mortgage fee 明年可能要涨了。
mortgage fee 明年可能要涨了。# Living
news from Washington post. 我的理解是包括refinance。 所有 Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, FHA保的mortgage fee都会涨。这个bill下周就可能通过。然后明年1月
Updated: December 17, 2011 7:39PM
WASHINGTON — Who is paying for the two-month extension of the payroll tax
cut working its way through Congress? The cost is being dropped in the laps
of most people who buy homes or refinance beginning next year.
The typical person who buys a $200,000 home or refinances that amount
starting on Jan. 1 would have to pay roughly $17 more a month for their
mortgage, thanks to a fee increase included in the payroll tax cut bill that
the Senate passed Saturday. The White House said the fee increases would be
phased in gradually.
The legislation provides a two-month extension of a payroll tax cut and long
-term unemployment benefits that would otherwise expire on Jan. 1. It would
also delay for two months a cut in Medicare reimbursements for doctors that
is scheduled to take effect on New Year’s Day. The House is expected to act
on the bill early next week. Two more months of the Social Security tax cut
amounts to a savings of about $165 for a worker making $50,000 a year.
To cover its $33 billion price tag, the measure increases the fee that the
government-backed mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, charge to
insure home mortgages. That fee, which Senate aides said currently averages
around 0.3 percentage point, would rise by 0.1 percentage point under the
bill. The increase will also apply to people whose mortgages are backed by
the Federal Housing Administration, which typically serves lower-income and
first-time buyers.
The higher fee would not apply to people who currently have mortgages unless
they refinance beginning next year.
Because of the weak housing market and the huge numbers of foreclosures in
the last few years, private insurers have not competed strongly for business
with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have the backing of the federal
government. As a result, about 9 in 10 new home mortgages are backed by
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHA.
President Barack Obama and many congressional Democrats and Republicans want
to curb Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s dominance in the mortgage market.
Obama earlier this year proposed raising the mortgage guarantee fees they
charge as one way to do that.
小钱, 太少了。


【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: news from Washington post. 我的理解是包括refinance。 所有 Fannie Mae,
: Freddie Mac, FHA保的mortgage fee都会涨。这个bill下周就可能通过。然后明年1月
: 1日起实施。
: Updated: December 17, 2011 7:39PM
: WASHINGTON — Who is paying for the two-month extension of the payroll tax
: cut working its way through Congress? The cost is being dropped in the laps
: of most people who buy homes or refinance beginning next year.
: The typical person who buys a $200,000 home or refinances that amount
: starting on Jan. 1 would have to pay roughly $17 more a month for their

这只是FHA load,老中一般都qualify conventional load,不需要fha insurance