标题里面的最后三天难道是暗示# paladin - 谈古论金,黄梁一梦
1 楼
Suppose there is a platform where
sizeof(unsigned int) == 4
and the function app():
unsigned int app(unsigned int)
yields the following output:
app(0x80000000) == 1;
app(0x40000000) == 2;
app(3) == 0xc0000000;
app(0x70) == 0xe000000;
app(0x99999999) == 0x99999999
app(0xAAAAAAAA) == 0x55555555
app(app(x)) == x for all x.
Write a version of app()
sizeof(unsigned int) == 4
and the function app():
unsigned int app(unsigned int)
yields the following output:
app(0x80000000) == 1;
app(0x40000000) == 2;
app(3) == 0xc0000000;
app(0x70) == 0xe000000;
app(0x99999999) == 0x99999999
app(0xAAAAAAAA) == 0x55555555
app(app(x)) == x for all x.
Write a version of app()