community, and continue to help other researchers design and
clarify their respective researches in this field”. She further notes that:
“the publications have been cited in one of my recent papers because they
provided the valuable information to support my research findings” [Exhibit
o Dr. Xxxx from USA cited my particle in his study of photodegradation of
zzzz, which is an herbicide, to confirm and verify his observations of the
formation and effect of hydroxyl radical [Exhibit C-3, Page 24-26].
Dr. Xxxx highly praises the significance of my discoveries in his
independent recommendation letter that: “Dr. Angryfist’s pioneering
research work successfully quantified…and provided a model that can be used
to predict and guide the AOPs operation.” He further attests that: “this
work helps us explain the formation of radicals in a recent study.” [
Exhibit A-1].
o Dr. Xxxx from USA also highly valuates this work that: “These works
demonstrated in spectacular fashion in understanding the effect of bi/
carbonate in water treatment processes”, and that: “All these facts
clearly show that Dr. Angryfist’s findings are truly momentous and
invaluable in this field. I believe this research work is a true testimony
of Dr. Angryfist’s extraordinary ability and his predominant role in this
field” [Exhibit A-3].
o This article was used as a ‘Supplement Bibliography’ reading
materials in the curriculum of “Environmental Chemistry’ for college
students at the University xxxx in Brazil [Exhibit C-3, Page 27-30]. Only
classic research articles in the field could be used as a textbook for
college students to study.
Dr. Xxxx from USA highly compliments this achievement that: “This example
clearly indicates that Dr. Angryfist’s research findings are among those
most important discoveries and they will surely make profound and long
lasting impacts to this field.” [Exhibit A-2]
1.4. Designed a novel experiment protocol to apply hydrogen peroxide
assisted photolysis to degrade xxxx, a widely applied herbicide and a major
pollutant. The study provided the first direct evidence of scavenging effect
of natural water constituents and achieved the fundamental kinetic
information. The study also comprehensively identified several major
degradation byproducts that help our understanding of the degradation
mechanisms. [Exhibit C-4]
o This work was partially presented on the 3rd International Congress on
Ultraviolet Technologies (2005, Whistler, Canada) [Exhibit B-2]. It led to a
publication in the prestigious JAFC in 2007 [Exhibit B-1, Page 7], which
has been cited 17 times so far [Exhibit B-7]. The citation rate is 5.2 times
higher than the Impact Factor of JAFC of 3.239 (Table 2).
o Researchers from Israel made a detailed introduction of my kinetics
information to justify their selection of experimental parameters in their
study of UV treatment for the removal of a mixture of antibiotics from
wastewater [Exhibit C-4, Page 1-3].
o The same group of Israel researchers further adopted my discoveries of
relationship between hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide concentrations
as the foundation to calculate and justify their observation of effect of
hydroxyl radical concentrations on reaction rates in another study of
photodegradation of antibiotic zzzz [Exhibit C-4, Page 4-6]. In fact, the
article cited my article three times and spent a long paragraph to apply my
discoveries to support their findings.
o Researchers from France, inspired by my identification of xxxx
degradation byproducts, continued and followed my pioneering study and
utilized my article as the cornerstone for their study of elucidating
photodegradation byproducts of the same pesticide: xxxx [Exhibit C-4, Page 7
-11]. They not only cited my article in order to establish their research
objectives, but also repeatedly used my discoveries as the benchmark to
verify their identification of byproducts. In fact, their publication cited
my article five times. This study further identified several new byproducts
on the basis of my discoveries, and the authors proudly stated that: “This
study complements the results found by angryfist et al. in a study mainly
devoted to the optimization of photolysis processes”.
o Researchers from India used my discoveries to explain and justify their
findings in a study of photodegradation and mineralization of Cccc, an azo
dye and a pollutant [Exhibit C-4, Page 12-14]. The article not only compared
my results to theirs, but also cited my findings that: “two opposing
factors [18]: the fraction of photons nonlinerly increases with increase in
the concentration of H2O2...”, and that: “It is for this reason that we
have considered 70mM as the optimum concentration…” to explain and support
their observations of no improvement of degradation rate at high hydrogen
peroxide concentrations. Here, [18] refers to my article in the reference
o The same group of Indian researchers continued to use my discoveries as
fundamental basis to design their experiments and to select reaction
parameters in another study [Exhibit C-4, Page 15-18]. Their publication
explicitly stated: “Similar result has been reported earlier of metolachlor
[22] using UV/H2O2. In order to avoid using higher concentration of H2O2 …
.., we have considered 70mM as the optimum concentration and this
concentration has been used in subsequent experiment”. Here, [22] refers
to my article in the reference list. The article further cited my
discoveries of the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration to explain
their observations.
o Researchers from Brazil and Germany applied my discoveries that: “the
OH radicals are non-selective and can react with any organic or inorganic
substance in water matrix” as the theoretical basis to support their study
of treatment of slaughterhouse effluent [Exhibit C-4, Page 19-21], and
another study of using a combination of water treatment technologies to
produce high quality reuse water [Exhibit C-4, Page 22-24].
o Dr. Xxxx from Serbia and adopted my discoveries as a theoretical basis
to test and support her research work of degradation of zzzz, an insecticide
, using the UV and UV/H2O2 technologies [Exhibit C-4, Page 25-27].
Dr. Xxxx highly praises the implications of my discoveries in her
independent recommendation letter that: “This finding is of great
application significance because it provides guideline for water treatment
process as well as site remediation on polluted environments.” [Exhibit A-4]
2. The significance of my original contributions is evidenced by the fact
that my discoveries have been cited broadly and heavily discussed by
scientists in the field.
As discussed in the Section I-A, my research has resulted in 10 publications
in prestigious journals. Most of them are among the most cited journals in
their categories (Table 1 and 2).
These publications have been cited 192 times [Exhibit B-7] by scientists
from 31 counties which are distributed in Five Continents, i.e. North
America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Such unusually large
number of citing coming from a widely geographically spread countries
clearly indicates my contribution is truly internationally recognized and
highly acclaimed.
Furthermore, these publications are frequently cited by influential top
journals around the world. These high impact journals include Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed., Environ. Sci. Technol., J. Hazardous materials, and JAFC etc. (
Table 3)
The average citation rate of my publications far exceeds my peers’ in the
field of environmental engineering (Figure 3). Some of them are very close
to the Top 1% citation rate in the field (Table 4).
My innovative discoveries have been reported by top science news media and
used as a piece of classic reading material for college studies in the
University xxxx in Brazil [Exhibit C-3].
3. I have presented my original discoveries at top international and
national conferences.
I have given invited presentations about my discoveries at three conferences
, BC, Canada), the 2005 Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) (Québec
City, Québec, Canada), and the 2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet
Technologies (Los Angeles, CA, USA).
o The 3rd International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies (2005) was
the biannual international conference hosted by the IUVA (International
Ultraviolet Association). This conference “brings together many experts
from all over the world to exchange and discuss the latest information on
research and development in the field of UV technologies”. I delivered a 30
-minutes presentation in the title of ‘xxxx’. [Exhibit B-2].
o The WQTC is an annual meeting regarding the latest water treatment
technologies and is sponsored and held by AWWA (American Water Work
Association). The presentation was titled “zzzzz”. [Exhibit B-2]
o The 2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies combined
the 4th International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies and the 18th
World Ozone Congress. This conference “brings together many experts from
all over the world to exchange and discuss the latest information on
research and practical applications in the field of ozone and UV
technologies”. I made a 20-minute presentation titled ‘zzzzzz’ [Exhibit
4. I have been constantly invited to review a large number of articles
for 10 journals in my field
My significant contribution in my field has been internationally recognized,
which is evidenced by being called upon by editors to provide extensive
peer reviews for 30 manuscripts from 10 international journals. My review
work provides expert comments and suggestions that directly affect and
benefit more than 100 researchers from no less than 14 countries in the
world. In the next section I will display details of the scope and
significance of my review work.
Dr. Xxxx, the Editor-in-Chief of xxx, provides independent attests on my
significant contribution and elite status in my field: “We require the
knowledge of internationally recognized experts in the field of
environmental engineering. Only scientists who have established an
international reputation of excellence in this field are considered by this
journal as potential reviewer to judge the work of others. Dr. angryfist is
one of our regular reviewers, solely due to his significant scientific
accomplishments in his area”.
In summary, I have made original contributions of significance and
extraordinary progresses in the field of environmental engineering such that
my research discoveries have been widely implemented by fellow scientists
as a basis to design, justify and support important research works which
involve treatment of a variety of recalcitrant pollutants such as pesticides
, pharmaceutics, and bacterial toxins. Thus, my work has shown great
importance and has rendered profound impacts from the stand point of
environmental protection and public health.
Dr. xxxx highly praised my contributions that: “Dr. Angryfist has carried
out extensive leading research studies in the critical field of water
treatment and environmental engineering which has a profound impact to
public health”, and that: “Dr. Angryfist’s research is extraordinary and
of high scientific and application values. He has been widely recognized in
the U.S. and around the world as a leading researcher in the field.” [
Exhibit A-3]
Dr. Xxxx confirms that: “The findings in his research works greatly
contribute to the scientific field and are of extreme importance to the
future of treating wastewater using the AOPs as well as understanding the
environmental fate of organic contaminants.” [Exhibit A-1].
Dr. Xxxx concludes that: “His exceptional work and significant achievements
in the field have been widely recognized and highly acclaimed in the
international scientific community” [Exhibit A-4].
Dr. Xxxx attests that: “Dr. Angryfist has clearly demonstrated that he is
among the elite researchers who is capable of providing enormous
contributions to the field. I believe he is certainly among the small
percentage of innovative researchers at the top of the field of water and
wastewater treatment”. [Exhibit A-2]
(C) Judging the Work of Other Scientists
Thanks to my established preeminent status in the field of environmental
engineering, I have been constantly invited by international circulating
journals to judge the works of other scientists. As of December 2012, I had
reviewed 30 manuscripts for 10 journals [Exhibit D-1, D-2].
[Exhibit D-1] lists the titles, journal names, and author’s nations of
these 30 manuscripts.
[Exhibit D-2] collects the invitation email, acknowledgement email, and the
first page of each of these 30 manuscripts.
My reviewing work has significant implications in Five ways: 1) Exceptional
large number of review works for a wide range of journals; 2) Most of the
reviewed manuscripts are from the most prestigious journals in the field; 3)
Reviewed manuscripts are from researcher labs around the world; 4) I
satisfy the strictest requirements of academic achievements as well as
ethical standards; and 5) My review works are highly praised by editors and
1. Exceptional large number of review works for a wide range of journals
As of December 2012 I have reviewed 30 manuscripts for 10 international
journals in my field. The large number of manuscripts I have reviewed not
only shows that I have achieved significant global recognition in my field
but also attests that my scientific judgment and evaluations are highly
appreciated by international researchers and editors of major research
journals. Particularly, I have reviewed 13 manuscripts for JAFC, one
prestigious journal that ranks the Top 1.6% among leading scientific
journals (Table 1 and Table 2), [Exhibit D-1]. Such large numbers of
requests from different leading scientific journals have no doubt
demonstrated my significant international recognition in my field and that
my review work is exceptional.
Dr. Xxxx, Editor-in-Chief of JAFC, attests in his independent recommendation
letter that: “Dr. Angryfist is among the most valuable reviewers for JAFC,
in terms of the quantity and quality of his reviewing efforts.” [Exhibit A
2. Most of the reviewed articles are from the most prestigious journals
in the field.
Of the 30 manuscripts I have reviewed, most are from the most prestigious
journals in the field, such as JAFC, Water Research, Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry Research (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.), Environ. Sci. Technol
., and Journal of Hazardous Materials (JHaM). According to the Eigenfactor
Score, these journals hold very high rankings among a total of 8336 leading
scientific journals (Table 5 and [Exhibit D-3]).
Table 5 Most manuscripts come from top ranking journals
Journal Title Eigenfactor score * Eigenfactor rank
* Eigenfactor percentile ranking ** 5-Year Impact Factor *
Environ. Sci. Technol. 0.18929 49 Top 0.6% 5.764
JHaM 0.11771 112 Top 1.3% 4.553
JAFC 0.10642 130 Top 1.6% 3.239
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 0.07032 222 Top 2.7% 2.530
Water Research 0.06017 263 Top 3.2% 5.315
* The Eigenfactor score, ranking, and 5-year impact factor of each journal
are based on the 2011 Scientific Journal Citation Report [Exhibit D-3].
** The percentile ranking is calculated based on the Eigenfactor score
ranking for all the 8336 journals, calculated by statistics software in
[Exhibit D-3] collects a copy of journal rankings directly from the ISI Web
of Science.
High ranking journals receive extensive acclaims from global researchers
because they maintain high quality by strict reviewing criteria. Being able
to review a large number of manuscripts for these top journals exemplified
my significant contribution and preeminent status in the field.
3. Reviewed manuscripts are from research labs around the world
Authors of these 30 manuscripts are from no less than 14 countries in Four
Continents: i.e. North America, South America, Asia, and Europe [Exhibit D-1
]. These 14 countries are:
• Brazil • Canada • China
• Denmark • France • Germany
• Hong Kong • Iran • Italy
• Korea • Portugal • Spain
• United Kingdom • USA
The wide geographic spreading of these manuscripts clearly attests my
international recognition. It also confirms that my expertise directly
benefits and influences more than 100 scientists in the field of
environmental engineering around the world.
4. I satisfy the strictest requirements of academic achievements as well
as ethical standards
These journals hold very strict standard in selecting expert reviewers, and
the reason I was selected as a reviewer is solely due to my expertise of
excellence and international reputation in my field.
To further prove my qualification in this criterion and to demonstrate my
significant contribution in the field, several editors of leading journals
have offered their independent opinions:
o Dr. Xxxx, the Editor-in-Chief of xxxx, attests that: “The high
standard of quality that xxxx has achieved is credited to the high quality
of reviewers and their reviews. Dr. Angryfist’s scientific contribution in
his field is recognized by scientists in the field around the world as shown
by citations of his publications’, and that: ‘reviewing requires state-of
-the-art expertise in the specific scientific area of the manuscript, and an
in-depth knowledge of past work in the field.” [Exhibit A-7]
o Dr. Xxxx, the Editor-in-Chief of xxx, confirms that: “Only scientists
who have established an international reputation of excellence in this field
are considered by this journal as potential reviewer to judge the work of
others. Dr. angryfist is one of our regular reviewers, solely due to his
significant scientific accomplishments in his area.” [Exhibit A-8]
o Dr. Xxxx, the Editor of xxx and xxx, testifies that: “Expert reviewers
who … are selected based on their academic achievement and international
recognition as shown by their publications and citations. It is because of
Dr. Angryfist’s extensive background and outstanding achievement in the
field of environmental engineering that he has been called upon to serve as
a reviewer for both journals”. [Exhibit A-9]
o Dr. Xxxx, an associate editor of xxx, also attests that: “We require
the knowledge of internationally recognized experts in related fields in
order to maintain the highest standard of the journal. Thanks to his unique
skills and expertise, Dr. Angryfist has been invited to review more than ten
manuscripts for xxxx. Only a small percentage of researchers have this kind
of opportunity to provide invaluable comments to the scientific fields.” [
Exhibit A-1]
5. My review works are highly praised by editors and researchers
My dedicated review work provides valuable expert comments and suggestions
that directly influence more than 100 authors. My review work is highly
appreciated by editors.
o Dr. Xxxx highly praises my review work that: “As an acknowledged
expert in his field, Dr. Angryfist is among the most valuable reviewers of
xxxx, in terms of the quantity and quality of his reviewing efforts’, and
that “(I)…will call upon him to review manuscripts again in the future.”
[Exhibit A-7]
o Dr. Xxxx attests that: “His unique skills and knowledge enabled him to
complete a thorough and rigorous review of the submission. We are satisfied
by his reviews, which are insightful, comprehensive, candid, and helpful to
the authors.” [Exhibit A-8]
o Dr. Xxxx also attests that: “Dr. Angryfist provided timely and
insightful reviews for assigned manuscripts….I am very satisfied with Dr.
Angryfist’s excellent review works and put him in the company of the
journals’ most valued reviewers” [Exhibit A-9]
o Dr. Xxxx also confirms that: “We are very satisfied with Dr. Angryfist
’s reviewing works, which are insightful, incisive, and helpful to all
other scientist.” [Exhibit A-1].
In summary, I satisfy the strictest requirements of many international
journals and have conducted extensive review activities that are far beyond
regular voluntary reviews. Only experts with solid technical background and
experience can be invited so constantly to judge others’ work in this
capacity. Moreover, most manuscripts I’ve reviewed are from top prestigious
journals in my field. My expert review comments have direct impact on and
benefit more than 100 authors from no less than 14 countries in Four
continents. In addition, my review work has been highly praised by journal
editors. These facts clearly attest that I have gained international
recognition in my field and my review work is truly exceptional.
II. I have worked and will continue to work and make contributions in the
field of environmental engineering in the United States
Xxxx company, which is a world leading Agri-Chemical company with more than
xxxxx employees, produces a wide range of pesticide products [Exhibit E-1].
During the manufacturing process of pesticides, a large amount of
pesticides are inevitably released into industrial wastewater as pollutants.
It is the ultimate objective and obligation of an environmental engineer to
eliminate these pollutants and prevent them from polluting environment and
threating public health.
I have held a full-time position of Engineer 4 in Xxxx company since 200x [
Exhibit E-2]. In this capacity, I am responsible for research and
development of environmental engineering technologies and processes for
water and wastewater treatment. More specifically, my job is to: “develop,
modify, and optimize waste treatment processes, as well as develop new
technologies for waste reduction, industrial wastewater treatment, and air
treatment at several production sites.” I also: “define technical
specifications for current and future environmental engineering initiatives;
monitor manufacturing regulations and identify necessary changes; and
ensure company compliance with applicable internal Health, Safety and
Environmental policies and government regulations.” [Exhibit E-3].
[Exhibit E-2] collects the original offer letter and a recent employment
verification letter.
[Exhibit E-3] is a copy of my H-1B extension application filed by Xxxx
company in 2012 that has my job description.
III. My continuously stay in the USA in the field of environmental
engineering will substantially benefit the USA
Global population is expected to reach 8 billion of people within two
decades, and that puts great pressure on agricultural production, demanding
to grow more food on less arable land and with growing water scarcity. As a
result the utilization of pesticides is becoming more important than ever.
In his “Investing in America’s Future – Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s
Plan for Science and Innovation”, President Obama vowed to “Maintain and
Enhance American Agricultural Productivity” [Exhibit E-4, Page 11]. To
achieve this mission, application of pesticides is a key factor. Xxxx
company, as one of the world leading producer of pesticides, plays a crucial
role in the mission. At the same time, it is equally important for
environmental engineers to take the responsibility to effectively reduce
pollutions through water and wastewater treatment process and to ensure
smooth operation of manufacturing of pesticides. My role as an environmental
engineer at Xxxx company has and will continue to substantially benefit the
USA in term of environmental protection and help ensure the smooth
operation of Xxxx company in the USA [Exhibit E-3].
The benefits to the USA of my future stay and working in the field of
environmental engineering have also been attested and strongly supported by
prestigious American experts:
Dr. Xxxx from University of xxx discusses the importance of my contribution
to the field as well as my current role, and attests: “With his unique
expertise in water treatment and knowledge of pesticides, Dr. Angryfist’s
work will profoundly benefit the effort to improve the water quality and
public health here in the United States. It is thus my great pleasure to
give Dr. Angryfist the highest and unequivocal recommendation and
endorsement for his permanent residency in the United States”. [Exhibit A-2
Dr. xxx from University of xxxx shares the same belief that: “Dr. Angryfist
has been widely recognized in the U.S and around the world as a leading
researcher in this field. I offer my strongest support to his application
for permanent residency in the United States” [Exhibit A-3].
Dr. Xxxx from xxxx also confirms that: “Dr. Angryfist is among the elite
scientists” and “I therefore give Dr. Angryfist my highest, unequivocal
recommendation to receive the permanent residency of the United States. I
have a strong confidence that Dr. Angryfist will be an important asset to
this country.” [Exhibit A-1]
IV. Conclusion
In summary, I am an alien of extraordinary ability and belong to the small
percentage of top researchers who have made tremendous contributions and
have led the progress in the field of my endeavor. My elite status is proven
through a remarkable record of publications, original contributions of
major significance, and exceptional experience as a judge for the work of
others. I have sustained national and international acclaims that are
superior to my peers in the field.
I have been and will continue to work in the area of environmental
engineering in the United States. My work has and will continue to benefit
the United States to a substantial degree.
I sincerely hope that I have provided you with information and documentation
necessary and sufficient to approve my I-140 petition. Your kind
consideration of my application is deeply appreciated.
I have enclosed related supporting legal documents in the [Exhibit E-5, E-6]
. Should you have any question, please inform me at your earliest
convenience. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
angryfist, Ph. D


【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。



【在 a*******t 的大作中提到】
: 以前发过两个帖,
: 多谢大家的祝福。PP第8天批了。
: On June 4, 2013, this I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was approved
: and we sent you an e-mail notice. Please follow any instructions on the
: notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at
: 1-800-375-5283.
: 背景:环境工程专业,10文章(其中5篇超过10年旧了),4中6英。引用192
: (只用GOOGLE SC),一半来自老文章。 审稿30。

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