唐诗宋词解析# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
看的帖子。请转发给你周围的international student!通过邮件,Facebook,任何形
International students: OPT extension may be CANCELED! Please stand up and
fight for your rights NOW!
Department of homeland security is asking for public comments on internet
regarding the new rule about 24-month OPT extension, but there are too many
US WORKERS OPPOSING to this rule! They leave huge amount of negative
comments and even ask government to CANCEL OPT extension! Unfortunately,
positive comments are very, very few since most international students are
not aware of this. Therefore we need to ask everybody, especially
international student, to go to the website and support the rule! It’s due
on Nov 18 and we only have a few days left! Hurry up or we may completely
lose OPT extension for STEM students!
Anyone can go to the website using the link below and click the green button
“submit a formal comment”
Please check this YouTube for more information:
Please share this important news!!
If you don't know what to write in your comments, below are the materials
that you can use! Please use your own words instead of copying and pasting!
God bless you!
WELCOME WHOLE HEARTEDLY this new Rule for OPT Stem Extension for 2 years ALL
IN THE US WILL BE EQUALLY BENEFITED. Above every one the country and its
benefit.US economy will thrive because of this new rule, because of the
skill training. Culture will not get affected.
Understand that this rule not against Americans and Citizens, who are
protected by this updated rule for their employment that no American should
be removed from service because of this OPT and their PAY should not be
reduced because of this rule as adequate measures taken. Also the new rule
restricts that there is no less pay for any of the OPT students
Understand that there is a clear and well defined difference between
ILLEAGAL and LEGAL immigrants/temporary workers to fill the skilled jobs and
we should not create confusion about this rule on that basis as this is
LEGAL OPT. Please do not deviate from this Legal OPT Concept, by citing
irrelevant points of illegal migration/illegal immigration etc.
Similarly in global community like US there is no such thing as foreigners
being hired by employers, as everything is conducted legally in US.
Already students have started to go to ENGLAND because of the OPT extension
is stopped by the court in US and there the education is less expensive for
Masters, since it is one year only and lot of employment opportunities.
America will be the loser for each Masters seat evolving around $125000 per
year as college fees. If there are no students for Masters Stem, there will
be a loss of $ 31250000000 per year to USA with 250000 proposed foreign
students. Total Loss to US Colleges and Universities in 10 year will be
If the stem extension is not continued around 70000 students have to leave
the country by 16 Feb 2016 and their projects/work will be halted, because
of no skilled worker is available and it will affect employers/Industry for
$70000000000 worth of projects/works/research and other revenues to US for 1
year till 16 Feb 2017
Most of the students paid University non resident tuition and other fees to
US Government at a very high rate and if this opt extension is not there, IT
not ready to study only bookish knowledge which can be got in their
countries and through online itself.
America is survived by the people, skilled workers and big and large
business and it is the duty of DHS to protect the US economy and US people
by enacting rules/legislation like this. If this is not done by DHS, who
will do?
OPT Students also paid all the university fees without any funding from
University or Government or from teaching assistantships, as any other US
Citizens and OPT students are not getting any Social Security Benefits and
nothing is free in this country to OPT students and Medical trust funds and
please note not to deviate the fact that there is $0 for Social Security for
OPT students and they are contributing to US economy by paying TAX to Govt.
H1B applications now is 210000 and the quota for MS Students is 20K and most
of the Masters student did not get H1b this year. With scholarships in UK
the future students, with 1 year most students will not come to US at all,
if you will not imposing the rule for OPT extension
Increase H1b quota to 500000 per year and Masters quota to 200000 per year
is in all fairness as the current lottery system is unfair and the H1B cap
does not meet the demand. US is the land of equal opportunities and is
poised for greater growth,
All the current students will go back to their country with the knowledge
they gained by their education and US will be losing their talent and skills.
It is a false statement that more than 86K (jobs per year) of Americans are
taken away and not supported by any stats and this proposed extension will
ensure that no American jobs are taken away.
Please note that all the students are not selected for OPT and only STEM
students from E-Verify companies are selected. Any opposition from other non
stems students should be viewed separately from the rule and should not be
studied along with this rule.
Any degree without any concrete work experience/training is a waste of
First year of OPT students gain very little experience and as proposed in
the new rule, if the OPT should be extended for 2 years with guided and well
programmed and monitored by employer and University( But with less paper or
drudgery work for approval) for the students to get practical training.
If the rule is not implemented then US will be 20 years back in 5 years,
with obsolete technologies/industry practices etc. and economy wild be badly
affected. The thought of reducing the number of H1b and other visas should
not allowed as it will affect US economy very badly.
唐诗三百首基本上就讲了三件事情:宫里好寂寞;打仗好辛苦;朋友来了、朋友拜拜 -
- 或者总结为:田园有宅男 ,边塞多愤青 ,咏古伤不起, 送别满基情。
宋词基本可以总结为:小资喝花酒 ,老兵坐床头 ,知青咏古自助游, 皇上宫中愁 ,
剩女宅家里 ,萝莉嫁王侯, 名媛丈夫死得早, 美眉在青楼
另一种解析:古代诗人的诗词无非这几个意思 1.你们都是傻逼 我是不一样的,我才不
和你们混呢哦呵呵呵 2.我想回家 3.这么漂亮的地方就让我死在这吧 4.朋友,记得在
那里也要安静的做个美男子 5.皇帝我操你妈6.我这种才俊果然还是回家种田才能摆脱
那群傻逼 7.老婆没人约炮好寂寞 8.这鸟不拉屎的地方,哦我好痛
外国人眼中的满清十帝Re: 街拍:前看后看左看右看都美丽的优雅美女zt (转载)聊聊国内的直播,没尺度没人看,尺度太大被抓?为什么国内就不(转载)看过《迷失》的进来聊聊我在街边转角轻轻捉住一个女子 (转载)Re: 老舍的《茶馆》里有个很大的错误 (转载)求助各位一个关于选错了HMO医生的补救办法 (转载)来joke版问一个非joke的问题—关于自己买医疗保险[七家]二胎的笑话大统领说如果不搞政治,他可能去硅谷 (转载)擦,股市狂跌搞笑的结果Re: 坦克的造价应控制在10万美元/辆 (转载)BBC:全世界都敲西瓜判断 是否成熟 不单是中国人(图) 观察者网 睿文 1小时34分钟前 近日,意大利超市禁止顾客敲西瓜的网络照片引起热议,英国广播公司(BBC)也加入了围观队伍。上海观察23日晚间报道,BBC就这种行为给出了自己的判断:不仅中国人,几乎全世界的人都会这样做。 http://i.guancha.cn/news/2016/06/24/20160624100521688.JPG 在YouTube上搜索Knock a Watermelon,有大量人们讲授怎样通过敲来挑西瓜经验的视频。这位小姑娘很得意地传授自己敲西瓜的经验 上海观察编译原文如下: 外表平淡无奇的西瓜,可谓是夏天的化身。但如何知道它已经熟透?一个方法是,重重敲打西瓜表皮,能通过声音判断它是否可以开吃。    http://i.guancha.cn/news/2016/06/24/20160624100811576.jpg 一位国外网友:我妈正在考我通过敲来挑西瓜的技能 最近,这一方法在中国互联网上引发热议。事件的缘起在遥远的意大利。该国一家超市立了一块牌子,上面写道:“尊敬的顾客,请您不要再敲西瓜了,它们是真的不会回应的。”这张日后引起争议的照片由一个自称“孤岛守护者”的博友发布。据称他是生活在米兰的中国人。 http://i.guancha.cn/news/2016/06/24/20160624101228844.jpg 这则2009年的文章认为,通过敲西瓜的回声判断西瓜是否成熟没有效果 虽然并无迹象显示告示针对中国顾客——因为牌子是用意大利语而非汉语写的,但它仍被视作针对中国人之举,因为一些中国观察人士认为通过敲拍方式挑瓜是中国人独一无二的习惯。 西瓜的话题是又一个中国人关注自己海外形象的例子。最近,中国外交部否认了有关中国食品公司用人肉制成罐头牛肉在非洲销售的报道,赞比亚小报《KACHEPA》已对此做了道歉。让中国游客备受批评的事还包括泰国一位模特斥责中国人插队、弄脏机场厕所。因此,每当有报道把中国社交媒体上的故事当作真相时,中国网民们常常致力于恢复他们的名誉。    http://i.guancha.cn/news/2016/06/24/20160624101041264.jpg 一家国外网站教你怎样判断西瓜是否熟了 根据微博的说法,在中国媒体报道称告示是直接针对中国顾客后,相关照片被广泛转发。不过一些社交媒体用户很快证实,“敲瓜术”不是中国独有的挑瓜方法,而是全世界通用的方式。 一些人说,“敲瓜术”是从父母那儿学来的。而一项快速的网络调查则显示,不只有中国社交媒体用户那样想,敲打西瓜、听沉闷的声音几乎是一个全世界的想法。有一系列的视频和帖子,教你如何挑选好瓜。这甚至出现在电影和动画片中。风靡一时的俄罗斯卡通片《兔子,等着瞧!》中,就有一集关于敲瓜的片段。 http://i.guancha.cn/news/2016/06/24/20160624100944528.jpg 《兔子,等着瞧!》截图 还有一个卡通视频提供了一种神奇的挑瓜办法,但结果不那么令人可信。中国大学生甚至发明了一款手机APP,教你如何尽量挑到理想的西瓜。 总之,在挑选水果时,并没有一个绝对的保证,要求顾客去怎么做。但为了避免引起国际外交事件的风险,我们应该对如何挑到完美的西瓜给出一些公认的方法。以下几条可供参考: 掂分量,越重的瓜越好。 按压法,手感结实而有弹性的是好瓜。 看品相,一端有黄斑的就可开吃了。 当然,如果上述方法都失败了,那你就敲敲瓜,看卖主怎么反应吧。 前期相关精彩新闻: 西瓜盖保鲜膜细菌增10倍?这锅保险膜不背! 意大利超市:不要再敲西瓜了 它们不会回应的 上千名考生重庆砸了3吨西瓜 释放情绪 台媒:乌克兰女子大腿14秒“夹爆”3个西瓜 90后小伙为了瓜农不淋雨 买下2000斤西瓜 顾客嫌西瓜不甜报警 警察买回西瓜:确实不甜 杭州超市出售方形西瓜 常温下可放半年之久 吴建民亲属:车辆鉴定报告确认他系了安全带(图) 福建晋江媳妇当菲律宾副总统 村民将敬告先祖(图) 每月3000元不够花 女大学生1周连偷7台电脑(图) 男子发现初恋已为人妻 悲伤过度驾车撞上高架桥(图)生活中的搞笑幽默 Zz五万加州大学生是极度穷人(无饭吃+无家可归) (转载)愛屁屁壞了?王垠不离开美国了 (转载)Re: 李嘉诚真是大温拿,有钱,还娶了李嘉欣 (转载)Fox新闻头条:"UK votes to leave UN" (转载)
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