an email aboutstartup funding.# StartUp - 创业
1 楼
We are SERAP (Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme) which is
a funding support for technopreneur start-ups offered by the Innovation
and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region. In the past two years, we have funded nearly 80 companies
ranging from environmental technology, advanced materials,
electronics, information technology to biotechnology.
We provide up to HK$2 million funding to each approved project but
we neither take equ
a funding support for technopreneur start-ups offered by the Innovation
and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region. In the past two years, we have funded nearly 80 companies
ranging from environmental technology, advanced materials,
electronics, information technology to biotechnology.
We provide up to HK$2 million funding to each approved project but
we neither take equ