To Presidents of 5 universities (Columbia, TAMU, UF, IU, SHUFE)
To Presidents of 5 universities (Columbia, TAMU, UF, IU, SHUFE)# Returnee - 海归
Dear Professors,
Professor Neng Wang (Finance) at Columbia University, Professor Guoqiang
Tian (Economics) at Texas A&M University, Professor Chunrong Ai (Economics
) at University of Florida, and Professor Jian Huang (Statistics) at
University of Iowa, were hired by Shanghai University of Finance and
Economics while they were full-time employees of their affiliated
universities in the United States of America.
All these four professors were recruited into the Thousands-of-Talents
program of China. The Thousands-of-Talents program requires that a professor
should have a three-year contract with a host university, and, within each
year, he or she should spend at least six months in serving the host
university. Of course, the strict requirement is accompanied by a
compensation package. These professors violated some regulations and even
laws, of both China and the United States of America, because they hold full
-time positions at the same time in their affiliated universities. For
example, Professor Jian Huang had a 12-month compensation package from Iowa
University, during his three-year contract period.
All five presidents, Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia University,
Michael Young, President of Texas A&M University, Kent Fuchs, President of
University of Florida, Bruce Harreld, President of Iowa University, and
Liming Fan, President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,
should know the misconducts of these professors. These university presidents
have taken NO action to stop such an obvious violation of academic
integrity. The shameless nonfeasance of these university presidents together
fosters an international academic scandal. In particular, President Liming
Fan of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics should resign
immediately because of her brazen support of the recent renewal of deanships
of both Professor Neng Wang and Professor Guoqiang Tian. For the purpose of
damage control, Professor Kyung-hee Choi, the former President of Ewha
Womans University in South Korea, performed much better than President
Liming Fan.
The blatant disregard for academic integrity of Professors Neng Wang,
Guoqiang Tian, Chunrong Ai and Jian Huang hurts both the higher education
system of China and the international academic community as a whole. These
virulent professors are simply gold-diggers, and their activities in China
have only one conspicuous consequence, destroying the next generation of
college students. Consequently, we believe that, Shanghai University of
Finance and Economics does not need these greedy professors, and American
universities may not need them either.
Finally, we expect that these five universities will launch a joint
investigation and find the truth behind the scandal as soon as possible.
A group of students from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
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【在 x**********n 的大作中提到】
: Dear Professors,
: Professor Neng Wang (Finance) at Columbia University, Professor Guoqiang
: Tian (Economics) at Texas A&M University, Professor Chunrong Ai (Economics
: ) at University of Florida, and Professor Jian Huang (Statistics) at
: University of Iowa, were hired by Shanghai University of Finance and
: Economics while they were full-time employees of their affiliated
: universities in the United States of America.
: All these four professors were recruited into the Thousands-of-Talents
: program of China. The Thousands-of-Talents program requires that a professor
: should have a three-year contract with a host university, and, within each
