这世界变化快:Nancy Pelosi 被打成极右 (转载)
这世界变化快:Nancy Pelosi 被打成极右 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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发信人: jerrycasper (Cat), 信区: USANews
标 题: 这世界变化快:Nancy Pelosi 被打成极右
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 8 17:43:10 2018, 美东)
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is regarded by most Republicans as a far-
left liberal. But a recent column identifies the San Francisco Democrat as
the “most right-wing" candidate running in her district this year.
Emily Cadei, a correspondent for the Sacramento Bee, wrote Monday that
Pelosi -- who'll turn 78 on March 26 -- will be forced to fight off three
opponents, all coming at her from the left, when she seeks re-election later
this year.
This is not the first time Pelosi will face pressure from the left while
defending her seat. Her backers point to her track record of turning back
other opponents, usually by margins of 70 to 80 percentage points, and see
no likely difference this year, Cadei writes.
But this year, Pelosi's opponents appear to be seizing some discord among
Democrats, many of whom view Pelosi as a polarizing figure. These rivals are
also unhappy with Pelosi's stands on health care and campaign finance,
Cadei wrote.
The New York Times recently called Pelosi a “dominant figure” in the party
, but after a recent budget vote -- where 73 Democrats joined Republicans in
voting for the bill — the Times wondered aloud if Pelosi “may be losing
what was once an iron grip.”
Some fellow Democrats also criticized Pelosi last month when she said
President Donald Trump’s immigration plan was a blue print to “make
America white again.