Re: 什么是强者和弱者? ABC 事件的思考 (转载)
Re: 什么是强者和弱者? ABC 事件的思考 (转载)# Parenting - 为人父母
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wxm146 (gemrain), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 什么是强者和弱者? ABC 事件的思考
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 29 02:19:53 2013, 美东)
If I were you, I would walk up to him, say "excuse me, sir, I have a
question." loudly. before he even have any chance to say anything, I would
continue to confront him and ask him loudly and calmly why he said he
stopped making when my son asked for one, but right after I left he
continued to make for other kids. I would demand an explanation right away
on the spot and would ask the festival organizer come over and file a formal
complaint right away on the spot. I would say "is it because I am Chinese?
If it is, this guy is a racist and a racist should not work for any
festival for kids? he should be fired." I will make a scene as big as
possible on the spot. I am American and I and my kids have every right
other people have. I will NOT tolerate any discrimination. At least by
doing this, he will know it's not that easy to get away by discriminating
Chinese again.
I saw black people use race in situations not remotely applicable and the
person confronted right away shut up.
Please consider doing it next time. unfortunately, only by fighting like
this, we will earn respects and rights we deserve.