Oracle Webinar hosted by CINAOUG on July 18, 2011 (转载)
Oracle Webinar hosted by CINAOUG on July 18, 2011 (转载)# Programming - 葵花宝典
KittyGray (灰毛球) 于 (Wed May 27 19:29:30 2009) 提到:
KittyGray (灰毛球) 于 (Wed May 27 19:30:01 2009) 提到:
And I love you so.
The people ask me how,
How Ive lived till now.
I tell them I dont know.
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been.
But life began again
The day you took my hand.
And, yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me, and t
【 以下文字转载自 Database 讨论区 】
发信人: Beijing (中国万岁,北京加油), 信区: Database
标 题: Oracle Webinar hosted by CINAOUG on July 18, 2011
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 11 23:21:11 2011, 美东)
Oracle Webinar hosted by CINAOUG on July 18, 2011
The Chinese in North America Oracle User Group (CINAOUG) will host a webinar
on Monday, July 18, 2011 featuring Tingda Lu, who will talk about Oracle da
tabase architecture and its main components. Before Mr. Lu's presentation, w
ebinar attendees are invited to participate in an interactive discussion on
how Oracle users should deal with the changing IT environment like June's we
When: 8:20pm - 9:40pm, Eastern Time, Monday, July 18, 2011
What: Discussion among All Participants -- How to Deal with Career Changes
(Audio Conference)
Presentation by Tingda Lu -- Oracle Database Architecture (Video Conf
Session One (8:20 - 8:50 pm)
Topic: How Oracle DBAs and Developers Should Manage Their Career Changes
Moderator: Beijing
Should Oracle DBAs and developers get ready for role changes as companies ar
e increasingly adopting new IT technologies and infrastructure strategies, s
uch as outsourcing and cloud computing? We welcome DBAs as well as developer
s in other database technologies to participate in the discussion. If necess
ary, we can continue the discussion after Tingda Lu's presentation.
Access information:
Toll Number: (218) 895-4640
PIN: 9159328.
Session Two (9:00 - 9:30 pm)
Topic: Oracle Database Architecture
Presenter: Tingda Lu
This seminar outlines the Oracle database architecture and its main componen
ts. The concepts of Oracle instance and Oracle database will be explained. S
GA and its components of Oracle instance are comprehensively discussed. The
functions of the mandatory background processes, dbwr, lgwr, pmon, smon, ckp
t and reco, are talked as well.
Intended to database administrator, database developer and anyone who has no
and less knowledge on Oracle database.
Tingda Lu has more than 10 years of database experience.
He is an Oracle 8i Certified Professional (OCP) Database Administrator.
He was a senior Oracle consultant in Quest, providing database performance s
ervice to telecommunication companies, including Beijing Mobile Telecommunic
ation Co., Yunnan Mobile Telecommunication Co., Shandong Mobile Telecommunic
ation Co, Neimengguo Mobile Telecommunication Co. and Shannxi Mobile Telecom
munication Co.
He also worked as an Oracle and SQL server database trainer in Microsoft Cer
tified Training Partner.
Access information:
To join Session Two, please go to, which
will be available at 8:55 pm. We will use VOIP for this session; no dial-in
is required.
Note that we will conduct a short survey to evaluate the presentation. Pleas
e help us improve our work by filling out the survey. Thank you.
Please contact b*************[email protected] if you have questions. To join CINA
OUG, please visit
Beijing on behalf of CINAOUG