问一些很小白的房屋贷款问题# Living
1 所谓的30 ,45天close 是什么意思, 意思是你今天跑去锁RATE,然后这个rate可以
给你30天或者45的期限吗?那这和17天的loan Contingency岂不是有冲突?
2 17天loan Contingency, 是法律规定的? 这个日期是什么时候开始计时,loan
lender 那边要最少多少天能够通知说 这个贷款能否批下来,行就继续,不行就不买了
,应该可以这样做,对吧,免得超过17天,惹得一身骚。延长这个contigency 是否需
3 appraiser是在什么阶段开始做,是loan批下来之后还是之前,要是批不下来,buyer
自己负责? 好像要几百块,似乎不是小数目。
4 buyer agent rebate 和 lender's rebate 分别在什么阶段,体现在什么文件上,感
5 贷款在什么时候能够无责任最后退出,就是觉得不对劲不做了,然后退出又不会有责
任。我假设情况是这样, 市面上这两天利率和早两天承诺的利率变化不大,但是loan
agent 挑你的刺,比如说只有拿个高的才能做下来,关键时候卡脖子,然后shop
掉loan agent,立马换人拿下房子。
6 买房子的话放loan contigency和inspection contingency, 最后loan 没问题,房子
1. you have choice to lock 15 days, 30 days, 45 days or 60 days. The longer
time you lock, the higher the rate OR less rebate you will get. Usually new
purchase will be locked in for 30 days and refinance will be 45 days based
on the recent lenders prcocessing speed. some broker like to lock it first
to gurantee the rate they promise. some broker like to lock it later once
the loan is fully approved with short time to get better rate ( assume the
rate will not go up). I always suggest my client to lock in early get the
rate they want in case the rate climb up later.
2. By default, the contingency date is 17 days, starting from the day one
that your contract is fully exectued. For new purchase loan, lender should
get your loan conditional approved in one week or within two weeks latest.
Your agent should know by then if your loan can be done or anything might
cause delay or risk. 17 days should be long enough for the contingency. As
long as you don't remove the contingency, you can always walk away without
any loss if you decide not to continue the transaction.
3. appraisal should be done at the beginning. otherwise, if you wait for the
loan approval and then order appraisal, you might not have enough time,
unless your case is very clear. Usually your agent can tell if any potential
risk might stop your loan at the beginning based on your case. Yes, you
will loose the appraisal fee if your loan is not approved. If it is loan
agent issue, usually we will refund client the appraisal fee. If it is due
to house or yourself ( such as unpermit condition, title not clean, some
major staff is not disclosed at the first place, you can not provide the
resonable documentation lender request...etc), you have to pay the appraisal
fee by your own.
4. agent rebate will be disclosed when you sign the contract. You can sign
the addendum with agent about how much rebate you would get. Lender rebate
will be known when your rate is locked. It is on the lock confirmation
letter. those rebate will be used to cover your loan closing cost and rebate
varies every day.
5. As long as you don't sign the remove contingency form, you can always
walk away without any loss. I would suggest you to make more reserach before
making the decision. It doesnt hurt to shop around before the processing,
but if you start to shop around after agent has worked alot for you, it will
be the loose-loose situation for both side. Agent will get impacted for
failure pull through rate by lender and you might loose your appraisl fee or
loose time to close the deal.
6. As i menitoned before, you are free to go before removing contingency. (
maybe not quite free since you already paid house inspection, credit score
checking and appraisal fee, sometimes condo cert if any...)
Best luck for your house hunting!


【在 s**********e 的大作中提到】
: 新手第一次买房,在加州,还在做功课阶段
: 1 所谓的30 ,45天close 是什么意思, 意思是你今天跑去锁RATE,然后这个rate可以
: 给你30天或者45的期限吗?那这和17天的loan Contingency岂不是有冲突?
: 2 17天loan Contingency, 是法律规定的? 这个日期是什么时候开始计时,loan
: lender 那边要最少多少天能够通知说 这个贷款能否批下来,行就继续,不行就不买了
: ,应该可以这样做,对吧,免得超过17天,惹得一身骚。延长这个contigency 是否需
: 要付很多钱?
: 3 appraiser是在什么阶段开始做,是loan批下来之后还是之前,要是批不下来,buyer
: 自己负责? 好像要几百块,似乎不是小数目。
: 4 buyer agent rebate 和 lender's rebate 分别在什么阶段,体现在什么文件上,感

找一个好的reputation agent最重要。
很想回答您的问题, 但是又怕太片面, 容易引起您的误解, 还是如LS所说, 找个不是很