5 楼
7 楼
stay away,这个调整可以最后会破1500.
12 楼
It's in the hand of western central bankers how much lower they can rig
it. 100-DMA is a little too close, 200-DMA is a bit too far, 150-DMA is
a likely candidate. Also pay attention to news, they don't attack gold
and silver this desperately w/o an urgent reason behind it.
One thing I do know is that you have to buy this dip, and buy physical
only. Buy and hold it tight. Stay away from GLD and SLV papers.
it. 100-DMA is a little too close, 200-DMA is a bit too far, 150-DMA is
a likely candidate. Also pay attention to news, they don't attack gold
and silver this desperately w/o an urgent reason behind it.
One thing I do know is that you have to buy this dip, and buy physical
only. Buy and hold it tight. Stay away from GLD and SLV papers.
No, Hedge Fund is not prepared for the poor问大家一个关于基金的问题今天该不会高开低走吧?marketwatch,你敢接么?2.2 million joke我为什么说老马说的是对的海外最好的股坛是哪里?老马,和她的小伙伴们TVIX目前是不是比TZA相对安全点?The blue chip of blue chips GE is a loser老马啊,futures捧你归捧你,但你让她投资你的基金,一块钱她88现在小道消息不少啊哪位大侠能帮忙算一下我的OPTIONS的PROFITS?炒股是炒未来,大家有什么好新概念蒂芬和大夫…中概利好出尽了Tech Co went from 1 billion to 15 mil请有意为大家服务的版友去申请板斧尼玛,股版咋乱七八糟的,甚么烂帖都有老马张嘴闭嘴,基金,十亿,2%的管理费