3 楼
not very legal (legally mac os x can only be used on mac machines)
but possible. (you'll need a mac, or find somewhere to download the mac osx
vm installed file)
1. need a mac to download mac os x installation file.
2. convert the installation file to image for virtual machines.
3. install the image on a virtual machine software on mac.
4. copy the virtual machine installation to wherever you want. (or download
it somewhere)
5. on your windows, crack vmware player/workstation to allow mac (google it).
6. import the mac osx into your vm on windows.
but possible. (you'll need a mac, or find somewhere to download the mac osx
vm installed file)
1. need a mac to download mac os x installation file.
2. convert the installation file to image for virtual machines.
3. install the image on a virtual machine software on mac.
4. copy the virtual machine installation to wherever you want. (or download
it somewhere)
5. on your windows, crack vmware player/workstation to allow mac (google it).
6. import the mac osx into your vm on windows.
4 楼
去piratebay上搜OS X 10.11 El Capitan VMware Image
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