Microsoft releases Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for Android tablets out of preview
Microsoft releases Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for Android tablets out of preview# MobileDevelopment - 移动开发
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: catcher (Can I?), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: ABC 于2013-11-08 就JK事件的书面声明
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 11 01:23:47 2013, 美东)
Friday, November 08, 2013
ABC Television Network
Statement on behalf of ABC Entertainment and Jimmy Kimmel Live!
On behalf of everyone at Jimmy Kimmel Live and ABC, please accept our
heartfelt, sincere apology for the airing of the “Kids Table” segment of
Jimmy Kimmel Live! on October 16, 2013.
The simple fact is, the segment should never have been broadcast. Systems
we have in place for these types of things did not function properly, and
steps have been made to try and prevent this kind of egregious mistake from
occurring in the future.
We have strengthened our review process and several new safeguards have been
put in place to both our Broadcast Standards & Practices and Entertainment
Programming areas to ensure that segments like this are immediately brought
to the attention of appropriate senior executives who can address them
We have also done everything in our power to ensure that the segment
receives no further exposure. We issued a written apology, the offending
skit has been edited out of any future broadcast of that episode; we have
taken down the clip from all of our online platforms; and the show has
decided to forego any future segments of “Kids Table.”
In addition, Jimmy Kimmel has apologized on-air, in writing, and has
personally met with concerned citizens to hear their viewpoints and to
apologize, again, in person.
Please know that we take our responsibility to our viewers extremely
seriously, and are confident that the steps we’ve taken will prevent this
type of issue from happening again.
Microsoft today launched Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for Android tablets.
Previously in preview, the apps have now hit general availability on Google
Play: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
The launch follows Microsoft’s big Office news on November 6, when it made
mobile editing free, launched Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for iPhone, as
well as the same apps in preview for Android tablets. Since then, the
company has seen 80 million downloads of Office for iPad and iPhone, 250,000
downloads of the Android tablet preview apps, and 4+ ratings for all.
The Android tablet apps offer similar features and functionality as the iPad
apps. “We want to make sure we’re delivering a similar set of experiences
on the same form factors,” Microsoft product manager Amanda Lefebvre told
VentureBeat back in November.
While the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for Android tablets are free downloads
for consumers, as are their iPad counterparts (log in with your Microsoft
Account to create files, print documents, and edit for free), premium
features for businesses require an Office 365 subscription. To gain access
to those, you’ll have to log in with your Office 365 business credentials.
With iPad, iPhone, and Android tablets now all with their own separate Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint apps, all that is left is for Office Mobile for
Android phones to be split in three. Also on November 6, Microsoft promised
these individual apps were in the pipeline and would arrive “at some point
Today, Julia White, general manager of Microsoft Office, told VentureBeat
the company would have more to share “in the summertime.” That’s a long
time to wait, especially given that they will probably launch in preview and
users will have to twiddle their thumbs even longer for a stable release.
Maybe, just maybe, Office for Windows 10 will be out before then. That way,
Windows users will finally have touch-optimized versions of Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint on their phones before Android users. Either way, iOS has
already won.
This is the world we now live in: Microsoft is perfectly happy building
cross-platform, and if that means its own platform doesn’t get first pick,
then it simply has all the more work to do. Presumably, the company has
learned from its Office mobile push and will make building apps for Windows
10 the best of both the Android and iOS developing worlds.