Re: 想打听一个人,Frank Slack 目前在哈弗大学,做miRNA, 人 (转载)
Re: 想打听一个人,Frank Slack 目前在哈弗大学,做miRNA, 人 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
05-01-2011, 05:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 736
I was thinking about what silver is to me? Is it investment, savings,
insurance, money, wealth, or all of these things? I
believe gold and silver are unique in that they are acting very effectively
as all of the above, except their historical role
as money, in today’s fiat world.
Look at the all the long years of deception and methodical effort that the
bankers have put into convincing the masses
that money is just a piece of official looking paper declared and mandated
by them to have value for exchange. It took
a long time and was done slowly and incrementally because it is not an easy
thing to undo 6000 years of gold and
silver serving as money in man’s mind.
This financial deception that the majority of mankind is under is one of the
main reasons I see such a huge opportunity
in gold and silver’s future, Not just as money, but as easily the best
investment of our generation. The now completely
un-backed fiat US Dollar is failing and will fail. It’s just a matter of
time and the time is getting very short for the dollar.
All those years of methodical deception by the bankers are crumbling. Those
many years of careful deceit and lies will
be undone in a very short span. Reality will wake mankind with a hard punch
in the nose. Reality is harsh and doesn’t
take years of subtle deception, lies and manipulation to be believed. As the
US Dollar continues to fail at an
increasingly rapid pace it will only take a short time for the world’s
people to realize, as they are now, that they’ve been
conned and revert back to using what is effective and real money. Whether it
is done officially or in a black market
doesn’t matter. That will be gold and silver.
As those holding massive amounts of paper/digits of any kind see the value
evaporating before their eyes the
desperation to retain as much of that value as possible will drive them to
what is real money, real wealth, real
insurance, real savings and has been as long as mankind has used the concept
of money. That will be gold and silver.
It's already happening.
So what about as investments? In times past when they were used as money,
gold and silver were never seen as
investments. So what makes me believe that gold and silver are the best
investments of our time, very simply, the
coming financial vacuum that will be created by the collapse of quadrillions
in digital derivatives, fiat currencies and
bonds. This will easily be the largest financial vacuum ever created in the
history of mankind. To which door will the
holders of all this banker methamphetamine run as they panic watching their
wealth evaporating? It will only take a
very small fraction running to the gold and silver door to cause an
exponential increase in value. This vacuum will
cause the value of gold, silver to rise well beyond what they have been
valued at traditionally when seen as just
money. As the paper holders worldwide realize their dishonest phony wealth
is vaporizing it will chase anything of
intrinsic (real) value. Gold, silver, food, energy and safety are on the
short list. The jig is up.
What has occurred so far is just the beginning of silver and gold’s return
to their rightful place.
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: ATCGu (探险者), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 想打听一个人,Frank Slack 目前在哈弗大学,做miRNA, 人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 22 00:35:54 2016, 美东)

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