汤姆克鲁斯说他不知道网上可以看黄片 (转载)
汤姆克鲁斯说他不知道网上可以看黄片 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
标 题: 汤姆克鲁斯说他不知道网上可以看黄片
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 1 20:42:53 2018, 美东)
Seth Rogen Gives His Side of Judd Apatow’s Tom Cruise Porn Story
You may have heard Judd Apatow’s recent talk show reveal that it was none
other than Seth Rogen who first informed Tom Cruise that one could watch
porn on the internet. It’s true, said Rogen — and it’s one of a few
bizarre details that came out of the encounter. While attending the
Hollywood premiere of the Netflix film Like Father, which was written and
directed by his wife Lauren Miller Rogen and features the comedian in a
supporting role, Rogen confirmed to Vulture that the meeting with Cruise
went down the way Apatow described it.
“I didn’t remember that until I heard Judd tell that story,” Rogen
chuckled. “I obviously had no recollection of that, and then when I saw him
tell it, I was like, ‘Oh, yeah! I told Tom Cruise that internet
pornography exists, and he didn’t know.’ Which is crazy!” And Rogen
thinks he told him as much. “I probably was like, ‘This is crazy you don’
t know this.’ I mean, I can’t remember — it was like 12 years ago or
something like that. I think generally my reaction was, ‘You are a very
sheltered man.’”
But there are other details of the meeting that Rogen does still remember
quite clearly. “That day in Tom Cruise’s driveway, I got to his house, and
I had to pee so bad,” he revealed. “I very vividly remember this, and he
has a very long, winding driveway, and I didn’t want to show up at his
house and just pee right away, because I thought it would be an awkward
thing,” he said. “So as I was driving up his driveway, I stopped halfway
through it and peed in a Snapple bottle I had in my car. And then sealed it
up and finished the ride up the driveway, and greeted Tom Cruise and Katie
Holmes and his newborn baby, Suri.”
“It also, contextually, was the weirdest time to be meeting Tom Cruise,”
he added. “It was like the weirdest frenzy — it was like a couple weeks
after the couch-jumping thing. So it was Peak Tom Cruise.” That was the
moment in time when Cruise and Holmes’s seemingly curious romance dominated
the tabloids and the mainstream press, and his hyperkinetic appearance on
Oprah Winfrey’s talk-show sofa proclaiming his love in literal leaps and
bounds went notoriously viral. “It was right when the baby was born, and no
one had seen a picture of it yet, so literally there was a debate whether
or not she was real.”
The baby, he discovered, was very real. “I met the baby … I pulled in
the driveway and he’s like, ‘Here’s [Suri].’ I held her. It was just,
like, instantaneous.”
The discussed project never came to pass, and Rogen has only encountered
Cruise fleetingly since — but also memorably. “We blew him up on Preacher,
and he didn’t like that,” he said, recalling an episode of the profanely
amusing AMC horror-comedy series he produces in which a fictional Cruise,
leading a flock of presumed Scientologists, explodes and dies after a
supernatural entity attempts to bond with him. “There were some calls
The Cruise porn anecdote surfaced the same week that Rolling Stone reported
on another eccentric, decade-plus-old encounter in which Rogen’s neighbor
Kanye West dropped by unannounced with an invitation to shoot some hoops,
which Rogen politely declined.
“I’ve been here forever, that’s what I’m starting to realize,” Rogen
said. “I’ve just lived in Los Angeles a really long time at this point, so
you accumulate stories over the years … I’m like Forrest Gump.”
22 Unsettlingly Nice Tom Cruise Stories

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: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 汤姆克鲁斯说他不知道网上可以看黄片
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 1 20:42:53 2018, 美东)
: 估计是装傻
: Seth Rogen Gives His Side of Judd Apatow’s Tom Cruise Porn Story
: You may have heard Judd Apatow’s recent talk show reveal that it was none
: other than Seth Rogen who first informed Tom Cruise that one could watch
: porn on the internet. It’s true, said Rogen — and it’s one of a few
