文西代码6# Reader - 书香世家
1 楼
Even at a modest sixty kilometers an hour, the dangling front bumper of the
armored truck grated against the deserted suburban road with a grinding roar,
spraying sparks up onto the hood.
We've got to get off the road, Langdon thought.
He could barely even see where they were headed. The truck's lone working
headlight had been knocked off-center and was casting a skewed sidelong beam
into the woods beside the country highway. Apparently the armor in this
"armored truck" referred only
Even at a modest sixty kilometers an hour, the dangling front bumper of the
armored truck grated against the deserted suburban road with a grinding roar,
spraying sparks up onto the hood.
We've got to get off the road, Langdon thought.
He could barely even see where they were headed. The truck's lone working
headlight had been knocked off-center and was casting a skewed sidelong beam
into the woods beside the country highway. Apparently the armor in this
"armored truck" referred only