一对中国老夫妇搭AA航班,在baltimore遇车祸 (转载)
一对中国老夫妇搭AA航班,在baltimore遇车祸 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: xaa7 (xaa), 信区: Military
标 题: 一对中国老夫妇搭AA航班,在baltimore遇车祸
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 5 16:40:28 2018, 美东)
I want to be clear that this is not about me. I am writing this to spread
word and find help for this couple. This is simply my account of what
happened. It is in the first person because this is all I know for sure.
Yesterday, I was on a flight that not only did not get us to our destination
but also failed to take care of its passengers. Two passengers were hit by
a pick-up truck because of it. I was the one who brought them their luggages
at the hospital. I was the one translating. I was the one taking care of
these passengers who were injured because American Airlines failed to take
care of its passengers and neglected these two passengers especially. I was
a passenger on American Airlines Flight 4664, flying from Minneapolis to
LaGuardia Airport on March 2nd, 2018. Our flight, among many others, was
redirected to Baltimore, where American Airlines shoved us onto buses
without bathrooms or food for 9 hours and where two older Chinese passengers
who spoke no English were severely wounded when let out for food and hit by
a truck.
Our attempted landing in JFK resulted in immense turbulence – passengers
were breathing into their paper bags and throwing up. As we were staring
down at New York below us, I felt the aircraft zoom back up and into the
airspace. We were headed for Baltimore.
We landed in Baltimore, Maryland at 2:15 pm. When we landed, we were ushered
off the aircraft and told to “get on buses to New York.” We were not told
where these buses were, how to get to them, how long they would take, or
what an alternative solution was. There was no sign of accommodation for
elderly, pregnant, disabled, or non-English speaking passengers. Flights
from Detroit, Minneapolis, Nashville, all over the country, were being
ushered onto these buses. No one was helping any of us. When we got onto the
bus, it was a fight for seats, and a fight for outlets. No one saw a single
outlet. Google Maps told us the trip should take four and a half hours.
This would absolutely not be the case.
About an hour into the trip, a woman ran to the front and asked the bus
driver, “what do we do if we need to go to the bathroom?” He yelled, and
she ran back to her seat. An hour later, we were stuck on the Interstate, he
opened the bus door and several people unloaded out onto the emergency rail
side of the road to pee. Often, the bus would keep rolling as we peed and
had to run to catch up to the bus. This was our choice of bathroom for the
next ten hours.
At this time, an older Chinese couple two rows in front of me approached me.
The older woman looked at me and said in Chinese, “are you Chinese?” I
smiled and nodded. She looked relieved. She pulled open an A4 sheet of paper
from her pocket. On it were Chinese questions with their Google Translated
English approximations, “Where is taxi stand?” “How I call a taxi?” and
“My gate is (__.) Please help me.” She looked at me and smiled, “I am so
thankful you can help me. Where are we?"
For the rest of the trip, neither her nor her husband said much. They sat
there for ten hours straight without using the restroom or eating anything.
They spoke to me only briefly to ask me if there was any update about an ETA
. They had no internet service so I kept using Google Maps to help them. No
one else was helping. What were they supposed to do when they didn’t speak
English? How would any other person who was not able-bodied, who was
pregnant, who was a child, or with a young child supposed to handle this?
How would they have gotten through it?
Ten hours into the bus ride, we had only travelled 30 miles. Two trucks had
flipped over the bridge because of winds, so all the bridges were closed. We
were stuck in traffic and not moving a single inch. At this point, a
passenger went up to the bus driver to ask what was going on, and we were
informed, by a PASSENGER that we were turning around and going back to the
BWI airport at Baltimore, MD. We were not told how we would get to New York,
if we would have a place to stay or anything at all. Everyone was on the
phone trying to get American Airline. No one got an answer. It was not just
incompetence. It was absolute negligence. Suddenly the bus turned around and
stopped. We had stopped in front of a McDonald’s in a parking lot. The
door opened and we were told to “get out and get food and go to the
The McDonald’s was packed. Everyone was running to the toilet. The wind was
so strong we had a hard time seeing. There was an Applebee’s and a Shop
Rite across the way. Several of us wanted to run across the way to get food.
We were not told when to get back on the bus, when the bus would leave.
Nothing. The Chinese couple got off the bus with me. Unable to speak any
English, they followed me to the McDonald’s where the husband went to the
bathroom. After I realised how packed it was, I told them we should go to
the Applebee’s to get food. At the Applebee’s, the wife and I went to the
bathroom, and saw how crowded it was. I told them we should go to Shop Rite
to get some food, but it was so windy. The weather was so bad, they told me
they were going to head back to the bus and wait for me there.
Shop Rite was closed. I was scared the bus would leave. I ran so fast I
couldn’t breathe with the wind blowing in my face. As I ran across the road
, I saw a truck stopped in front of a body on the ground. And then another
car and then another body on the ground. There was blood. Both bodies were
face down. They were an entire length of a car apart.
When I get back to the bus, they were not there. Ten minutes passed, no one
came. Fifteen passed. Then twenty. I was beginning to feel nauseous. The bus
driver got up and said, “does anyone think anyone is missing?” There was
no roll call. I immediately ran up to the driver and said, “there are two
passengers missing. I think… I think they might be the two people who were
run over there. By the car. Can I go look?” The door opened, and I ran down
and sprinted over to where all the ambulances and police cars were. The
bodies had been taken away. I asked the police, “was the couple an elderly
Chinese couple who did not speak English?” The police nodded, “do you know
anything about them?”
I told them everything I knew. I told them the last person the couple called
on their cell phone was their son in New York who they were visiting. I
gave the cop my number and told him to call me for anything, and to let me
know if he got any news about them. When I ran back to the bus, I was in
hysterics. I was crying and blurted out the news. The bus was confused, the
bus driver was shocked. But then we left. No one contacted American Airlines
. The bus just picked up and drove away, back to the BWI airport. I called
the hospitals in Baltimore. I finally got in contact with Bayview hospital
where I tracked the couple down.
When we got back to the airport, no one took care of their belongings. I
picked up the backpack and carry on they had on the bus. When we got off,
their checked baggage was just left on the sidewalk. No one took care of it,
so I did. I took all of their belongings along with mine and went into the
airport where I tried for fifteen minutes to tell someone, “two of your
passengers were run over by a truck.”
When I finally got a counter and told them what had happened, I was ushered
secretly to a back room that was locked by a pin. I told them to call
Bayview. I told them the passengers’ last name. I told him they only spoke
Chinese and where the accident was. I told him I had all their luggages and
would be willing to take it to them because AA clearly would not take care
of anything. I was told I would be given a ride to the hospital but would
have no way back. I was told they had an interpreter at the hospital present
. I was told to take a train instead of a flight out.
I was put onto a taxi to go to the hospital. Midway through the ride, I was
told by the cab driver, Raphael, that he was not given money for toll, so he
would not be able to go to the hospital or pick me up. He stopped on the
side of the highway and spent 20 minutes calling the airport and his boss
for toll money. I had just lost my wallet and had nothing to give. But how
could an airline leave a passenger stranded when they were just trying to
help when no one in AA was helping at all?
I was told I would have 30 minutes at the hospital. When I finally located
the two passengers, they were in separate rooms in the hospital ER unit.
There was no interpreter. There was no one helping. When I got into the room
, the husband kept asking, “where is my wife? Where is my wife?” He had
been told nothing about his conditions or where his wife was or how he was
doing. There was no one giving him any information whatsoever. They had not
even identified him. I spent the next 40 minutes translating for the doctors
and the nurses. Telling them where the pain was for him and asking about
both of their injuries. The husband had suffered severe fractures to his
spine and neck and the wife had been hit straight in the head and was
unconscious. She was going to need eye surgery among other procedures.
I left them their belongings, left my phone number as the primary contact,
and told them to call me if they needed any help with translation or
anything. American Airlines had not contacted them or sent anyone. When I
left, the wife was covered in blood and unconscious. The husband asked me to
stay, he said he had no relatives nearby and would really appreciate the
help because he really couldn’t understand what anyone was saying. I called
the son who told me he was driving on the way from New York. He asked me
for any information I had because he was told by the hospital he had to
prove his identity and that he was their son to get any information from
I gave him my number to call for anything he might need and left at around 4
in the morning to go back to Baltimore. On my way back there, the cop who I
had spoken to at the crime scene called me. He told me they tried to unlock
their phone but could not do so and so tried to call AA. American Airlines
did not pick up at all and so he spent 45 minutes trying to call every
Chinese consulate he could get ahold of before he finally spoke to someone
at the San Francisco Chinese consulate who contacted the embassy who found
their son. He told me that little bit of information I gave them was
immensely helpful because they had no knowledge of who they were at all.
American Airlines had told them nothing and had not even attempted to locate
them. Why would they have? They had no idea where their passengers were.
I was given a place to stay and told to find my way back to the airport in
the morning where I had to buy a train ticket out. All of the trains were
sold out. I slept for three hours on and off until I had to wake up to the
go to the train station. When I got there, all the trains had been cancelled
or delayed. I didn’t have any money and had to find my way back to the
airport where I was told I could not get on a flight back because it was all
I finally got back to New York city late this afternoon. After most of us
had been told to sleep in the airport on the floor and most travel plans
were cancelled. I was not contacted by AA at all. I called Bayview and the
couples’ son several times in the past 24 hours, and have since filed a
complaint. About an hour ago, I was contacted by AA on the phone. I was
offered a “$500 gift voucher from American Airlines as a symbol of our
gratitude.” I was told they would like to improve for future situations. I
was told they were “doing what they could.”
That is bullshit. AA did absolutely nothing. They’ve tried to silence me
and pay me off. They’ve tried to say they were helping with interpreters
and personnel and communication but they’ve not only been non-communicative
but negligent, ignorant, and disgustingly irresponsible.
The last I heard, the husband is in surgery to try and repair the nerves in
his spine to make sure he has functional brain use. They are not sure if he
will. The wife was still in surgery and both are in critical condition.
American Airlines is liable. On the phone last night, the son asked me, “I
don’t know if it was the fault of the truck driver or the airline, but I
might need to talk to you more soon.” I said to him before he finished
speaking, “It was the airline. You have to take legal action. American
Airlines is the one who has to pay.” And a $500 voucher will do nothing to
silence me.
I am not sharing this to gain sympathy or compliments. But I want more
people to know about this. I want more people to know about what American
Airlines did not do and ignored. And I want this family to receive the
compensation and support they need and deserve at this time, especially if
and when they take legal action and need all the help they can get.
(译者注:原文作者Stefani Kuo 郭佳怡,可以在Facebook联系到)
美利坚航空公司American Airlines (以下简称AA)
还有一家Applebee’s和一家Shop Rite,一些人便想过街去买食物。我们没有被告知应
了厕所,然后发现这里也人满为患。我建议去Shop Rite买东西吃,但是外面风太大了
Shop Rite关门了。我担心车会开走,所以就跑着回去了。风很大,吹在我脸上的时候