交作业 (心得)Re: shishishishi~{=;K0KY3I4s7(~} resident or non?F1+H1, File 1040 with standard deduction and tax treaty-from IRS replyRe: 低级问题填报Form843Re: ask question about tax reduction for buying computerRe: is it wage or self-employ?Re: Income from freelance work报税吗?Re: 请教--我的caseRe: F1填1040NR可以吗?Re: 为什么bonus的税要比正常工资的税高?税表大全 ---- A Road Map for an Individual抯 Tax Return交作业 8833 表IRS reply to F1->H1 (H1 days > 183)Re: TA/RA的收入也属于Grants (from Pub. 515), 因而可以全免交作业 H1+F1 (attachment 1)Re: 银行利息不用报税吧。关心1040 + TAX TREATY 的看过来.Re: Help: scholarship reported as wages in W-2SUMMARIES