p d james, the murder room# Reader - 书香世家
just finished the murder room. i actually like other two books of hers:
death in the holy order and death of an expert witness. i remember reading
here that her latest (the murder room) is the best yet.
well, for now it's just all jumbled up, mabye after a few days of wondering
about it on the train i'd appreciate it more.
btw, anyone have read the foutainhead? or any other of Ayn Rand's?
doesn't reading "murder room" in the subway take a bit courage?;P
never heard fountainhead ah. looks good from amazon reviews.. will get it for
a travel reading...heheh

【在 l***y 的大作中提到】
: just finished the murder room. i actually like other two books of hers:
: death in the holy order and death of an expert witness. i remember reading
: here that her latest (the murder room) is the best yet.
: well, for now it's just all jumbled up, mabye after a few days of wondering
: about it on the train i'd appreciate it more.
: btw, anyone have read the foutainhead? or any other of Ayn Rand's?

oh mine, have your travellings all planed out this year? ;)
the murder room is being sorted into perspective, mostly through time
in the subways. :)
the last two p.d. james' all take you through an emotional journey that's
releasing in the end. i wonder if them being so identical is a good
thing or a bad thing. and she does try to take on the somber subjects of
religion and class, i think that is remarkably brave, too.
if someone tells you the emotional poor are just as poor, would you laugh?

【在 or 的大作中提到】
: doesn't reading "murder room" in the subway take a bit courage?;P
: never heard fountainhead ah. looks good from amazon reviews.. will get it for
: a travel reading...heheh


it just happened that next week i'll take a short trip and most likely a
boring one. a thriller helps. ;P
no, you didn't say enuf. what's emotional poor? numb & unfeeling? urgh!


【在 l***y 的大作中提到】
: oh mine, have your travellings all planed out this year? ;)
: the murder room is being sorted into perspective, mostly through time
: in the subways. :)
: the last two p.d. james' all take you through an emotional journey that's
: releasing in the end. i wonder if them being so identical is a good
: thing or a bad thing. and she does try to take on the somber subjects of
: religion and class, i think that is remarkably brave, too.
: if someone tells you the emotional poor are just as poor, would you laugh?
: oo


yeah, someone recommanded that book and also atlas shrugged, you can check
out. --i normally read a few chapter before deciding, though, because there
books which everybody loves it but i just can't go past chapter 2, you know.
she wrote quite a few of those who avoid emotional engagements, because of
or too tired to care. i'm trying not to give away too much here. can't you
tell? :)

【在 or 的大作中提到】
: it just happened that next week i'll take a short trip and most likely a
: boring one. a thriller helps. ;P
: no, you didn't say enuf. what's emotional poor? numb & unfeeling? urgh!
: reading

I asked about Fountainhead in this board not long ago. Got several replies.
You can check them out.
Personally, I hate the book. =)
Ayn Rand is a big promoter of individualism. (To me it looks more like
big-head egoism). Her novel is more a preach of her philosophy than serious
literature. One may like or dislike her philosophy, but how anyone can call it
good literature is beyond me. Her writing is straightforward and flat(some
call it powerful), her characters one-dimention and totally predict

【在 l***y 的大作中提到】
: just finished the murder room. i actually like other two books of hers:
: death in the holy order and death of an expert witness. i remember reading
: here that her latest (the murder room) is the best yet.
: well, for now it's just all jumbled up, mabye after a few days of wondering
: about it on the train i'd appreciate it more.
: btw, anyone have read the foutainhead? or any other of Ayn Rand's?

i was also recommanded two books coming out of india, the god of small things
and shantaram. johnny depp is signed on to play in the movie adaptation for
the second book, and i hope the movie would get made.
i'm guessing or will like god of small things better than ayn rand's, based
on what you said. :P

hahaha. yeah, that's something p d james' not.

【在 t******l 的大作中提到】
: I asked about Fountainhead in this board not long ago. Got several replies.
: You can check them out.
: Personally, I hate the book. =)
: Ayn Rand is a big promoter of individualism. (To me it looks more like
: big-head egoism). Her novel is more a preach of her philosophy than serious
: literature. One may like or dislike her philosophy, but how anyone can call it
: good literature is beyond me. Her writing is straightforward and flat(some
: call it powerful), her characters one-dimention and totally predict

I read God of Small Things last year, and liked it. Haven't heard of
Shantaram. May check it out.
There are quite some good Indian writers. I also like Jhumpa Lahiri's
"Interpreter of Maladies".
Plan to read her new "Namkesake" soon.


【在 l***y 的大作中提到】
: i was also recommanded two books coming out of india, the god of small things
: and shantaram. johnny depp is signed on to play in the movie adaptation for
: the second book, and i hope the movie would get made.
: i'm guessing or will like god of small things better than ayn rand's, based
: on what you said. :P
: it
: hahaha. yeah, that's something p d james' not.
: wondering

who has the e-version sources of those books?


【在 l***y 的大作中提到】
: i was also recommanded two books coming out of india, the god of small things
: and shantaram. johnny depp is signed on to play in the movie adaptation for
: the second book, and i hope the movie would get made.
: i'm guessing or will like god of small things better than ayn rand's, based
: on what you said. :P
: it
: hahaha. yeah, that's something p d james' not.
: wondering

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