2 楼
1.Identify feelings. "I think you are angry at your friend because he
teased you, right?"; "you are angry because...."
2. Give anger a break. It is hard to think clearly when you're angry. give
your child a break. Distract her with other activities.
3. Talk it through. After the child calms down, talk her through what
happened, why she's angry, what could she do next time.
4. Use your funny bone. humor works.
5. Create a scream free zone. Parents should never yell at a child and or to
his/her partners.
1.Identify feelings. "I think you are angry at your friend because he
teased you, right?"; "you are angry because...."
2. Give anger a break. It is hard to think clearly when you're angry. give
your child a break. Distract her with other activities.
3. Talk it through. After the child calms down, talk her through what
happened, why she's angry, what could she do next time.
4. Use your funny bone. humor works.
5. Create a scream free zone. Parents should never yell at a child and or to
his/her partners.
3 楼
This echoes a book I am reading, in which the author believes that young
children's bad behaviors are a result of their developing brain not being
able to deal with frustration. By validating the feeling and guiding them
through it the parents help connect their brain cells in a way that later in
life they can self-calm and nevigate stressful situations.
children's bad behaviors are a result of their developing brain not being
able to deal with frustration. By validating the feeling and guiding them
through it the parents help connect their brain cells in a way that later in
life they can self-calm and nevigate stressful situations.
4 楼
5 楼
赞! 正需要这个!
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