给五毛提供一个劝归的理由 (转载)
给五毛提供一个劝归的理由 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thex (耗子), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 美国最可怕的不是儿童的医疗绑架,而是对成年人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 19 10:12:52 2018, 美东)
Another Boston area woman’s life has been cut short after elder “
protective” services and guardians became involved. The story of Alice
Julian’s medical kidnapping is shocking and horrifying in that it shows the
almost omnipotent power of the state to override the decisions made by a
citizen in preparation for their latter years.
Alice Julian had a strong will to live. She was described as an “
exceptionally healthy” 89 year old woman before being seized and drugged
against her will. Her daughter Pamela Julian fought valiantly to save her
life, but the strength of a group of Guardians, lawyers, and Jewish Family
and Children’s Services proved to be too great a hurdle to overcome.
She died on the morning of January 9, 2018. This was 4 days after the death
of Beverley Finnegan.
Pamela Julian told Health Impact News that she learned that people in
guardianships have no rights, and that once they are in that system:
There’s no way out.
Jewish Family and Children’s Services was involved with Beverley’s medical
kidnapping as well as that of Marvin Siegal and Mary Frank, all of whose
stories we have covered at Health Impact News.

: 那你也坚决巴回国
