bear又卖萌了# pets - 心有所宠
1 楼
update:One VIP也收到了,好,Amex玩不起了
也没干啥啊,很少load vgc了,load一点也是bill 、pay,早上刚从cc load了200去
Dear xxx,
We are writing to let you know that we have observed unusual usage patterns
on your American Express Serve Account. Because of this, effective
immediately, you will no longer be able to add money to your Account.1 We
have made this change in accordance with Section 15.d of our Consumer User
Agreement, which you can view here.
Please be aware that you continue to have full access to the funds on your
Account and can withdraw them at any time. Any applicable monthly fees
continue to apply.
Once your balance reaches $0, please close your Account online via your
Profile page accessible here. Scroll down to the Close Account section and
click "Close Account."
If you have any questions or would like to inquire further about this issue,
you may write to us at the following address:
American Express
C/O Customer Relations 02-04-40
4315 S 2700 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84184-0440
update:One VIP也收到了,好,Amex玩不起了
也没干啥啊,很少load vgc了,load一点也是bill 、pay,早上刚从cc load了200去
Dear xxx,
We are writing to let you know that we have observed unusual usage patterns
on your American Express Serve Account. Because of this, effective
immediately, you will no longer be able to add money to your Account.1 We
have made this change in accordance with Section 15.d of our Consumer User
Agreement, which you can view here.
Please be aware that you continue to have full access to the funds on your
Account and can withdraw them at any time. Any applicable monthly fees
continue to apply.
Once your balance reaches $0, please close your Account online via your
Profile page accessible here. Scroll down to the Close Account section and
click "Close Account."
If you have any questions or would like to inquire further about this issue,
you may write to us at the following address:
American Express
C/O Customer Relations 02-04-40
4315 S 2700 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84184-0440