Zuora北京招聘Senior Java Developer, Techops Manager等多个职 (转载)
Zuora北京招聘Senior Java Developer, Techops Manager等多个职 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: wenniya (wenniya), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: Zuora北京招聘Senior Java Developer, Techops Manager等多个职位
关键字: Java,SAAS,Operation,UI,QA
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 18 23:10:25 2014, 美东)
我们是Zuora(祖睿科技), 目前硅谷最热门的SaaS公司。由来自Salesforce和Cisco (
现诚聘Senior Java Devleoper, Technical Operation Manager, Senior QA Engineer
, UI Design Engineer等多个职位
联系方式: s********[email protected]
skype: tracygraduate
Senior JAVA Developer
Job Description:
1. Design and develop Zuora’s next generation applications using a
combination of custom developed, open source, and off-the-shelf components.
2. Understand the platform needs of other functional areas, and provide
design and development assistance as required.
3. Advocate, document, and follow best design and development practices.
4. Be a software engineer guru, providing guidance and mentorship to other
members of the engineering organization.
1. Core Java developer with deep knowledge of threading, concurrency, and IO.
2. Strong knowledge and experience with relational databases, SQL, and JDBC.
3. Strong Object Oriented Analysis and Design skills.
4. Passionate about engineering, security, scalability, and complex-system
cost optimization.
5. Expert knowledge of JVM internals, MySQL performance/optimization, and
distributed systems.
6. Motivated self-starter, able to be highly productive working alone or in
a team. Must work well with limited supervision, capable of juggle multiple
priorities, and able to thrive in a fast-paced and demanding environment.
7. A good command of the English language, both spoken and written.
1. Degree in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering, or relevant
2. 5+ years experience as a Senior Software Engineer or Architect
specializing in backend, platform, or infrastructure development.
3. Experience with designing, developing, and supporting external APIs based
on REST.
4. Experience with distributed caching tiers.
5. Familiarity with queuing systems, asynchronous messaging, and JMS.J
Technical Operation Manager
In this role, you will be managing a mix of systems administrators and data
center with a constant eye on areas for dealing with the system
maintenance and data security and web unimpeded, and better visibility into
the data center health and reliability.
The tech ops manager must possess a solid understanding of the relevant
technologies, business processes, motivating factors, and organizational
goals, and must be capable of applying that knowledge to create measurable
positive change within the organization.
1. Serve as escalation point of contact for critical data and system issues,
and drive escalation/resolution of problems into Development and
Engineering teams
2. Address and work with team members day to day operations of all the Tech
ops environments utilized by customers as well.
3. Work to develop, track, and report on metrics that can be used to measure
the performance and effectiveness of the team
4. Communicate often with management on team status and any open issues,
making sure to escalate any concerns quickly and concisely
5. Become proficient in understanding how each software component, system
design, and configuration is linked together to form an end-to-end solution
Drive or participate in technical design reviews and/or operational
acceptance exercises for new and existing services
1. BS or MS degree in Computer Science, or a related field
2. 3- 5 years prior experience leading teams of system administration and
data center staff in a technical capacity with a strong operational focus
3. Experience administering Linux systems in a data center environment
4. Experience with Tomcats, Apache, LoadBalancers and Database)
5. Must have an understanding of building and managing large-scale systems
and application architectures
6. Prior experience with configuration and maintenance of common
applications such as Apache, memcached, MySQL, DHCP, SSH, DNS, etc.
7. Working knowledge of Linux, TCP/IP, and web services
8. Experience with Agile methodologies
9. Solid verbal and written communication skills
Bonus Points
1. You obsess about uptime, availability, and reliability. You are big into
owning and leading a team that is responsible for these, to deliver a world-
class service
2. You are proactive about everything. You believe in continual improvement,
and are the kind of person who treats failures as big learning
3. People who worked under you in the past describe you as one of the best
managers/leaders they ever had
4. You look at the big picture; think long term, while still delivering on
short term
5. You are constantly looking at ways to automate, operationalize, and
standardize day-to-day work
6. You are excited by the opportunity of leading a team that are responsible
for making sure data center always available.
7. You are big into open communication and transparency, in everything that
you do, and every decision you make
UI Design Engineer
We are seeking a strong individual contributor with strong UI engineering
skills to work on our web-based user interface and also good at java back-
end skill. The role is for an engineer who is fluent in web development,
expert inJavascript/DOM, css manipulation, and capable of working with a
fast-moving and dynamic team across a whole series of disciplines to distill
lots of functionality into something simple and beautiful.
1. Must be able to quickly implement the prototype pages in HTML+CSS+JS base
on the design images.
2. Implement the UI to support I18N (internationalization) and L10N (
3. Implement the UI to support multiple browsers.
4. Handle the UI security vulnerabilities.
5. Optimise the UI performance.
6. Communicate with PM, UI architect, UE designer and engineer team for
1. 4+ years of experience with e-commerce, consumer or b2b web site
2. Good understanding of Web/SaaS business application
3. Drive collaboration with many sets of internal and external stakeholders.
4. Expert in JS (especially JQuery), HTML, and CSS, be able to work on
highly dynamic sites with a lot of interactive pieces.
5. Expert in I18N (internationalization) and L10N (localisation).
6. Expert level understanding of cross-browser development compatibility.
7. At least four-years of UX design/HCI experience in industry.
8. Professional, team player with strong interpersonal skills.
9. Passion for taking research findings and translating them into tangible
10. Expertise with design deliverables including interactive prototyping,
wireframes, mockups, etc.
11. Bachelor's degree in a technical field or other related area with
equivalent technical work experience.
12. Ability to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English.
13. Test-driven development experience necessary, is responsible for his own
unit tests.
Sernior QA engineer
Job Description:
The ideal candidate demonstrates a systems-level focus, while understanding
the impact of every component. You will design and execute end-to-end test
planning of user requirements, use cases, and technical specifications. You
will communicate with the project manager, developers, fellow QA engineers,
and other interest groups, both in Beijing and in the Silicon Valley office.
1. Design, write, and execute test cases and test plans.
2. QA environment setup.
3. Continuous test coverage, maintenance, and improvement.
4. Functional and non-functional test execution, including performance,
load, and scalability.
5. Implement automation test cases.
6. Functional and performance regression testing.
7. Product release sanity testing.
8. Provide initial investigation, reproducible steps, and more for L3
customer ticket support.
1. Degree in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering, or relevant
2. 5+ years experience as a QA engineer.
3. Fundamental skills in java, Unix or Linux, performance testing tools
such as jmeter.
4. Extensive knowledge of software/service testing and quality
5. Strong communication and collaboration skills.
6. Routinely demonstrates flexibility and is a highly-competent multi-
7. A good command of the English language, both spoken and written.
为什么加入 Zuora 北京?
业,就请加入我们。我们正在寻找愿意成为未来谷歌/微软/ IBM公司的前500名员工!
 深入了解并亲身打造基于云计算并完全服务于云计算的软件产品
 学习和使用新技术:Cloud Computing, Multi-tenancy, Sharding, APEX,
BI, REST etc.
 置身于业界最佳敏捷实践当中,享受敏捷开发带来的成功体验
 参与定期举行的最新云计算相关技术交流、探讨,快速掌握最新前沿科技
 超过3万个自动化测试用例,让你放心重构
 富有竞争力的薪酬, 股票期权
 在快速成长的团队中获得自身职业生涯的非凡成长——2010团队规模双倍增
 友好的公司氛围,人性化工作制
 硅谷总部的工作与访问机会
 前Salesforce首席营销官, Salesforce的创始工程师
 思科高级技术专家(网迅),Zuora创始人
 前微软硅谷搜索实验室高级主任
 由3位毕业于斯坦福、2位毕业于伯克利的MBA,组成的产品管理精英团队
 来自谷歌,甲骨文,微软,思科,亚马逊的技术专家
1. 完善的保险制度,五险一金+补充医疗
2. 员工的子女同样享受公司提供的补充医疗保险
3. 员工每年最多15天年假,3天带薪病假
4. 轻松的办公环境,有需要的情况可以在家办公
5. 节日及生日礼物和生日party
6. 每年两次旅游
7. 员工健身计划
8. 每天免费的零食,水果和饮料
9. 协助员工办理工作居住证,可以免受缴税5年限制才可买房买车
10. 海归人员,可以办理北京户口