哈佛录取通知书里没说的话# Parenting - 为人父母
So, you’ve been admitted to Harvard. (I say this genuinely this time:
congratulations!) However, there is a lot that Harvard should tell you in
your admissions letter, yet they choose to conceal. Fear not, Flyby is here
to help. Here is what your admissions letter should have told you:
1.You think you beat out the competition, but you haven’t. During the first
week of school, I was rejected by a zumba class. This is the norm. You’ll
get used to it, though. It builds character.
2.You probably won’t have time to find your future husband or wife.
3.The world doesn’t actually open up for you just because you go to Harvard
; my roommates and I live in Rashida Jones’s room and she still ignored our
interactions with her on Twitter. Honestly, it’s a bummer.
4.There is a foreign land, the Quad, that you probably won’t know about
until it’s too late. A foreign species, the Quadlings, live there. They are
students too, and you might become one of them, but you don’t know if you
’re destined for this fate when you accept your spot at Harvard. Note: The
Quad is unsafe. I don’t get cell reception at spots in the Quad, including
my own house. How am I supposed to call HUPD if there is a very serious
emergency such as a spider? Unsafe.
5.You can make Snapchat stories that will make your friends back home
jealous. Just be sure to use the Harvard geofilter; otherwise, what’s the
6.Be prepared to make sure the back of your head is always looking its best
because you’ll be in the background of at least 10 tourist photos each day.
7.You’ll be presented with a multitude of incredible opportunities but you
won’t have time to take advantage of them.
8.You probably peaked in high school. You might not get anything more in
life, but don’t worry, you’ll always have this acceptance letter.
9.We beat Yale. We’re always better. That, truly, is all that matters.
10. BTW, we are being sued by POFR and we vehemently denied all allegations
of race-based discrimination in that lawsuit! Our response to the lawsuit
stated that POFR was not entitled to any form of compensation nor a trial by
UPDATED: January 26, 2015, at 7:19 p.m.
Matriculated Harvard undergraduates can request and view the notes and
comments penned by admissions officers on their applications because of a
1974 Department of Education act that holds that the documents must be
accessible under federal law, according to Director of Admissions Marlyn E.
McGrath ’70-’73.
McGrath wrote in an email last Tuesday that Harvard’s practice "has long
been to furnish [summary sheets] for an enrolled student's review upon
request.” Students who submit requests including their name, date of birth,
and House may read the sheets, which contain comments from admissions
officers as well as other demographic information, in the Admissions Office
within 45 calendar days. Only students who have matriculated at Harvard are
eligible to request their documents, McGrath wrote.
“[The summary sheets] include an awful lot of information about students’
background, their test scores, their high school information, and notes from
the readers,” Faculty of Arts and Sciences Registrar Michael P. Burke said.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, or FERPA, has
attracted attention in the media in recent weeks after The New York Times
reported that an anonymous group of Stanford students had invoked it to
successfully access copies of their records from the university, including
written assessments and numerical scores assigned to them by admissions
The group, which produces a newsletter called the Fountain Hopper, published
its method online for requesting academic records, prompting students
nationwide to also appeal for their files.
At Harvard, the summary sheets can only be read by appointment with McGrath
or her assistant at the Admissions Office. The bulk of a student’s
educational record—including test scores, transcripts, and letters of
recommendation—is housed at the Registrar’s Office and at the House
Offices and is accessible under FERPA.