Gold, bitchez!!# Stock
Blast past 1400 riding on the silver 18-wheeler barreling down the street.
..."gold earns no interest, gold is a bubble, gold is speculation...bla bla
Just to add to the chorus *_^ since these talks were there from [email protected]$800.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Blast past 1400 riding on the silver 18-wheeler barreling down the street.
Is ratio of gold vs silver roughly raound 1:50 in 100 years average?

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Blast past 1400 riding on the silver 18-wheeler barreling down the street.
no. 1:20 is a normal one

【在 c***m 的大作中提到】
: Is ratio of gold vs silver roughly raound 1:50 in 100 years average?

My favorite: "But you cannot eat it!"

【在 I******a 的大作中提到】
: ..."gold earns no interest, gold is a bubble, gold is speculation...bla bla
: bla."
: Just to add to the chorus *_^ since these talks were there from [email protected]$800.


Considering silver has been consumed while all gold ever mined is still
there, silver should have bigger potential based on supply & demand. Then
again during Weimar debacle 1 OZ gold could get 150 OZs silver, which was
completely out of the historical ratio.
One interesting observation was that back then lots of wealthy Germans
rushed into metals. Since it took 15-20 units of silver to match 1 unit
gold in wealth they piled in onto gold as it's easy to carry if they had
to flee Germany, which sent demand of gold out of whack.
It'll be interesting to see how gold and silver will play out this time
around when it's US turn to go Weimar. Yikes!!

【在 g******n 的大作中提到】
: no. 1:20 is a normal one
hehe 我唯一正指的一次, 虽然我啥都没赚到:
发信人: wavelets (Stay hungry, stay foolish), 信区: Chinook
标 题: 大捞金子吧
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 1 23:22:02 2010, 美东)
Ok, 1:20. Now gld stand 135, then slv should be no more than 10. But why slv
is around 25?
Neverlearn: I know you are the hater to gld/slv, I use it just to compare
the price between them.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Considering silver has been consumed while all gold ever mined is still
: there, silver should have bigger potential based on supply & demand. Then
: again during Weimar debacle 1 OZ gold could get 150 OZs silver, which was
: completely out of the historical ratio.
: One interesting observation was that back then lots of wealthy Germans
: rushed into metals. Since it took 15-20 units of silver to match 1 unit
: gold in wealth they piled in onto gold as it's easy to carry if they had
: to flee Germany, which sent demand of gold out of whack.
: It'll be interesting to see how gold and silver will play out this time

They were talking about the ratio between gold and silver, not GLD and SLV.
I believe one share of GLD is worth 0.1 ounce of gold, while one share of
SLV tracks 1 ounce of silver.


【在 c***m 的大作中提到】
: Ok, 1:20. Now gld stand 135, then slv should be no more than 10. But why slv
: is around 25?
: Neverlearn: I know you are the hater to gld/slv, I use it just to compare
: the price between them.

PET kicked in today. Unloading starts.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Considering silver has been consumed while all gold ever mined is still
: there, silver should have bigger potential based on supply & demand. Then
: again during Weimar debacle 1 OZ gold could get 150 OZs silver, which was
: completely out of the historical ratio.
: One interesting observation was that back then lots of wealthy Germans
: rushed into metals. Since it took 15-20 units of silver to match 1 unit
: gold in wealth they piled in onto gold as it's easy to carry if they had
: to flee Germany, which sent demand of gold out of whack.
: It'll be interesting to see how gold and silver will play out this time


Tuesday is the COT cutoff day and PET likes to take actions when their
activities don't have to show up in COT immediately.
The interesting part is the bulk of today's sell-off started after CRIMEX
closed. That's not how a rigging is usually done, which is puzzling. May
be PET pulled off a new trick we've not figured out, or maybe silver went
up too fast and some weak hands took profits as the broad market slumped.
I'll watch closely where I can add more positions. Dips in a bull market
should be bought, we just have to read them correctly.

【在 I******a 的大作中提到】
: PET kicked in today. Unloading starts.
Yeah the timing today is a bit odd.
But they got the bigger machine, so I supposed they smelled something time
and volume wise.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Tuesday is the COT cutoff day and PET likes to take actions when their
: activities don't have to show up in COT immediately.
: The interesting part is the bulk of today's sell-off started after CRIMEX
: closed. That's not how a rigging is usually done, which is puzzling. May
: be PET pulled off a new trick we've not figured out, or maybe silver went
: up too fast and some weak hands took profits as the broad market slumped.
: I'll watch closely where I can add more positions. Dips in a bull market
: should be bought, we just have to read them correctly.

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