【奔猫】南瓜啊大南瓜# pets - 心有所宠
1 楼
小弟在东部一个州立大学数学博士刚刚毕业,有一个统计minor(6门统计课程), 马上
8月份去一个小 college教书(visiting assistant prof),一个visiting assistant
prof up to 3 years.因为博士做的东西非常理论(方程解的存在性)没有多少编程,
所以如果继续找tenure-track teaching school,没有多少research拿的出来,虽然
1。 现在想趁着还有opt转行找业界的工作,考个sas,学点R, 但不知道有些什么样的
position适合申请,找Data Analyst, Mathematical/Statistical Modeling Analyst
之类的工作?但是teaching job tri-semester教7门课,所以只能抽时间学编程,我只
会matlab, c++, java不会。这样找业界的工作是不是希望不大?
2。 作为back-up plan,我考虑再申请个学位,(需要重考GRE),比如统计phd/ms,或者M
.S. IN ANALYTICS(学费4-5万),或者MFE? 不知道这些ms program 会不会觉得phd
overqualify了(昨天一个老师说的),而且有的学校,比如U Chicago stat说
I would also caution you that the admissions committee will want a very
strong justification for your need of a PhD in statistics, given that you
have a PhD in a related field, including a minor in statistics.
it will be very important to explain
why your career and education goals require another degree.
3。 另外的问题是我现在用的opt,如果再读学位就没有opt可以用了,到时候必须直接
谢谢大家 :D
8月份去一个小 college教书(visiting assistant prof),一个visiting assistant
prof up to 3 years.因为博士做的东西非常理论(方程解的存在性)没有多少编程,
所以如果继续找tenure-track teaching school,没有多少research拿的出来,虽然
1。 现在想趁着还有opt转行找业界的工作,考个sas,学点R, 但不知道有些什么样的
position适合申请,找Data Analyst, Mathematical/Statistical Modeling Analyst
之类的工作?但是teaching job tri-semester教7门课,所以只能抽时间学编程,我只
会matlab, c++, java不会。这样找业界的工作是不是希望不大?
2。 作为back-up plan,我考虑再申请个学位,(需要重考GRE),比如统计phd/ms,或者M
.S. IN ANALYTICS(学费4-5万),或者MFE? 不知道这些ms program 会不会觉得phd
overqualify了(昨天一个老师说的),而且有的学校,比如U Chicago stat说
I would also caution you that the admissions committee will want a very
strong justification for your need of a PhD in statistics, given that you
have a PhD in a related field, including a minor in statistics.
it will be very important to explain
why your career and education goals require another degree.
3。 另外的问题是我现在用的opt,如果再读学位就没有opt可以用了,到时候必须直接
谢谢大家 :D