Re: 研究发现中国每年空气污染死160万 (转载)
Re: 研究发现中国每年空气污染死160万 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: qwgg (no nickname), 信区: Military
标 题: 研究发现中国每年空气污染死160万
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 8 14:23:56 2018, 美东)
Study Links Polluted Air in China to 1.6 Million Deaths a Year
BEIJING — Outdoor air pollution contributes to the deaths of an estimated 1
.6 million people in China every year, or about 4,400 people a day,
according to a newly released scientific paper.
The paper maps the geographic sources of China’s toxic air and concludes
that much of the smog that routinely shrouds Beijing comes from emissions in
a distant industrial zone, a finding that may complicate the government’s
efforts to clean up the capital city’s air in time for the 2022 Winter
The authors are members of Berkeley Earth, a research organization based in
Berkeley, Calif., that uses statistical techniques to analyze environmental
issues. The paper has been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed
scientific journal PLOS One, according to the organization.
According to the data presented in the paper, about three-eighths of the
Chinese population breathe air that would be rated “unhealthy” by United
States standards. The most dangerous of the pollutants studied were fine
airborne particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, which can find their
way deep into human lungs, be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause a host
of health problems, including asthma, strokes, lung cancer and heart
The organization is well known for a study that reviewed the concerns of
people who reject established climate science and found that the rise in
global average temperatures has been caused “almost entirely” by human
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The researchers used similar statistical methods to assess Chinese air
pollution. They analyzed four months’ worth of hourly readings taken at 1,
500 ground stations in mainland China, Taiwan and other places in the region
, including South Korea. The group said it was publishing the raw data so
other researchers could use it to perform their own studies.
Berkeley Earth’s analysis is consistent with earlier indications that China
has not been able to successfully tackle its air pollution problems.
Greenpeace East Asia found in April that, of 360 cities in China, more than
90 percent failed to meet national air quality standards in the first three
months of 2015.
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The Berkeley Earth paper’s findings present data saying that air pollution
contributes to 17 percent of all deaths in the nation each year. The group
says its mortality estimates are based on a World Health Organization
framework for projecting death rates from five diseases known to be
associated with exposure to various levels of fine-particulate pollution.
The authors calculate that the annual toll is 95 percent likely to fall
between 700,000 and 2.2 million deaths, and their estimate of 1.6 million a
year is the midpoint of that range.
The Chinese government is sensitive about public data showing that air
pollution is killing its citizens, or even allusions to such a conclusion.
Though the authorities have gradually permitted greater public access to air
quality readings, censors routinely purge Chinese websites and social media
channels of information that the ruling Communist Party worries might
provoke popular unrest. In March, after a lengthy documentary video about
the health effects of air pollution circulated widely online, the party’s
central propaganda department ordered Chinese websites to delete it.
Much of China’s air pollution comes from the large-scale burning of coal.
Using pollution measurements and wind patterns, the researchers concluded
that much of the smog afflicting Beijing came not from sources in the city,
but rather from coal-burning factories 200 miles southwest in Shijiazhuang,
the capital of Hebei Province and a major industrial hub.
Promises to clean up Beijing’s air were a centerpiece of the nation’s bid
to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. The mayor of Beijing, Wang Anshun,
championed restrictions on vehicles in the city, and state news media
outlets lauded projects to replace coal-fired heating systems in urban areas
with systems that use natural gas and generate far less particulate
“We will improve the air quality not only for the Games, but also for the
demand of our people,” said Shen Xue, an Olympic gold medalist and
ambassador for the 2022 bid, according to a report last month by Xinhua, the
state news agency.
The Berkeley Earth paper showed, however, that to clear the skies over
Beijing, mitigation measures will be needed across a broad stretch of the
country southwest of the capital, affecting tens of millions of people. “It
’s not enough to clean up the city,” said Elizabeth Muller, executive
director of the organization. “You’re going to also have to clean up the
entire industrial region 200 miles away.”