2 楼
收到BCP upgrade offer,花2000送250刀,两个问题:
1. 现在这个卡就是从BCP downgrade来的,我还能拿这个bonus吗?
2. upgrade有HP吗?如果有HP我感觉就没啥意思了
1. 现在这个卡就是从BCP downgrade来的,我还能拿这个bonus吗?
2. upgrade有HP吗?如果有HP我感觉就没啥意思了
3 楼
where where
4 楼
No hard pull on upgrading. Probably you can still receive the bonus. Look at
terms and conditions to make sure that there is no once life-time language.
terms and conditions to make sure that there is no once life-time language.
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