美国警察2013开枪集锦 (非笑话,慎入)

【在 h*****k 的大作中提到】
: 最后一个居然打死警察跑了

【在 h*****k 的大作中提到】
: 最后一个居然打死警察跑了
The evidence presented at trial showed the following: ?Andrew Brannan left
his mother’s house in Stockbridge, Georgia, to drive to his house in
Laurens County in the afternoon of January 12, 1998. ? He was driving his
white pickup truck 98 miles per hour on Interstate 16 when Laurens County
Deputy Sheriff Kyle Dinkheller clocked his speed with a radar gun. ? Brannan
exited the highway and stopped on a rural stretch of Whipple Crossing Road
after the deputy caught up to him. ? During the pursuit, Deputy Dinkheller
activated a video camera which is aimed through his windshield. ? The camera
captured almost all of Brannan’s actions during the ensuing traffic stop.
? Deputy Dinkheller also wore a microphone. ? The deputy stopped his patrol
car about 20 feet behind Brannan’s truck. ? Brannan exited his truck and
stood near the driver’s side door with his hands in his pockets. ? The
right side of Deputy Dinkheller is visible on the tape as he stood next to
his driver’s side door.
Deputy Dinkheller said, “Driver, step back here to me. ? Come on back
here to me.” ? Brannan said, “Okay,” but did not move. ? The deputy said,
“Come on back. ? How are you doing today?” ? Brannan said that he was
okay and asked how the deputy was doing, but still did not move. ? Deputy
Dinkheller said he was good and repeated, “[C]ome on back here and keep
your hands out of your pockets.” ? Brannan asked why and the deputy again
said, “Keep your hands out of your pockets, sir.” ? Brannan responded, “
Fuck you, Godamit, here I am. ? Shoot my fucking ass.” ? He then began
dancing in the street, saying, “Here I am, here I am.” ? The deputy
ordered, “Come here. ? Sir, come here,” but Brannan responded, “Shoot me,
” and kept dancing.
Deputy Dinkheller radioed for assistance on his belt-mounted radio, and
the defendant stopped dancing and approached him. ? The deputy said, “Sir,
get back.” ? Brannan replied, “Who are you calling, motherfucker?” and
then rushed the deputy and a confrontation ensued to the left of the patrol
car and off camera. ? The deputy ordered Brannan to get back nine more times
. ? Brannan replied with “Fuck you” four times and at one point shouted,
“I am a goddam Vietnam combat veteran.”
Brannan then ran back to his truck and began rummaging around behind the
driver’s seat. ? Deputy Dinkheller remained beside his patrol car and
ordered, “Sir, get out of the car.” ? The right side of the deputy is
briefly visible during this time. ? The deputy had drawn his baton, but not
his firearm. ? Brannan replied that he was in fear of his life. ? The deputy
shouted, “I’m in fear of my life! ? Get back here now!” ? Brannan said,
“No,” and then pulled a .30 caliber M 1 carbine from his truck. ? The
deputy radioed for help and shouted for him to put the gun down. ? Instead,
Brannan crouched by his open driver’s side door. ? The deputy shouted for
Brannan to put the gun down three more times. ? Brannan opened fire and the
deputy returned fire.
Deputy Dinkheller was hit and shouted, “Shoot, shoot, stop now!” ?
Brannan continued firing and advanced to the front of the patrol car. ? The
deputy apparently tried to take cover behind the patrol car. ? Brannan
exhausted one magazine, reloaded, and continued firing. ? The microphone
recorded the sounds of the deputy being shot. At trial, the medical examiner
testified that by this time Deputy Dinkheller had been struck by at least
nine bullets, in the arms, legs, buttocks, chest, and head. ? The medical
examiner opined that the deputy, although still breathing into the
microphone, had lost consciousness because he was no longer returning fire
or crying out when shot. ? The video shows Brannan cease crouching, take
careful aim with his carbine, say “Die, Fucker,” and fire one last shot. ?
Brannan then fled the scene in his truck.
Brannan was found hiding in the woods about 100 yards from his house,
and he made incriminating statements after his arrest. ? He had a gunshot
wound to his abdomen. ? The police found the murder weapon in his house.

【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】
: 好像打死俩。