北大深圳研究生院材料学院招聘会 (转载)
北大深圳研究生院材料学院招聘会 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
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发信人: raisword (starsailor), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 北大深圳研究生院材料学院招聘会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 14 02:34:33 2012, 美东)
Room 102 in the Li Ka-Shing center at Stanford 招聘会由材料学院院长潘锋教授主持
Open Faculty Positions at School of Advanced Materials, PKUSZ
Peking University, Shenzhen (PKUSZ), is located in an ultra-modern
metropolitan area with a population of 10 millions near the border of Hong
Kong, having the one of highest per-capita GDP in China. As a contemporary
city in the Orient, Splendid Shenzhen is especially amiable for high-tech
professionals with ambitions. PKUSZ is targeted as a state-of-the-art
international institution for graduate students with a global vision. (
Our School of Materials Science and Engineering is a new and fast developing
division in PKUSZ. We are recruiting talented scholars from top
universities and research institutes in the world. Positions are open for
the following directions.
(a) The direction of new energy materials, such as a new high efficiency and
low cost thin film solar cell materials and applications, high-capacity
battery materials and system
(b) The direction of electronic information materials such as meta-materials
, materials for next-generation high-speed microelectronic and processes,
materials for new information storage media and optical communications and
(c) The direction of biomedical materials such as a new type of biomimetic
materials, drug delivery and biologically active materials, diagnosis and
treatment of materials
Candidates must have an earned doctorate in chemistry, physics, electrical
engineering, materials science,computational materials science or other
related field and demonstrated research expertise. The candidates will be
expected to develop interdisciplinary research programs with colleagues,
collaborating with the booming high-tech industry, taking advantage of the
generous incentive programs funded by the government. The candidates must
also be committed to teaching graduate courses. Interested applicants should
submit CV, the statement of research and teaching interests, and the
contact addresses of at least three references to Prof. Fred Pan ([email protected]