我觉得如果有人帮助照顾孩子,可以去上课啊,我自己一共休息了4个礼拜就回去上班 了,但白天有人帮我,但我家的妞在6个月前每天晚上 都要醒至少2次,有时还wake up around the clock.照顾宝宝虽然很累,但其实在家待到2周的时候就很闷了,巴不得 赶快回去上班。我一个同事更牛,当时她是住院医第一年,人家生完第三天就回来上班 了。
说起这个,我想到我读master的时候,很多课都是每周一次的。某个星期一,一中国同 学没来上课,老师说那同学今天给她打电话请假,说早上刚生了。然后老师继续说:我 让她好好休息一下,see you next week!我们其他几个中国同学听完立刻目瞪口呆, 觉得老美即使真没有坐月子的概念,也不能把人逼到这分上吧。没想到下星期一,赫然 发现那刚生完的同学真的就把自己裹得像粽子一样坐在课室里。。。
This is actually an interesting topic. I heard a story: an American woman, used to be a professor at Harvard, now a dean of graduate school of another pretigious university. She had 3-4 children. She would schedule labor induction on Friday and came back to work Monday. Everybody is different. But if you want to be sucessful and outstanding, especially as a woman, you have to be able to be put up with what other people can't take.