Even in third grade, Orlando shooter was troubled and aggr
Even in third grade, Orlando shooter was troubled and aggr# Parenting - 为人父母
Even in third grade, Orlando shooter was troubled and aggressive
Omar Mateen
Omar Mateen was a poor student who often displayed behavioral problems in
elementary and middle school, records show. (Associated Press)
By Ileana Najarro
June 17, 2016, 4:00 AM
Oppositional. Lacks remorse. Verbally abusive. These are some of the terms
teachers and school counselors used to describe a young Omar Mateen,
according to elementary and middle school records.
Mateen, who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday
in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, had a troubling record of
behavioral issues throughout his elementary and middle school years,
ranging from simply disrupting class to outright aggressive conflicts with
Signs of trouble came as early as kindergarten, when a teacher wrote, “Omar
is basically intelligent student but does not always follow through his
Records show that he had difficulty concentrating on assignments, had poor
grades for years and displayed aggressive behavior as he moved among various
schools in St. Lucie County from kindergarten through seventh grade. He
transferred to the Martin County School District for eighth grade.
When he was in third grade, teachers wrote, he talked a lot about violence
and sex and used obscenities. He also was active, moving about the classroom
with his hands all over the place, including on other children. He also
sang “Marijuana, Marijuana,” rather than “Mariposa, Mariposa,” as the
school song correctly goes.
In fourth grade he continued to hit other students, as well as scream at
them and his teacher, records show.
During seventh grade at St. Lucie County’s Southport Middle School, he was
switched from one class to another to “avoid conflicts with other students,
” and his parents were given an intervention syllabus that said he was
having “behavioral problems including lack of self-discipline and self-
control leading to academic failures,” according to school records.
Mateen, the New York-born son of Afghan immigrants, was bilingual and was
enrolled in an English program for speakers of other languages. He did
poorly in that program — along with math and science, typically getting Ds
and Fs as the years progressed. He fared no better in standardized testing.
In the fifth-grade test he scored in the sixth percentile for reading
“The main factor prohibiting Omar from success in school is not that the
work is too hard but rather his difficulties in conforming to class/school
rules,” wrote one of Mateen’s teachers.
According to school records, most of Mateen’s behavioral concerns stemmed
from his failure to focus unless given one-on-one attention from his
teachers. Mateen, who decades later would check social media during his
shooting rampage to see how it was being covered, frequently attempted to
draw attention to himself in class, jumping and flapping his arms about in a
fourth-grade computer class.
School records also show what appears to be a handwritten letter by Mateen
addressed to his fourth-grade teacher complaining that two classmates
bullied him, with one twisting his shoulder, requiring his father to massage
it for him, and the other pushing fingers and nails onto Mateen’s neck,
which led Mateen to write that he “almost died.”
Records show that teachers and counselors kept Mateen’s family abreast of
his behavioral and academic issues throughout his elementary and middle
school years, but that there was little, if any, improvement.
By seventh grade, a teacher wrote to Mateen’s father that if the boy
improved his self-control, “he will find greater social acceptance amongst
his peers and thus gain self-confidence.”

【在 d****g 的大作中提到】
: Even in third grade, Orlando shooter was troubled and aggressive
: Omar Mateen
: Omar Mateen was a poor student who often displayed behavioral problems in
: elementary and middle school, records show. (Associated Press)
: By Ileana Najarro
: June 17, 2016, 4:00 AM
: Oppositional. Lacks remorse. Verbally abusive. These are some of the terms
: teachers and school counselors used to describe a young Omar Mateen,
: according to elementary and middle school records.

'Mateen, who decades later would check social media during his
shooting rampage to see how it was being covered, frequently attempted to
draw attention to himself in class'
很象是从小不被认可, 想做件大事一鸣惊人。
我小时也有过类似心理。 不过我想的是跳到湖里救起落水儿童让大家刮目相看。
这种屠杀平民的行为,对任何方面都无利。 即便对他支持的伊斯兰激进组织也不是什
么好事, 只有抹黑。

【在 w**d 的大作中提到】
: 搞不懂和kingdergarten的时候有什么关系。不过老美特喜欢从幼小时的经历找原因。
: 我儿子去年的时候推过几次同学,和学校的校长,儿科心理学博士去聊天试图分析深层
: 的原因。开始他们都不知道原因只是一顿胡扯,后来听说我儿子一出生就动过大手术,
: 那个心理学博士马上就跟抓到稻草了一样说了一大通。我实在是想不通那会有什么关联
: 。
