To 两位版务关于精华区# Prose - 散文.原创文学板
taciturn & ariesbeida,
got it
sorry that i can't input chinese at lab
hope that i can give a explaination first
first it's me (not bf ariesbeida) decide to reorganize the JHQ, so if there's
any fault or responsobility someone need to take, it's me.
at the beginning i keep the old version of JHQ in one director
(named Lao Jing Hua Qu)
i promise here: we (ariesbeida and me) didn't delete any post from the JHQ,
we just reorganize them: create new structure and remove those previous
collected post to the new subdirectors

【在 s***n 的大作中提到】
: taciturn & ariesbeida,
: 你们二位上任以来对精华区进行了很大的变更。在某种意义上这是你们的权利和义务。
: 我并不想对你们的工作有什么评论。
: 但是你们并没有权利进行区域删除。具体地说,以前的各任版主版副,曾经作过的本月
: 原创精选,都被你们在未曾征询任何人意见的情况下删除消解了。
: 我希望你们认识到自己的错误。及时联系站方,恢复被你们有意或者无意删除的部分。
: 在精华区中进行保留。请你们尊重他人的劳动,也尊重那些作者的作品。
: 再强调一下,这些被删除的部分主要包括,一些“原创精选”,包括前任版副版主做
: 的每月精选或者年度精选。
: 7/17/03

Hi, thanks for your long response, your english is fine, understandable.
I understand you have spend a lot of time on this.
First, I don't think keep a duplicate copy of a short article (several Kbytes)
is a big deal. The whole part of 原创精选 is less than 100K,I think.
Second, to put everything under the author's name is just too mechanical.
Since we were trying to make difference between a good article and a soso
article by selecting something out of that.
And this effort is made not just by me.

【在 t******n 的大作中提到】
: got it
: sorry that i can't input chinese at lab
: hope that i can give a explaination first
: first it's me (not bf ariesbeida) decide to reorganize the JHQ, so if there's
: any fault or responsobility someone need to take, it's me.
: at the beginning i keep the old version of JHQ in one director
: (named Lao Jing Hua Qu)
: i promise here: we (ariesbeida and me) didn't delete any post from the JHQ,
: we just reorganize them: create new structure and remove those previous
: collected post to the new subdirectors

a little more words:
for the board, we (ariesbeida and i) checked almost all the old
(before june 03 when we started to take charge of this board),
and collected most of them into JHQ (most of them were put in
the "Zuo Zhe Wen Ji")
and we deleted some marked post from this board, the reasons include:
1. we have collected them into the JHQ.
2. more and more new post are coming out in this board.
3. we tried to keep less and better post in this board.
4. for those Zhuang Zai or Liang Zai, we delet

【在 t******n 的大作中提到】
: got it
: sorry that i can't input chinese at lab
: hope that i can give a explaination first
: first it's me (not bf ariesbeida) decide to reorganize the JHQ, so if there's
: any fault or responsobility someone need to take, it's me.
: at the beginning i keep the old version of JHQ in one director
: (named Lao Jing Hua Qu)
: i promise here: we (ariesbeida and me) didn't delete any post from the JHQ,
: we just reorganize them: create new structure and remove those previous
: collected post to the new subdirectors

yes i agree with u here that some good posts (short ones, Duan Pian)
should be introduced to readers.
I thought to do it. and i knew that the current Yuan Chuang Qi Kang
contains most long novels but few short proses or poems. that's not enough.
but i have no time now. i talked with ariesbeida before and we planed to do it.
for the backup, i'm not sure. i will consult 3k about it.
thank you for your concern.

【在 s***n 的大作中提到】
: Hi, thanks for your long response, your english is fine, understandable.
: I understand you have spend a lot of time on this.
: First, I don't think keep a duplicate copy of a short article (several Kbytes)
: is a big deal. The whole part of 原创精选 is less than 100K,I think.
: Second, to put everything under the author's name is just too mechanical.
: Since we were trying to make difference between a good article and a soso
: article by selecting something out of that.
: And this effort is made not just by me.

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