Prosecutors Will Move to Dismiss Charges in Brooklyn Rape Case
Prosecutors Will Move to Dismiss Charges in Brooklyn Rape Case# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
should pick up some trend now.
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: StephenKing (88), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 我要海归了,向深爱的买提告别。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 19 15:26:36 2011, 美东)
为什么? 总是要这样独立的担当,一个人走很长的路,直到尽头。
笑点太多 无力吐糟
Prosecutors Will Move to Dismiss Charges in Brooklyn Rape Case
Five teenage boys were accused of attacking an 18-year-old woman at the
Osborn Playground in Brownsville in January. Credit Kevin Hagen for The New
York Times
Prosecutors in Brooklyn plan on moving to dismiss first-degree rape charges
against all five teenagers accused of attacking an 18-year-old woman on a
playground in Brownsville, Brooklyn, in January, officials said on Wednesday.
Almost from the moment the explosive allegations were made public, the case
was dogged by questions about the accounts by the woman and her father, who
later admitted they had been having sex in the park that night, and about
the city’s handing of the case, which was criticized as being too slow.
The woman gave several conflicting accounts of what had occurred on Jan. 7
in Osborn Playground, two law enforcement officials said. The father
admitted that the assailants had not had a gun, as he had initially told the
police. And in recent days, the woman has told prosecutors that she was
unwilling to testify or otherwise cooperate further with the investigation,
according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to
provide details that have not been made public.
So, even as prosecutors learned more about the young woman’s deeply
troubled childhood in foster care, they decided that the case could not go
forward, and on Wednesday, the Brooklyn district attorney, Ken Thompson,
said that he would ask the court to dismiss the charges.
“That night, this young woman’s father and the five young men engaged in
conduct that was reprehensible and wrong, but because of the lack of
reliable evidence, criminal charges simply cannot be sustained,” Mr.
Thompson said in a statement.
Snippets of cellphone videos, as well as other evidence prosecutors gathered
, did not support the woman’s allegations that the suspects had forced
themselves on her, the officials said. In interviews, they said, she and her
father both admitted that the teenagers who approached them had not
brandished a gun. And the woman and her father ultimately admitted they were
having sexual relations in the park before the encounter with the five
teenagers, the officials said.
The charges will be dismissed with prejudice, which means prosecutors are
precluded from reinstating the charges even if additional evidence emerges.
Lawyers for the five men embraced Mr. Thompon’s decision, calling it a
relief to their clients and their families. But they expressed differing
views on his language regarding the conduct of the teenagers that night as
“reprehensible and wrong.”
“I have great respect for him, but I respectfully disagree with that
characterization he put forth there,” said Spencer Leeds, the lawyer for
one of the young men, Onandi Brown. “I don’t view Onandi’s conduct at any
time as being reprehensible, based on our investigation of the case.”
A lawyer for another, Abdula R. Greene, who represented Ethan Philips,
called Mr. Thompson’s statement “a little bit of a smear on their
But Ken Montgomery, a lawyer for Denzel Murray, another of the teenagers,
did not find fault with the choice of words. “I think that is a way, from a
policy and social standpoint, to say, `Young men should exercise a little
bit better judgment in dealing with certain things,’ but what they did didn
’t rise to criminality,” Mr. Montgomery said. “I would agree, in a sense,
that we live in a country and a world where we have a lot of unhealthy
ideas of what appropriate sexual relationships are.”
Mr. Thompson’s decision was a pivotal, if not entirely surprising, turn in
case a case that dominated news headlines and roiled New York City for days
early in the year.
The police were initially criticized by some community leaders as waiting
too long to alert the public to the report of the rape — the police
released surveillance video of the suspects two days after the alleged
attack — and Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William J.
Bratton said officials should have alerted residents sooner.
Yet from early on, inconsistencies and other disclosures made it clear the
case would be an uphill battle for Mr. Thompson, who called for “justice
for the victim” but also made clear the case demanded a careful, thorough
Four of the teenagers arrested last month — Mr. Murray, 14; Mr. Philips, 15
; Travis Beckford, 17; and Mr. Brown, 18 — were released after prosecutors
did not file indictments within six days of their arrests, as would have
been required to keep them detained pending a trial. Shaquell Cooper, 15,
who was also charged in the case, is currently being held in jail on assault
charges stemming from an episode in October 2015, officials said.
Despite the fear stoked by the initial reports, or the relief that followed
the arrests, the case was always complicated. Moments after the mayor said
the public should have been alerted more quickly, Robert K. Boyce, the
Police Department’s chief of detectives, illustrated just how tangled the
case was already becoming.
Detectives, Chief Boyce acknowledged, were investigating claims that the
woman was having sex with her father when the five suspects encountered them.
Both eventually admitted to investigators that they had been engaged in
sexual relations in the playground, the officials said.
A rape test performed on the woman showed the presence of DNA from two of
the five suspects, including one who the woman had repeatedly insisted had
not had sexual contact with her, the officials said.
The two cellphone videos, showing brief verbal exchanges between the woman
and the teenagers before the encounter — together with messages that at
least one of the suspects sent out on social media — depicted what
investigators saw as evidence of a consensual encounter.
In his social media messages, one teenager expressed worry about what his
parents would think, the officials said, and about how to characterize what
had occurred.
Prosecutors investigated the allegations for nearly seven weeks. They also
worked to piece together details of the woman’s life, with some help from
her, her father and others.
She was taken from her mother, a drug user, at 2 and placed in the care of a
local family, who later moved to California. The woman was eventually
removed from that family, the officials said. Afterward, she had lived in a
series of group homes and other facilities. Investigators learned she had a
history of emotional troubles, the officials said.
When she turned 18, the woman, whose mother had died, learned her biological
father’s identity and contacted him through Facebook, the officials said.
Last July, she came to New York to meet him.
Besides the statements the woman made to the police and others, she also met
three times with prosecutors in their offices in Downtown Brooklyn. When
she was interviewed, it was outside the presence of her father, the
officials said. Prosecutors treated the case with sensitivity, the officials
said. Experienced sex-crimes investigators spoke with her. Counselors and
social workers were available to assist her.
But in the last of those interviews, on Feb. 18, the woman told prosecutors
she was unwilling to go forward with the case. She portrayed all of what had
happened in Osborn Playground as a result of her consensual actions —
saying she did not stop the suspects from advancing. At one point, she told
investigators she “doesn’t do” court, the officials said. At another, she
said she could not explain why she made conflicting statements in the past.
“She didn’t want to testify,” one of the officials said. “She didn’t
want to bring the case. She expressed a complete unwillingness to cooperate
in any criminal prosecution.”
Aside from her lack of cooperation, considered vital to most sex-crimes
inquiries, the prosecutors have no evidence that the woman resisted sexual
Although the woman said she had been drunk, along with her father, her blood
was not drawn in the hospital that night, so her blood-alcohol content is
not known.
The woman had no injuries consistent with being raped, only a wound on her
knee that officials said she sustained when she fell while running from
officers who responded.
“It is my fervent hope that this young woman gets all the support that she
needs going forward,” Mr. Thompson said in his statement. “My office,
including our victim advocates who have been working with this young woman,
stand ready to provide her with any assistance she may need.”
hmm。。 这个跌的真猛。

【在 c**t 的大作中提到】
: should pick up some trend now.


【在 G********d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: StephenKing (88), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 我要海归了,向深爱的买提告别。
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 19 15:26:36 2011, 美东)
: 终于要海归,想起来的时候,仍然内心仓皇。
: 回忆在买提的日子,才发现记忆宛如秋叶。有清晰的脉络,却无气息可寻。
: 它们在脚下碎裂,声音低微,化为尘埃。
: 我摊开手心,看细密绵长的掌纹,看复杂辗转的纠缠。这是宿命的昭示,所以没人相同。
: 为什么? 总是要这样独立的担当,一个人走很长的路,直到尽头。
: 时间就是这样的荒芜,在这样的荒芜里,我一直这样的行走。

我每次都在最高点做空的,每次都与大行情擦肩而过。I am a loser

【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: hmm。。 这个跌的真猛。
BSO good top picking...

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我每次都在最高点做空的,每次都与大行情擦肩而过。I am a loser

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我每次都在最高点做空的,每次都与大行情擦肩而过。I am a loser

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我每次都在最高点做空的,每次都与大行情擦肩而过。I am a loser
no, ai, I knew my pros and cons
I need some real experienced to teach me something overall.
This is my first year trading, I read about 30 technical books,
3 fundamental books, 15 options books, 5 futures books, and a lot
biography, interviews stuff, cummulatively, used about 500000% leverage,
There result is not so good even the first 100% gain was like a flash.
I think I came to a bottleneck right now, I would go nowhere unless I
make some big change with myself, emotion mostly.

【在 c**t 的大作中提到】
: BSO good top picking...

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: no, ai, I knew my pros and cons
: I need some real experienced to teach me something overall.
: This is my first year trading, I read about 30 technical books,
: 3 fundamental books, 15 options books, 5 futures books, and a lot
: biography, interviews stuff, cummulatively, used about 500000% leverage,
: There result is not so good even the first 100% gain was like a flash.
: I think I came to a bottleneck right now, I would go nowhere unless I
: make some big change with myself, emotion mostly.

seems you are already very close to your goal.
Most people never realize what was the real problem.

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: no, ai, I knew my pros and cons
: I need some real experienced to teach me something overall.
: This is my first year trading, I read about 30 technical books,
: 3 fundamental books, 15 options books, 5 futures books, and a lot
: biography, interviews stuff, cummulatively, used about 500000% leverage,
: There result is not so good even the first 100% gain was like a flash.
: I think I came to a bottleneck right now, I would go nowhere unless I
: make some big change with myself, emotion mostly.

日冲跟大行情没太大关系, 昨天那个行情,我不会亏废,也不会赚饱。尽管我前晚满
我在学习positiion trade,总不敢拿。 我要自我反省一段时间了。

【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 昨天你没来灌水,以为你数钱数昏倒乐的。keke
the key is small leverage. then you can hold.
not technical, just psychological.
greedy and fear.

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: 日冲跟大行情没太大关系, 昨天那个行情,我不会亏废,也不会赚饱。尽管我前晚满
: 仓空。
: 我在学习positiion trade,总不敢拿。 我要自我反省一段时间了。

hmmm, yes, everything seems crystal clear to me *AFTERWARDS*.
I am wondering why I could repeat mistakes again and again
with knowing what this mistake is/was.
Theoretically, tech or psycho, there are little I still don't know for
individual speculator, but it won't be charming game if it's that simple
as just knowing.
I will take a one month break. If there is another me as a reminder and
error catcher, I will be somehow better.
I also need to think of my life too. focusing on one thing for a
year in life could end either way, frustration or satisfaction. I felt
both from time to time. I can't afford another year if I make no

【在 c**t 的大作中提到】
: the key is small leverage. then you can hold.
: not technical, just psychological.
: greedy and fear.

es 1335 short.
a bit risky.

【在 c**t 的大作中提到】
: es 1335 short.
: a bit risky.

AD is flatten now. trend is getting weaker for sure.

【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: 围观
close 1336.00.
no trend.

【在 c**t 的大作中提到】
: es 1335 short.
: a bit risky.
