斯坦佛大学第一次取消一MBA毕业生学位# Parenting - 为人父母
For the first time ever, Stanford University's Graduate School of Business
today (March 5) confirmed that he had stripped a 2003 graduate of his MBA
degree because he was admitted to the school's MBA program under "false
The decision to nullify the degree of hedge fund trader Mathew Martoma
follows his conviction last month of insider trading charges. "Martoma does
not have a Stanford MBA," confirmed Stanford GSB spokesperson Barbara Buell.
The school ostensibly did not strip the former employee of SAC Capital
Advisors of the degree because of his Feb. 6th conviction, however, but
rather because he failed to disclose that he was thrown out of Harvard Law
School for doctoring his grade transcript and sending the forged document to
federal judges in search of a job.
Two years after being dismissed from Harvard, Martoma had changed his name
and successfully applied to Stanford's business school. But he apparently
covered up the fact that he had been kicked out of Harvard. The decision by
Stanford indicates that Marie Mookini, then director of MBA admissions at
Stanford, did not know that the applicant was expelled. Mookini, now an MBA
admissions consultant based in Palo Alto, declined comment.
"What makes this possible is not that he was a convicted felon, but that he
was admitted under false pretenses," a faculty member told the Journal.
Stanford sent Martoma a letter in February seeking an explanation about
statements he made on his original MBA application and gave him a two-week
deadline for a response, according to the newspaper. Martoma's lawyers asked
for a two-week extension which was granted by Stanford. When the new
deadline ran out on Friday without a response, Stanford decided to pull
Martoma's degree.
Though Stanford has consistently declined direct comment on the Martoma case
, citing privacy laws, the school does make clear that applicants who are
admitted to its MBA program on false pretenses can have their degrees
revoked. Most observers assume that Martoma, who legally changed his name
from Ajai Mathew Thomas to Mathew Martoma when he applied to Stanford,
failed to admit that he was thrown out of Harvard Law School for a
disciplinary reason.
“Federal law (FERPA) prohibits Stanford from discussing the specific
academic status of a former student," says spokesperson Buell. "However, we
take very seriously any violation of the integrity of our admissions process
. When there is evidence that any misrepresentation has been made, Stanford
’s policy and practice is to review the matter carefully. Determining the
validity of the evidence is undertaken immediately, but can take time. When
a review is completed, Stanford's policy provides it can revoke an offer of
acceptance and a degree, if it was found that an individual gained admission
through false pretenses. "
To read a fuller account of how Martoma forged his grade transcript at
Harvard Law, see
Mathew Martoma got off to a slow start in the hedge-fund world.
A former student at Harvard Law School, he co-wrote papers on medical ethics
before seeking a business degree at Stanford University and joining a
little-known Boston hedge fund. Former colleagues say he was nondescript,
and other hedge-fund managers never heard of him.
Yet in 2006, at age 32, Martoma made it to SAC Capital Advisors LP and
gained the attention of the firm’s billionaire owner Steven A. Cohen. Cohen
, one of the most successful hedge- fund managers in the world, trusted
Martoma’s recommendations enough to accumulate about $700 million in shares
of Elan Corp. and Wyeth LLC two years later and then sell them all within a
week after Martoma had changed his view on the companies.
Those recommendations, which earned the young portfolio manager a $9.38
million bonus, have now landed Martoma at the center of what U.S.
prosecutors describe as the most-lucrative insider-trading scheme they’ve
ever uncovered, with profits and averted losses of $276 million. Early in
the morning of Nov. 20, FBI agents arrested the 38-year-old at his Boca
Raton home. The charges against him mark the first time prosecutors said
Cohen had talked with a defendant about stocks in an insider-trading case,
pulling the art collector deeper into one of the biggest investigations of
securities fraud in history.
“Mathew Martoma was an exceptional portfolio manager who succeeded through
hard work and the dogged pursuit of information in the public domain,” his
lawyer Charles Stillman said in an e-mailed statement, adding that he
expected Martoma to be fully exonerated.
下一个第一名,估计是Steven A. Cohen!
His faking: Judge Ginsberg 现在是美国最高法院的大法官!
His Home: 6,150 square-foot home features five-bedrooms, six-and-a-half
bathrooms and a pool, plus fake grass for a mini golf course . . .
A handsome and appeared trustworthy guy!
A beautiful wife.
He and his boss: the other con.
The trial involved a number of boldface names of the legal profession. The
office of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (S.D.N.Y.), one of our 2013 Lawyer of
the Year nominees, was represented by assistant U.S. attorney Arlo Devlin-
Brown, one of the office’s most prominent prosecutors (and a star of the
college debate circuit, for those of you who used to do debate). Martoma was
defended by a team from Goodwin Procter that included Richard Strassberg,
an S.D.N.Y. alumnus, and Roberto Braceras, another former federal prosecutor
— and the son-in-law of Judge José Cabranes. The prosecution’s lead
witness, Dr. Sidney Gilman, was represented by Bracewell & Giuliani’s Marc
L. Mukasey — son of former S.D.N.Y. judge and U.S. Attorney General Michael
And some of our readers might know Mathew Martoma. He was a student at
Harvard Law School back in the 90s, before he got expelled for fabricating
his transcript while applying for clerkships.
Here are some notable numbers relating to the Mathew Martoma mess:
◾The profits made and losses avoided by SAC Capital as a result of
Martoma’s insider trading: $275 million.
◾The win/loss record of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and the S.D.N.Y.
in insider-trading cases: 79-0.
◾How long the Mathew Martoma trial lasted: 4+ weeks.
◾How long the jury deliberated: 15 hours.
◾Gender breakdown of the jury: 7 women, 5 men.
◾Counts of conviction: 2 counts of securities fraud, 1 count of
◾Penalties paid by SAC Capital back in November 2013: $1.2 billion.
◾Current or former employees of SAC Capital (including Martoma) who
have been convicted of criminal insider-trading charges (whether by guilty
plea or trial): 8.
◾Number of “A” grades on Mathew Martoma’s fake Harvard Law School
transcript: 4 (out of 7 grades).
◾Number of D.C. Circuit judges that Martoma got clerkship interviews
with: 3.
◾Age of Mathew Martoma: 39.
◾How many young children Martoma has: 3.
◾The length of Martoma’s likely prison sentence (pursuant to the non-
binding federal sentencing guidelines): 7-10 years.
Moral of the story: don’t engage in insider trading. Getting a $9 million
bonus sounds great, but you don’t get to keep the money after you get
convicted — plus you might have to spend a decade behind bars.
P.S. I do wonder whether Steve Cohen of SAC Capital will help out Mrs.
Martoma and the couple’s three kids while Mathew Martoma is in prison,
considering that he refused to cooperate with the federal investigation of
Cohen and SAC — and will now pay a high price for loyalty to his former
On July 20, 2008, prosecutors allege, Martoma placed a 20-minute call to
Cohen to alert him that an Alzheimer’s drug trial was going badly for two
pharmaceutical companies, Elan and Wyeth.
Martoma got the illegal tip from a doctor involved in the trials, it is
A day after the call, Cohen instructed his traders to sell, then short,
shares of those companies, earning SAC $276 million.
The doctor who gave Martoma the illegal information has cut a deal with the
government and will testify against him.
The case is considered among the strongest of the 78 insider-trading cases
that US Attorney Preet Bharara has brought. So far he has won all of them.
Preet Bharara 是个印度裔。同室操戈呀!


【在 u*****a 的大作中提到】
: 什么都有第一次。又来了一个名校名流造假,入狱,取消学位的事。诚信那诚信,你在
: 哪里?
: 话说这第一句话就有语法错误。也不知道是谁写的。而且两个代词混淆。
: For the first time ever, Stanford University's Graduate School of Business
: today (March 5) confirmed that he had stripped a 2003 graduate of his MBA
: degree because he was admitted to the school's MBA program under "false
: pretenses."
: The decision to nullify the degree of hedge fund trader Mathew Martoma
: follows his conviction last month of insider trading charges. "Martoma does
: not have a Stanford MBA," confirmed Stanford GSB spokesperson Barbara Buell.


【在 i*****a 的大作中提到】
: 别说,你关注的这些新闻,我还挺爱看的
: does
: Buell.

附:当年哈佛 1L 课程的平均分是 A-。所以他才铤而走险去伪造成绩。

【在 u*****a 的大作中提到】
: 你要是读了上面有关他如何改哈佛法学院成绩的调查报告,你就不难得出这人太会撒谎
: 了,一串一串的。是聪明。就是没用到正道上。
: 附:当年哈佛 1L 课程的平均分是 A-。所以他才铤而走险去伪造成绩。
