to be a successful IP lawyer# Law - 律师事务所
1 楼
well... what's the defination of 'successul'? 200k? 500k? or even more?
as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
only prosecution.
The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
These skills, unfortun
as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
only prosecution.
The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
These skills, unfortun